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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. If you missed out on a stud defender in FA, Kawann Short is there to make up for all your shortcomings.
  2. I get the implication he quit/left because he couldn't get newton on the contract he wanted. But i don't get the "Bid was invalid but he should've taken on the cap cost"
  3. C+P is your friend. Also thanks for confirming that nobody has ever done it and it is not a thing you can do. Also thanks for running this week's FA, tracking the bids etc.
  4. Name one time we've tracked dead money over multiple years, you pay the contract out all at once instead of over multiple.
  5. Can't tell if code for "reindeer ailment medicine" or not.
  6. I'm not saying we can't track it, I'm saying you shouldn't (Don't?) have that option.
  7. My understanding of why we never did this was because 1. it's long lasting and unchangeable (I.E future owners are impacted by this) 2. tracking debt from a player no longer on your roster is a massive pain. I can't remember a single instance of dead cap carrying over because you always pay it out in a single year. Whether that's double downing, cutting the contract, or trading them away.
  8. We don't track debt across multiple years.
  9. You cut a contract with a non 3-down you eat all of the contract at once. I.E If a player has 2 years 6,000 (3,000/yr) left you'd play 6,000 that year.
  10. I got no excuse, that's just stupid on my end. Bcb feel free to bid me up and take your player back, he is rightfully yours afterall.
  11. @bcb1213 congrats on winning Swearinger.
  12. @Hockey5djh congrats on winning harris.
  13. Bethesda put out FO76 because they wanted to keep the fallout property relevant and make $$$ while they work on their next 2 biggest titles, like TESO it's a game in the series but it's nto a mainline game. New Vegas is what fallout is supposed to be, FO76 isn't.
  14. There was 7 years between fallout 3 and fallout 4. Bethesda isn't going to wait 10 years for the next mainline fallout game. At minimum if they're too busy with TES6/Starfield they'll license it out to another developer (ala New Vegas) to keep the property fresh. I'd expect one around 2022 depending on when Starfield launches.
  15. C.J Mosley is overrated, he's good but he's not worth what he got from the jets.
  16. Mostly server glitches and login issues. The game runs pretty good but the occasional disconnect still happens.
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