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  1. 9-3-1 with Samuelsson in the lineup 3-10-0 without Love the scoring touch of the big guys but Sammy is quite literally one of the most important players on our team, no doubt. Stocked we got him for $4 mil a year because he's worth more than that today in my opinion.
  2. Ed. He came on late last year with Harry Phillips taking some blockers away from him. I think we can all agree that he's got even more talent around him this year on the D-line to alleviate the blockers that he's got to beat. Plus, it's getting close to that time for him to get paid (after the 5th year option of course)...so there's some extra motivation for him.
  3. Miami will be a tough out. I have confidence that we're the better team, but they seem to make it tough on us every now and then. I think we win this one because we still have the edge over teams with a lot of turnover, and I expect us to start fast out of the gate. I worry about our injuries and I'm hoping Milano and Edmunds practice tomorrow. While we're not necessarily playing the best offense in the world, I always feel better with one or both of them out there for us. Also, I do expect to see a little more action for Moss/Singletary to set up some play action passes. IS IT SUNDAY YET?!?!
  4. I may be in the minority here but I have no problems with Bass. The first missed FG was good, just went over the uprights so we couldn't review the play. The 2nd missed one was a laces out situation. That one is on the holder in my opinion. Bass didn't seem to have an issue with extra points and he's valuable on kickoffs. Of course my opinion could change with time, but give the rookie some time to get it right. If Beane and McD had the confidence in him to cut Hausch early in the competition, so do I.
  5. Haha, yeah I lurk too. I just don't post as much as I used to. I'm still around with y'all. Still love to hear the opinions.
  6. Honestly, I think we're better off having him as the OC for at least another year. I think some of the play calls are horrific, but I think there are more times than not where he has a good play call lined up, but we fail in execution. I think the fact that Allen loves him does him a world of wonders in the organization. Contrary to popular belief, Allen made major strides this season, and he's not even close to his full potential. Daboll should be able to get even more out of him next year. I believe that having Daboll in Allen's ear is the best thing for this offense, as it doesn't stunt his growth. Let's just all collectively hope Gore retires. That way we don't see any more runs up the middle with him on 2nd, 3rd, or 4th & 1. Is it just me or was Ivory 1,000X better than Gore? Why did we cut him?
  7. Hope Singletary's hammy is alright. I actually thought he may have been cramping up based on how he went from unable to walk to walking around on the sideline with his helmet a few minutes afterwards.
  8. Good start to the season. I was optimistic about this team before the season started and obviously had good reason to. I'm excited to see Josh progress through the season. He's looked as advertised so far and I want to see him be consistent. 2 good weeks in a row is a very positive sign for us. Like others mentioned, the Bengals are an inferior team...so we need to take advantage of them but not take them lightly. I think McDermott does a good job not letting the players get too high on themselves, so let's see how that works. The stadium will be ROCKING on Sunday.
  9. Yeah that was a weird situation. The Texans seemed like they thought they were going to get the guy from the Pats before they fired Gaine and ended up getting no one. Lol. If anything screams dysfunction, there it is! I thought Gaine actually did a good job there. Hope we can bring him back, but wouldn't be surprised if he ends up on another team's radar for GM.
  10. While I do find it hard to defend Housley at times, I don't think that he's most at-fault for this collapse. I think we have some players that keep making the same mistakes. When the players stick to the game plan, we seem to have success. I'd be all for getting a new Power Play coach after this year, because our PP is offensive to watch. Dropback passes on the PP should be illegal, btw. Steve Smith has done a great job with the PK. I just keep thinking that Housley is that type of coach that would get fired too soon and get a second shot in a couple years as a HC and light it up after learning from mistakes. He's a rookie too, and we'll continue to get nowhere if we continue firing coaches every 2 years. Oh, and Montour is a huge get. I love it. Unfortunately I think this could be the end for Risto as a Sabre. Rumor mill has been churning lately about him. Risto has always been one of my favorites.
  11. Trade deadline will be interesting. Botterill will not give up a 1st for a rental. They need more guys like Reinhart with a very high hockey IQ. It seems we get up to play the best teams in the league but fold when we play the teams we're supposed to beat. We have been for at least the last 4 years a mentally-weak hockey team and I think it's high time we find some new veteran leadership. I'm not saying take the C away from Eichel, but get some players in here that knows what it takes night in and night out to be successful. It's almost like our core is so young, they don't know what they don't know. It was that way under Nolan, Bylsma, and now Housley. I don't really see coaching as the problem here. Oh, and Risto and Bogo (#4 especially) need to do what they were brought here to do...and that's bring a physical nature to our game. We get pushed around more often than not. When's the last time Bogo actually got in a scrap?
  12. Man I wish I read this before watching the game! That's awesome, you saw a good game too. I went up north to catch the Sabres-Red Wings game last weekend. Got my brother and dad tickets as well, it was their first Sabres game. We had a great time and got the win.
  13. BUMP! We're going to have to back up a loomis truck to pay Skinner after this start. Man this is incredible. But this is they type of player the Sabres need to keep moving forward. If he weren't scoring, the Sabres definitely wouldn't have as much wins. So far, this season has been fun!
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