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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Everybody be ready for the WOZ to go nuclear. I will be on the run with @swoosh @Pickle Rick @Daniel
  2. @Matts4313 Swooshy better get a role 😎 @jasonwbantle you in for another go?
  3. I was so hoping you could be a replacment, didnt work out that way though Also, it's not about this game, its about burn notice it appears, is the topic up for debate now
  4. But at the same time there can't be proof in reality unless an outside third party watches us IRL, so in the absence of the unattainable this is the substitute for "proof" in this set of circumstances and situation. Is that something you can agree with?
  5. They are making fun of Pickles typing while watching FSU get beat by a 1-4 team by like 50 lmao
  6. Blind mafia, where everyone's role isn't what it says lol?
  7. Agreed but really i dont think time is going to fix anything or mend anything. People have a problem because we are twins and are good and their explanation always comes down to we cheated instead of trying to learn our ways or understanding our thought process. People want to instigate but don't like when it comes back on them. Not saying we are innocent, but I truly believe the aggressiveness and antagonizing comes down to leave us alone or we will stand up for ourselves even if its against everyone
  8. Uncancel it and sign up malf, dome, and Counselor as 1 player
  9. I tried to kill Pickle last game, so are we cleared lol
  10. Do you want just this game alone? Why would i let Pickle look like a fool pushing your lynch, which would have resulted in his lynch and at the stage of the game a win for mafia...if i was cheating/colluding with him Why would I not tell him who scum was hitting if i was cheating/colluding with him Why would I not tell him Forge was mafia if i was colluding with him Why would i not tell him he is an idiot for lynching Josh cause Margarethe van Oven is 100% gonna be in the game and writing headlines Why would I let him look so bad this game if i was cheating or colluding How about Survivor? If i was cheating or colluding with pickle when he wasnt allowed to talk to anyone wouldnt I tell him who he should vote, instead he voted elsewhere and who I wanted off the island remained by 1 vote and took out our partner Swoosh (I think it was him) The list goes on and on
  11. I'm glad you see that and that underscores the seriousness of the continued cheating/colluding comments. It is small minded to in the presence of evidence to the contrary to keep pushing that line of thinking and posts I as well have been polite and civil. I didnt think small minded in relation to a specific was combative. I apologize if you felt so
  12. 1. Yes. It actually happened on reverse. We were told one thing. Called BS and provided proof, then they caved with a real reason which was still BS and ultimately I think what I thought is correct (but neither reason 1 or 2) but what has been posted in threads have been 100% factually incorrect 2. This has been acknowledged by me and Pickle. Blue says he wasn't antagonistic at all, not even 1 time, Swag is saying Pickle was LVP when its not the case and Racks is thinking pickle and I are saying something that we aren't lol
  13. And memory of my previous setups is my guess...which all equates to skill at determining how the setup is, but people jump straight to Orca is helping you. That's the problem
  14. Its not our fault you all are small minded when there is ample evidence to prove no cheating or colluding
  15. what you are doing is not acknowledging his skill or asking how or why he thought that and purposefully being antagonistic jumping to the cheating thought which again will always be met with the same responses
  16. He has no knowledge at all of the setup or was it or ever will be discussed
  17. Lol. We have the proof and others have seen it. I dont care what you think or what you want to cry about
  18. Lol and that's part of the problem, you believe what was posted lol
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