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Mind Character

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Everything posted by Mind Character

  1. The Jarvis one yesterday is not is classified the same way as the Callaway and Hilliard one. And yes, the point that not all the INTs are on Baker is a valid one.
  2. Heard one of the PFF guys say they had 4 officially classified as tipped off a Offensive Players hands; Football Outsiders guy has it as 5. Beckham needs to get his eyes back to the QB quicker and more focus out of the break instead of focusing on routes in la la land. Baker of course needs to be more accurate and has had a tendency even going back to last year of leaving balls inside on out breaking routes.
  3. Oh.. Preparing to ride the wave are we... A Safe and Wonderous Journey I Bid Thee ... It is Nigh ..
  4. And that time is in the off-season not during the season when the bullets are flying.
  5. Off-Season Priorities: 1.) LT 2.) RT 3.) Boundary/Speed/High Impact WR2 (We have to replace Callaway with a dependable impact player). This unlocks our offense imo. 4.) RG (Maybe it can be Teller but Kush who's played better in parts is not the long-term solution) 5.) Hybrid Dynamic SS (Morgan Burnett and Jermaine Whitehead aren't it despite splash plays here and there; Redwine could be). This unlocks our defense imo. 6.) CB1/CB2 full time replacements (I don't know if we'll ever be able to trust that Denzel Ward or Greedy to avoid injury for long stretches of the season). 7.) DE (Should be Genard Avery in situations but staff doesn't believe in him I guess; Olivier Vernon looks washed and like has no real juice left). 8.) Blocking-Receiving TE (RSJ looks good but he can't block; Njoku is our true 1 but we need another; Harris/Brown aren't it) 9.) DT (Sheldon Richardson is solid but not a major impact disruptive force). Devaroe and Ekuale provide good depth.
  6. It amazes me that they thought they'd just put it all together at Training Camp and be some super team without time on task. I get that OBJ was in France and Baker was getting married and shooting commercials, and I definitely believe players should enjoy their off-season, but to be Next Level like the Great QB WR tandems you have to put in Next Level work and Sacrifice. Michael Thomas and Drew Brees rented a house and left their significant others and loved one's for 1 and half weeks in the off-season just to do a film and route chemistry boot camp. This is after they already are "on the same page" with years of time on task and reps. Alvin Kamara came by for 4 days as did other receivers. Peyton Manning use to do similar stuff with with Reggie Wayne, Marvin Harrison, and his receivers for more than 2 weeks. Deshaun Watson, Nuk Hopkins, and Fuller lived at the facility this offseason and took trips together to ATL on the weekend to visit each others families and decompress then flew back to the facility to grind film and work on chemistry again when the work week started. Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. Baker, OBJ, Jarvis and co. have to have it in their mind that in order to beat the elite you have to outwork or at least match the time put in by the elite... and I'm not talking about a throwing session or two where camera crews are flown out to film everything.
  7. It is Nigh. This too shall be forgotten soon. After the Patriots game, beating up on the worst teams in the NFL will make all who ride the wave feel like world-beaters once more. Freddie will soon be the heralded as King.
  8. "It's not that simple. Actually, it's simple: It's on Callaway and the ball was slightly inaccurate and Baker was minimally at fault." Lol. The Spirit of what you were saying with your post is absolutely true though as it's been a bevy of things all working together with different people at different times performing poorly to lead to our losing results.
  9. Using one's mind to think. Looking at the evidence from a more representational on-field play dynamics perspective (All-22 full speed) instead of the TV copy depth of field and speed distortion or slow motion = Over-analyzing. Got it. Thanks. Good times.
  10. Watch the All 22. You're out of your mind if you think some regular joe is making that catch. I hate that you all are going to make me waste time cutting a clip of the All 22 and freeze sequencing it... smh... It was a bad and very inaccurate pass. Callaway has to somehow make that catch. It's in no way completely on Callaway. I hate you all. lol.
  11. No, that frame is selective evidence and a distortion of what actually happened on many accounts. 1.) Freeze framing that where you have and saying "it hit him in his chest" again distorts what actually happened in real time as Callaway was in a dead sprint and the fast ball hit him on his lower thigh behind him but his attempt to reach back and pull it in brought the ball upwards (as we saw it popped up in the air). In no way shape or form did it hit him in his chest or in his hands and to suggest otherwise is just selective evidence presentation or interpretation. 2.) That sideline angle doesn't give a true accounting of the depth of field as it looks like the front of his knees and the ball are on the same plane. They were not at all that ball is far behind. All-22 Angle gives a better look at how far the ball was behind Callaway and how he not only had to reach back, stop his forward momentum but also go low. 3.) Once again, freeze framing or slow motion from TV angle doesn't paint a picture of the fastball and where it was located relative to where Callaway was positioned.
