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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. 1. Which info was cherry picked to fit my narrative? 2. The conclusion of you are scum lead to the application of said conclusion to develop a read/theory on who would be scum with you based on the information shown in the post as well 3. Which parts were a contradiction for Xmad? What I'm saying isnt what Matts said. You really are pushing hard complaining about cherry picked info, but you havent pointed out the info you think was cherry picked or what other info should be included These words are better than mine lol A lot here 1. If you dont take issue with the arguement about framing the narrative, why are you complaining about i cherry picked info, in order to attempt to discredit the read I have put forward 2. Your issue with the vote count thing is telling. If I was cherry picking info, wouldnt I have left that out 3. Why do you take issue with the vote count fix being in there? If I told you it was there to show the comprehensive totality of posts that led to my read, so you cant say I cherry picked info...what would you say then? How does that change your above complaint about cherry picking info? 4. The timeframes of it all is not neccesarily a factor. As long as you saw the votes even for a second it results in the same thing Wow, so instead of sticking to the issue at hand, that you agreed was a fair argument, you now want to discredit the read due to when I posted it. So you use timing as an excuse for why your 3rd votes went down the way you say they did, but want to discredit the subsequent read by me later, due to timing You point out my posts on page 25, but skip my post on page 26 voting you in V style. This also brings back the point I made in my breakdown about that specific post. You played off my vote as being because you hadnt done your list, instead of maybe I had an actual reason for the vote. When you replied to my big post, you never took issue with this He did semi compliment me, which is very sketchy lol So you still want to pound timing after using it as an excuse for yourself. And again skipping my vote on you I never proclaimed anything was original to me. I tried to encompass all posts that went into this. Now again you are trying a different means to discredit/demean what I have put forth. I acknowledged the other people, but it seems you are not grasping the core concept now after shown above you say it is a fair argument Do you understand what read I have vs what read/reason others had? Mwil wants to complain about contradiction with Xmad, but then does explicit contradiction in his posts
  2. 2 votes on Biggio Mwil makes the 3rd This vote count was edited to show the below Matts points it out that Mwil is 3rd Mwil then corrects Blues vote count to show he was 3rd Then proclaims he isnt a follwer Squire starts on Xmad Mwil jumps on 3rd again clearly imo intentional this time to draw the attention away from the first one or as a jokingly easy way to move off of Biggio that had gained some votes already Squire points it out again Whicker asks about it Mwil jokes about it I vote Mwil Mwil plays off my vote as it was because he hadnt done his list yet instead of maybe I had an actual reason So basically I see Mwil being put on the spot as a 3rd voter and then proclaiming he doesnt follow and then wants to show it doesnt phase him and does it again immediately on Xmad So some early potential connections and oberservations from the above Mwil=scum Mwil could be with Biggio Mwil could be with Xmad
  3. @amac Which time period do you like best Revolutionary War Civil War WW1 WW2 Korean War Vietnam War More recent
  4. @MookieMonstah Wanna play a game? @RuskieTitan I think you got some time to play @N4L Sign up buddy @TheKillerNacho We miss you, can you play?
  5. I had you covered...well af least with Tk3 lol
  6. That's cause Matts made the host quit somehow. If not, you crash and burned, honey
  7. Pickle for copying me and not succeeding
  8. Thanos has to be active and Fin was weirdly active last game
  9. So someone should put together a Superhero mafia at some point and make it a draft where you get to pick a Superhero
  10. I thought the same, but remembered I'm claiming V, so doesnt effect me
  11. @VikeManDan @Heimdallr Got another game in you all?
  12. I dont believe so, but they never make things clear lol
  13. I'll make one as well....let's do this
  14. @Pickle Rick here are my nominations @rackcs @bcb1213- you are nominated but 100% safe imo
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