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Mind Character

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Everything posted by Mind Character

  1. Lol.. don't head down this dark path... In case you want to walk that dark path. ,.. Answer this: What came first the chicken or the egg? The poor coaching or the poor player execution?
  2. Baker great recognition of the one on one Baker stared that down the whole time... in reality you want to hold middle field eye discipline then come back.. Didn't matter b/c a LB was on Harris.. Still a great read and throw.
  3. That was a terrible call.. how do u not check out of that..
  4. Why would Baker toss that ... it's a lot of "presnap no matter what i'm doing this"
  5. This is Our Team Coming Out of a Bye Week... Think of that...
  6. Indeed... Let's see what this team is made of.. It's the 1st quarter... Fight the rest of the game...execute the rest of the game...
  7. "Freddie gets us." Just go back and replay the "if you don't wear brown and orange clip" ... it proves he was the right guy for the job
  8. @Hunter2_1 Mentally weak and yall are in the Browns cheeks right now.. lol. Enjoy the thrown of ease pats life you sick, lucky bastards...
  9. We can't survive and weather through the storm... one miscue unleashing more... The real test now is if this team comes unraveled in post-game comments..
  10. The good news is we don't need to "woe is me", "here we go again", hold our heads down.. this game is still for the taking.. the game was not lost on those plays... We just need to go take it and execute now. A score here and we're back
  11. Had to step away... saw chubb fumble and them take it back for a TD. How did they get the ball back so soon after that?
  12. Come on Baker!!! Put it together. Elevate the team. Show us some magic.. this could be the one. The Pats haven't played anyone.. make them BBQ Chicken..
  13. Greg Robinson is tied-15th in Penalties (5); tied-43rd in QB hits allowed (1 QB Hit) and tied-21st in QB pressures allowed (4) according to PFF elite. Chris Hubbard has been worse. And when you take into account the film and watching Eric Kush get pushed into Baker's lap and into his line of sight repeatedly Kush has been worse as well imo. I think what drives the dominant belief in Robinson as being some next level terrible Tackle is: 1.) That when he sucks and is bad they are catastrophically terrible plays that are memorable, 2.) He had the stigma of being terrible and a bust early in his career, 3.) He gets penalties at inopportune times, 4.) At least for this year, Robinson being kicked out of a game coupled with the fact that the offense has struggled means that when searching for someone to blame it's easier to find a player that has been known in memory to be trash either in the past before he got here or in flashes when he's been catastrophically bad for the Brown, 5.) He's just not a consistently good player. The fact is if you watch Tackle play around the league Robinson is average to above average, but one thing can't be overlooked: He's a force in run blocking. He has been scapegoated for the OLine's ills if he is the only one benched and not Chris Hubbard or Eric Kush. So, if other people are committing errors and not held accountable for their errors but Greg Robinson is then that to me is the very definition of being scapegoated for our offensive struggles. No way around it. Now, with the league being how it is one can understand why he is being benched and Freddie not fired and Baker not benched, but that doesn't mean we can't call it for what it is. If it's a meritocracy and player's get benched for poor performance heading into and out of the bye week then also bench Eric Kush, Chris Hubbard, and Antonio Callaway as well. Robinson was never the guy never the longterm solution, but if he needs benching so do Hubbard, Kush, and Callaway.
  14. Forbes Designated to return from I.R. is allowed to practice now but not eligible to play until week 10 I believe.
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