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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. They're a top 3 pick level bad but they're not historic.
  2. I swear these emoticons are older than me.
  3. I'll have you know I am very intellgent.
  4. My 4th stringer had 88%. So you admit it. lc'mon man you know I'm just messing with you.
  5. My 4th string QB had a better statline than your starter in week 1. I got depth.
  6. Eh I have depth at spots I can afford to trade.
  7. I just traded how many assets to you? I'm clearly not trade shy.
  8. I have actual immediate impact players to offer.
  9. Portland is also looking to acquire a CB or 2.
  10. Whick vs. Whick, who will burn out in the end, find out this Sunday.
  11. I needed to quickly run a SQL command to update a single row in an Oracle DB table at work. To my horror, it came back with “–2,378,231 rows affected. Horror can be short and simple, detailed stories need length and detail.
  12. I regret posting a word count now, can ya'll really not fight over a couple hundred words? Just skim the gameplan for the scheme and basics it's not that hard.
  13. People don't like long gameplans...well.... kinda added a bit more. 4,730 words 24,900 characters ]
  14. You are correct and I will be attempting to claim him this week 100%. Also here is a fun and relevant fact. Portland 2019 week 1 BDL gameplan: 861 words 4,758 characters Portland 2019 week 2 BDL gameplan: 1,942 words 10,446 characters (as of now) Portland 2018 week 1 BDL Gameplan: 775 words 4,237 characters Portland 2018 week 2 BDL Gameplan: 1,358 words 7,153 characters
  15. No if only because I never update it and I don't want you to waste your time in a feature few will use.
  16. Not a single satanic joke on page 666 I am dissapointed in BDL.
  17. I agree with you, was just laughing at the Xbox thing because they're owned by microsoft.
  18. Not making fun of you whicker, just the irony of this statement makes me chuckle.
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