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  1. I'm an A's fan, and this sentiment reminds me of the 2013 squad that lost to Verlander at home in the playoffs. I was at the game and the vast majority of the fans stayed after the game and just kept cheering. The team ended up coming out of the clubhouse and the place went wild. It sucked to lose, but it was really cool to be able to show our love for the team and the season that they gave us. Win or lose, it's been a fun ride this year.
  2. I'm with you. Vet as well, but the morning poo motivational music could be helpful as well.
  3. You've got good parents. Give them a hug for me.
  4. I'm torn. I want an extended window of Super Bowls, and starting Trey from the jump and getting the worst bumps out of the way would expedite Trey's window with the team...Jimmy's window with the team was in full effect this year. 28 teams wished they could be where we were. I don't think we make the playoffs with Trey in 2021. Hopeful for 2022 though.
  5. Maybe EB is a poor interview? He seems deserving, but who knows.
  6. Dude, check your history. Enjoy what your program has given your fanbase through the years. I know as a spoiled kid born in the 70's, I enjoyed a lovely run of the NIners and A's in my youth and a taste of opportunity in my recent years. Comparatively, we've been spoiled...allow yourself to enjoy life. It feels better in the long run.
  7. Somehow I feel like the shift might be to set up something in the future. Tackle eligible toss to Williams or something. Shanny doesn't seem to be the type to roll something out without a purpose.
  8. Looks like we'll carry our own fate. In the hands of our future...? Thanks Miami.
  9. Heard good things about The Well in Oakland, but I think it's just Breakfast/Lunch. Fava in Berkeley may fit the bill as it's run by a couple of Chez Panisse ex chefs. If you can get reservations to Chez Panisse, do it.
  10. Seriously, I have enough of that to deal with on every day but Sunday.
  11. I would find an article about cap space and draft picks interesting. Since the NFL slotted in rookie contracts, the overwhelming trend is coveting draft picks, yet the Rams are bucking that trend. The Eagles have a bounty in 2022, the Rams have like two, and the Niners are kind of in the middle after the Lance pick. I'm not sure if you do Op-ed pieces, but I'd be interested in a breakdown of short term/long term draft capital vs. salary cap.
  12. Going to go with the Browns this week. Week 1 - Niners Week 2 - Packers
  13. Yikes, daughter's b-day weekend. I'll go Packers with the last remaining game.
  14. I'm in on the Niners this week. Psychlone 1-0 champs?
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