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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Last night when you were hard pounding Squire relentlessly. Completely out of character imo to tunnel. Long drawn out pushes yeah...but you hard tunneled him and threw in Racks and Fin. The "fight" with Racks I thought was fake and staged so i was 100% sold on you being scum when I voted you last night
  2. I wanted to play out the cookie monster thing and fake my own modkill today
  3. I did N2, once I figured you out last night. Assuming that's why you killed me
  4. But seriously, why did anyone kill me. The cookie monster thing was hilarious
  5. I jailed Swag so...I'll give myself a barely passing grade lmao
  6. What's going. Swag got caught by me again? @SwAg Step to your game...Jodelle has you pegged now
  7. I'm town unfortunately So if you are the main character, why are so many people content on your lynch? Why did you have no move N1? Why did you get told of a motivation? Why do you think Pickle is scum...a scum motivator? If so, why and how did he motivate you of all people
  8. Fin If he knew he was motivated (I'm going to assumes its cause he had a move) and you kept implying you knew he killed the two, then why would he emphatically want you killed instead of him. Makes no sense, but was basically his only play cause he couldnt claim he went to Z...when you hammered that you knew he killed X and Y...he had to account for you possibly being a track. That's why he said he went no where imo. All said he is trying to cover his behind while making you look bad. He was caught and went with the easiest lie I'm good with his lynch above anyone else tonight
  9. It's an unknown...I do believe he would have helped in that area though
  10. Just for full transparency, since I didnt do it for most of today, I have to do it again tomorrow and it I fail, I get modkilled
  11. Host just told me to, I'm assuming its someone's night action Its pretty hilarious whoever did this
  12. Even taking that into account and assuming Whicker really did help him...I'd say this is unlikley
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