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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. Touch I wouldnt expect that if he is scum. He is more calculated imo Whicker unknown. He was pretty outlandish during the war movie lists
  2. 21 people voting I believe which leaves 2 not voting. Rags if I read the vote count right and you Usually there are a few people who dont vote D1 and I'd always say 1 scum or more is in that group. Here I'd say essentially the 1 off or 2 off votes are a transplant of that dynamic since everyone has voted at some point except Rags I believe Looking at people voting on 2 or less, that is Bcb, Forge, KSJ, Josh, Amac, ET, Whicker. Touch, Counselor and Xmad Of those, the people on Counselor- Forge and Bcb stand out. Bcb more so. Seems like he has really stayed in the background on this long day. The other vote that seems out of place is Josh. I think he said something jokingly when voting for him if I remember right. Has been in the background as well
  3. Anything to save Mwil at this point, it seems like
  4. Pickle still has a Saw game running, but it's down to like 9 people
  5. Coming from the guy who doesnt understand cherry picked and contradiction Town last game...
  6. Are we just playing the same matchups as the first set?
  7. LIST: 1. @Dome The Sum of All Fears- blow it all up and start over 2. @Forge Saving Private Ryan- calculated insurgence to complete 1 task and to do so with exercising the minimal amount of work with the greatest amount of effect behind enemy lines 3. @Pickle Rick Gettysburg- stands up for what he believes and will die on that hill with his friends. If he makes the wrong decision he learns and calculates ultimately coming out victorious when it matters 4. @daboyle250 Fury- when it's all going to end badly this little guy (Butters) will come out of the foray when the rest are left behind with holes 5. @ET80 We Were Soldiers- Always looks back at the past and the fights that were waged and the battles won. When called upon will come out of retirement to kill The LBC for fun 6. @SwoleXmad The Great Raid- along for the ride but helps when it counts 7. @MWil23 Inglorious Bastards- equal parts sadistic, vengeful, crazy, chaotic, and masterful and getting things to come out your way 8. @squire12 Gods and Generals- death is always left in your wake. Highly calculated and planned to gain the success you are looking for 9. @Malfatron Dunkirk- All hands on deck to save everyone and pull off something many thought was impossible 10. @JoshstraDaymus Hacksaw Ridge- doesnt do much attacking, but is there to pick up the pieces and bring everything home 11. @amac The Crossing- Leader that no one expected emerges to take down the super power of its time 12. @SwAg Three Kings- strategic and stealth trying to come out on top with everything while the enemy is left in shambles 13. @theuntouchable Hotel Rwanda- when hell is coming from everywhere you make it your mission get out alive, but everyone is equal in your eyes and treated with the respect and honor they deserve 14. @Matts4313 Valkyrie- does what is for the good of the world, even if it goes against himself at times. Maybe he dies for the cause or kills someone no one else is willing to take the shot at 15. @Counselor Black Hawk Down- you stick up for your friends and fight tooth and nail 16. @The Orca Glory- Stares at the impossible task ahead and runs full charge at it, thinking of only helping his friends and fighting to the last breath 17. @biggio7 Outlaw King- you seem to fly in the face of reason 18. @FinneasGage Windtalkers- Never know what you are saying, but you are awesome at what you do 19. @kingseanjohn Behind Enemy Lines- silently gets behind the line of the enemy and strikes without them knowing where it came from or who it was, silent and deadly unless killed by the masses first 20. @Whicker Patriot- in the face of tyranny you always bet on the home team/house (yourself). You know what has to be done and task yourself with fulfilling the needs of many 21. @Ragnarok Bridge of Spies- you dont say much, but when you do it means the most. You use your intellect to move parts on the board to make sure everyone is happy and the bad guys are not triumphant all the time 22. @bcb1213 Defiance- you stay in the background as much as possible while striking from the shadows 23. @DingoLadd Overlord- equal parts crazy and methodical
  8. Like one of the best movies ever!!!!
  9. Evolution Shaun of the Dead Talladega Nights Ice Age: The Meltdown Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs @Deadpulse
  10. You all should make me choose between Mwil and Matts or better yet, Mwil, Matts, and Racks. My choice would surprise you lmao
  11. He must be drinking the wrong liquor then
  12. @Pickle Rick You doing your list next?
  13. 1. You dont understand what cherry picked means is what I'm getting here. It would mean I picked a post to fit my narrative while ignoring a post that didnt or hurt what I was saying. I included I think every post that related to the topic to avoid this fallacized (is this a word lol) arguement. Ignoring what you believe is context is not cherry picking Cherry picking- the action or practice of choosing and taking only the most beneficial or profitable items, opportunities, etc., from what is available. How is a gif or Squire/KSJ talking about hammers less beneficial to what I'm saying? No relation does not mean less beneficial or not fitting the narrative, sorry but the narrative here still remains the same with or without that. Cherry picked argument dead on arrival 2. I'm lost here completely. Why is scientific theory the starting point for all things in mafia 3. You said xmad was contradicting himself, not contradicting the host with his reasoning/vote. Completely different Contradict- deny the truth of (a statement) by asserting the opposite So what did Xmad say then changed to the opposite? Contradicting the host revealing the alignment of Rags is not contradicting himself. We dont know the setup either, anything is possible at the moment 4. What was erroneous? 5. What is a lie? You avoided what i propsed and the questions To go on further, you are making no sense st all. This is all multidimensional 6. You claimed you arent a follower and then follwed after following. 2 times that you are going to claim both is just coincidental 7. You admit to trying to discredit my read, but still are completely wrong on what that read was. Matts, Squire and Whicker did not point out my read lmao. If you want to call their posts a subset of posts that contain to or help the totality contextually of the read, sure. But completely different 8. You are using timing as an excuse for 2 times being the 3rd on the wagon and at the same time using the timing of me explaining the read as means to discredit it 9. For example I was busy and couldnt fully put my thoughts into a long read until I did. Does that change the timing you are trying to use to discredit it, because of 12 pages? What if I wanted to see where you went after the "I get it I'll post my list so dont vote me" post. I could go on. You are highly defensive that the read is false cause I didnt let the world know my thoughts for 12 pages lmao 10. What information should I have gathered? How should have I gathered said info? This is hilarious by the way lmao. Also, I wonder if you took into account this all went through my head in like 2 seconds and then i had to put it in words and in the thread? Would that change your opinion of the events? I'm still lost on what info I should have gathered 11. You have not cleared anything up lmao 12. Look above for why this is false. You are still contradicting yourself
  14. Which is impossible to achieve and soley dependent on the method used and how the roles are entered I have a huge gripe in general will randomization methods/sites. They usually suck and leave patterns/sets. That's why I take multiple extra steps when I do it I would be willing to bet more often than not more scum appears in the section proposed than others Though if truley random over a period of games 1/3 should be any "like" segment...never happens imo for the above reasons
  15. Honey, would you not be posting this to discredit Pickle, if your name wasnt in there?
  16. It is not all random, depending on how and what people use to randomize, the results vary Still should come out to a 1/3 chance in a narrowed field
  17. I admire the fight, but I already buried you
  18. Do not vote Matts...I'm dragging his rotting corpse to the final 5!!! Let me succeed and vote someone else
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