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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. I regret cutting Buck Allen, the dude looks like he can be a feature back....and now Howard's injured and LeSean had a horrible week. Damn it.
  2. http://forum.walterfootball.com/forum/walterfootball-com-forums/forum-mock-draft-forum/3715802-bizarro-dynasty-league-2016-standings-and-schedule-thread https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Fub9mwEMjem8OD2jnYs3nHd8bovBGCPtwSleL-V60gU/edit <--- Actual standings.
  3. Mostly it's just to make sure people explain why they voted for a certain team in some of the games, I.E just do 4/8 games and you should be good.
  4. Congrats you have Darren Sproles 2.0, Jordan Howard will outrush him for most of the year though so eh.
  5. Man what an idiot. For the record, If the eagles don't win a superbowl it's more than likely because they couldn't get a team around wentz good enough to win one. But winning a superbowl 10 years after the trade for Wentz really doesn't make the trade that much better for the eagles.
  6. You drafted a defense and kicker too early but outside of that you got good-great players in good situations. Except Matt Forte, he sucks and has no upside. I'd suggest trading Allen Robinson when he has a good week since Bortortle will get benched before the season is over and he'll be incredibly inconsistent even with Bortortle.
  7. The VIking just cut their best lineman (Alex Boone) who I 3upped this offseason....why...
  8. Of course Tramaine Brock gets traded to the vikings where he'll be stuck behind Munnerlyn and Waynes... Damn you seahawks.
  9. Anyone can write up a "Script" It's not a legitimate leak.
  10. There's no season 8 leak. The actors haven't even gotten scripts yet so I doubt the hackers did.
  11. You could almost say ghost is a ghost of his former self.
  12. For Portland* Randy Gregory is suspended for the year. Tavon young is on IR. Owamagbe Odighizuwa Retired. Cameron Meredith will be IRed within 2 days so might as well.
  13. DE Charles Johnson 450 DE Michael Johnson 450 OG/C Ryan Jensen 450 Int Brent Urban 450 and thank you.
  14. He probably has the books/a book finished but HBO is making him wait for the show to be done to release the book. Wouldn't surprise me if HBO had something like that in place to protect the show. We'll probably never know why he took 7+ years to release the next book.
  15. There's confidence and delusions, be careful not to mix up the two. Plus Jordan Howard+Cameron Meredith> your Midget RB.
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