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  1. Not targeted to anyone specific but generally there are a lot of people who think celebrating other groups means you are anti-main group. If you cant be pro anything worth a damn, you might as well be against something
  2. Are you sure you love your children?
  3. OhioG

    The Batman

    I didnt even think of this Good catch
  4. OhioG

    The Batman

    Also from reading this thread i feel like I got the vibe that for AG its Also any screen time to Zoe Kravitz is a 100% win. This is not up for debate
  5. OhioG

    The Batman

    Uhh if you are using that as a baseline, Batman as a whole is pointless. Plus Thomas Wayne has a giant philanthropic apparatus in the comics and it doesnt make a dent because of the rampant corruption.
  6. We are so screwed if DG goes down Literally have no other guys who can create
  7. Kyrie is coming back as a part time player. Ohio needs to pass a law by playoffs that un-vaccinated people cant enter stadiums.
  8. This team isn't going to do well in the playoffs but I believe we are going to make it this year. We need another person who can go get buckets outside of DG. Allen and Lauri are great in their roles. Any playoff push will involve Lauri living up to his potential and having a good balance of post/elbow scoring and 3 point shooting. Our bench is legit. Feels like when Love is off, Cedi & DWade contribute. Lamar is slowly developing a shot which will only add to bench scoring. We just need Windler to get that shot going. I hope this is just a slump for Ricky and not that Olympic team Rubio was the aberration. I am fully expecting Mobley to hit that rookie wall given how much JB plays our guys. Okoro is meh. Not much we can do with a guy who cant shoot.
  9. Guys it was a post for the lulz. While I believe Ricky, Okoro and Sexy + salary is more than adequate compensation, we would have literally no guard depth. I also am a huge fan of Colin, It would be hard for me to trade him especially for a non shooter like Simmons
  10. Trade for Ben Simmons Line up of Garland - Simmons - Lauri - Mobley - Allen Ultra tall ball lulz Cedi - Windler - Wade - Love for white boy mass shooting off the bench.
  11. @LETSGOBROWNIES Its time to change this thread title. Cavs are back. This team is the real deal
  12. Cavs went from not being able to shoot 3s to hovering around 50% the last couple games. Hope we keep it up until Cedi's back heals
  13. It would be hard to trade Rubio when we are down our second ball handling guard. I do think his play early on scoring wise will drop off but as long has he can be respectable from 3, we should look to resign him. Love on the other hand, we need to find a way to get his salary either off the books or more manageable. I dont think he will get anything more than a vet min next year or the year after. I would try to tell him to see what the market out there is for him and assuming its pretty much non-existent we should offer to give him a vet min for 1 year and add that to the 28 mil hes owed. So effectively we restructure that into 2 year 15M. This gives us some cap flexibility to sign someone before potentially extending/matching Colins contract.
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