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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. Yeah and we atone for those mistakes....Favre has atoned how...? Besides the media "I'm not a bad guy, I'm a victim too" tour. I'm sure he was a victim of his own greed at seeing an easy million and a nice little legacy boost for his daughter. You can acknowledge he did some truly awful things (remember this money goes to feed the poor, and all of it got stolen for vanity rich people projects) while remembering Parkinson's is terrible and the context he revealed it was to elicit sympathy so he doesn't get a felony charge or *Insert whatever charge is applicable* Muting this thread from now lol this isn't even about Favre anymore.
  2. You kill a killer the number of killers doesn't decrease. It's simple math. AND dexter ended terribly. Really need to re-watch that. Meh you can fantasize about murdering people all you want doesn't change the fact you're still a murderer. Also vigilante justice just gets us the crazy whackos trying to kill vigilantes. ANYWAY. Brett Favre really needs a much better PR guy cause holy **** he's struggling.
  3. And when an innocent person is convicted of murder? The point is to have sympathy for what led up to the conditions of murder while still realizing they're a terrible person for what they chose to do. When you murder other people who commit murder, you are no better than the murderers. Anyway football. MURDER IS BAD. Brett Favre deserves some sympathy as well since while he makes terrible choices and we can all sympathize with making terrible life choices. (Brett Favre's was not pulling out which led to his welfare fraud)
  4. It's gonna be weird being 2-2 and we somehow demolish the bills 33-17.
  5. Warner brothers is silently happy because someone else can't criticize their reboot of harry potter. For reals fantastic actress and lovely lady.
  6. Definitely a football player.
  7. Just like all football stats the nerds will ignore it to fuel their narratives and make their OWN stats that justify those narratives. Then you have your average football fan who can't spell passer. God bless the DVOA.
  8. Shoutout Malik Willis for being the best QB in the NFC north this season.
  9. Almost like he's embroiled in several potential lawsuits and investigations and wouldn't comment on anything that can be used against him. Say what you want about vince (total scumbag) but he knows how to weasel himself out of ****.
  10. Pirate Yakuza and Assassins creed shadows in the same month as monster hunter wilds. February gonna be busy god damn.
  11. There's managing fan expectations and then letting the next great coach walk out the door (rip Mike MacDonald) Sometimes you just need a reset but I feel like the ravens don't want that change because their identity is tied to being a run first defensive team and finding one of those coaches who is a GOOD coach is rare. If they're gonna take that swing it's gonna be a homegrown dude who is clearly the next in line (ala Bellicheck and Mayo) Harbaugh is signed through 2025 and I'd imagine this year is basically his audition year for an extension. There's never gonna be a day when the ravens fire Harbaugh but there will be a day when it's time to mutually part ways. Todd Monken ain't that dude, maybe Zach Orr but I feel like he hasn't had the experience yet. Which leaves Chris Horton as our most tenured coordinator. **** no. Likely we'll get a harbaugh extension by the end of 2024 that extends him through 2028-9 to finish out as the Ravens-Lamar era draws to a close and brings him to 20 years as the ravens coach. Unless **** hits the fan and we collapse entirely (entirely possible with injuries and if the o-line collapses and kills lamar) Harbaugh's our coach until I'd say at least 2028. At least we aren't ravens west cause holy **** that injury bug is AWFUL.
  12. It makes a ton of sense lmao. Cop show formulas have worked since the freaking 50s. Add in a bit of sci-fi decent budget and a solid crew ya got a solid show. GO PLAY THE ROBOCOP GAME. Is very good.
  13. If we stuck to this philosophy we'd probably win the AFCG we lost every metric and then lost the game. Penalties, turnovers, TOP, sacks, 3rd down efficiency, hell we even lost 1st downs from penalties (Great stat ESPN) the chiefs had 5. 70% of this is a coaching issue the rest is the refs and execution which is literally player dependent. Wanna know how many 1st penalties the cowboys got? 6. we got 0. Coaching is our issue and honestly I'm getting sick of the harbaugh b.s and yes we can't control the refs calling penalties but the players can be coached to not make it super obvious.
  14. Look at the volume from last year, we had more rushing attempts than passing attempts. (494 vs like 550?) Comparing 2020 (lamar's last fully healthy year) 406 to 555 We're trending that way but I feel like that's more of a using play action % from Monken's offense than anything tbh.
  15. It's gonna be really funny when Bryce Young throws for 300+ yards and 3 TDs and is the only QB to do that in week 15 or whatever.
  16. Ehhhhhhh not the biggest fan of the the patriots in the 90s and ownership wasn't exactly the smartest bunch of woodpeckers. https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1991-02-06-sp-914-story.html To the people who don't remember the 90s. Imagine Bill Clinton calling Monica a "classic b****" in a patriots jersey. Staying on topic, Parkinson's is a terrible disease (condition?) and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. May Brett favre be one of the first to start donating to parkinson's research cause lord that **** is more underfunded than the Welfare department in Mississippi.
  17. Despite everything Farve gave us one good thing. He beat New England in a superbowl and denied the patriots their at the time 1st super bowl victory.
  18. But can we mention why he was testifying in front of congress? https://www.cbsnews.com/news/brett-favre-mississippi-pharmaceutical-company-prevacus-state-welfare-funds/ He literally invested welfare money in a for profit "concussion treatment" nasal spray. https://www.clarionledger.com/story/news/local/2024/07/26/prevacus-ceo-jacob-vanlandingham-pleads-guilty-to-wire-fraud/74544821007/ That being said best of luck cause early onset Parkinson's is a hell of a thing to deal with.
  19. Yeah if harbaugh didn't have confidence in jackson he would've benched him for flacco in 2018 and never built the teams entire offensive identity around jackson. The confidence isn't the issue it's the fact Harbaugh is slacking in other areas. (Special teams...? Your Kicker having a technique ISSUE? WHAT) Seriously the fact we have the guy who was a holder for Tucker for a decade on staff and we're having "Technique Issues" is so beyond the level of stupid. Why change what works? What's the issue? Is Jordan Stout on crack or is it the special teams coach who clearly can't do his job. The defense crumbling in the 4th quarter under harbaugh seriously what in the actual **** is crumbling in the 4th quarter? It's been a thing for 3 seperate D-coordinators so it ain't them. I'll give Oor "learning the ropes" problem but this was an issue long before him.
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