  12. Takes 2 to make a play. It's on Callaway to make a play. It's on Baker to be accurate. It's on them both. Most give Baker a pass on that one. To me, that's a bad low, behind, fastball. Callaway has to make that play. He's paid millions of dollars to make it, but I just don't see how that's not on Baker at all.
  13. Fields ain't it for the next level. Mental trigger is too slow and he doesn't see the game well and throw with anticipation. Baker has time. This season could be the wake-up call for Baker to put in the time in the off-season. We might give Lincoln Riley or Matt Rhule 20 million a year to be our HC next year. Mid-way into year 3 we'll know for sure.
  14. Focusing on the INTs off of RBs/WRs hands misses the general point: that is, that Baker has been inaccurate, scattershot with his ball placement, thrown fastballs instead of layering the ball, made poor decisions with the ball with misreads missing open receivers, faded back and right when he needed to stay in the pocket or step up. We can grant him that all the tipped catch INTs by RBs/WRs aren't his fault; even if we did so the issues go much deeper than that. He played a good game and battled today.
  15. True. But anyone criticizing Baker as playing poorly "just" b/c of the boxscore INTs likely isn't a person watching closely or with a thoughtful opinion in the first place. He's been unlucky for sure but his poor play goes beyond tipped catch picks. There's some room for subjectivity with TWP as the PFF guys have discussed on a few of their past 3 yotube episodes. There's also a difference between a tipped catch like we saw with Hilliard which to me is more catchable and a tipped catch like we saw with Callaway which is more uncatchable. Like Callaway's pick. It looks completely different in slow motion than in real time for a lot of people. To me, that's not a catchable pass as it was at was a fastball below his knees behind him on a dead sprint in route. Maybe a handful of elite WRs are catching that and they likely miss that catch given a few times at it. The slow motion doesn't take into account the speed and pace the ball was thrown with and where Callaway was at the point of contact. Callaway is paid millions to catch that and we should hope that he would, but the real point for him is that he could've settled down in that zone or got his eyes to the QB earlier.
  16. I know Baker was a lot older than a lot of the QBs that came out in his draft as well as even some from previous draft classes, but every single week Baker stands up there and is accountable in public statements. Every single week no matter what he takes ownership in the what needs to be improved. He battled out there today and did not give in or lay down. These are all things we knew about him coming out in the draft, but it's still something positive to rally around during these football adversity times. The next step play-wise is out there for him. He doesn't like offseason mechanics drilling and isn't obsessed with footwork and mechanics constantly going over them like Brees, Manning, and Brady. He's a solid worker but even Scot McCloughan noted before he officially joined the Browns that Baker was a good worker but relies on talent a lot like Favre but without the physical athletic gifts. Scot thought Baker unlike Favre was going to have to go all in on Film study, defensive recognition analysis, and all things Quarterbacking preparation. McCloughan, Wolf, Dorsey, and others believe Baker will be that relentless worker and go the extra mile like Brees. I just hope he will. I just hope that this season is the wake-up call that fuels him to take the next step. I hope that the 6 or 7 wins in the 2nd half of the season doesn't make him complacent thinking that his way is good enough. There's another level out there for Baker. He has the talent. Mah.. oh man... I hope he gets there.
  17. I hear you especially the people acting like they know for sure that Baker is going to keep regressing and be terrible. But setting aside this game and the boxscore stats, he's doing a more than struggling when compared to the play of his QB peers young and older alike. He's one of the worst QBs in the league this year. Statistically in a group of the worst with many starts, but statistics miss out on things like tipped INTs and contextual play factors. All in all he's been a bottom 5 starting QB with flashes. Team has to play better around him, and he's got to elevate his play. I thought he played well today and battled, but of course made some poor decisions and was inaccurate.
  18. Indeed. I'm not worried about him at all. Just a post regarding how much longer can we keep losing before things come undone internally. I have no clue, but I know on a team full of big personalities it can happen. In the past, when things don't go well one of the first people to do so has been Sheldon Richardson. Will be interesting if finger pointing or leaks start coming out assigning blame here or there. If it does, we're really in trouble. If not, it's a sign of the strength of the locker room and team.
  19. ruh roh... Leadership is starting to crack.. How much longer before the adversity does us in.. I'm cool with Landry walking out from the "if you don't have anything good to say don't say anything at all" camp.
  20. You're welcome. You know I'm always here for you. Like the great mystical force that's with us all.
  21. There are players playing today that were 1 or 2 years old in the 99s and 00s.. The team and organization is the byproduct of those who are present. Ineptitude is earned; it's a copout to attribute ineptitude and incompetence to some mystical force.
  22. Jarvis and Hilliard are two different scenarios imo. Hilliard's ball is worse. Jarvis can make the catch thrown to him but it's not a great ball either but all things considering it's a good ball.
  23. You're so close to writing the " Legitimate Versus Illegitimate Criticisms of Freddie Kitchens" Thread Your transformation is nearly complete .. give in... long post ... join up ...
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