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  1. And here I thought the NFL was undergoing a crisis with the retirement of the 04 Class, Romo, Manning, Brees, and Luck while Brady, the 05 Class, and Ryan reach their end, Watson has his career in jeopardy, and highly touted QBs like Wentz/Goff/Winston/Mariota wash out... I thought the QB shortage was reaching the point where someone like Dak Prescott can tear his knee and still appreciate in value as his competition folds with poor performances on the field or retirement.
  2. Hmmm...I was wrong about Robinson. They tagged him.
  3. If they already had to let go of Fuller and Robinson, how many more players would they have had to release for Wilson?
  4. Assuming Watson is done for now, where would prime Matt Hasselbeck rank in the current NFL?
  5. “Huge drive to get the three” Romo is having an off game.
  6. Ok, even if you think all the calls have been legit, 95 vs 5 penalty yards in one half is bad optics.
  7. Was Reid being serious when he called the timeout or was it just a joke?
  8. I don’t really know who they are, but Gwen does not seem to deserve Blake.
  9. For the same price, Wentz. If he gets his head straight he might still be good.
  10. After the QBs we have had over the last few decades, having some of these guys top ten or even top five is awkward. Wilson being top three does not sound right, but who can be put over him besides Rodgers and Mahomes? Allen might be top five after just one season. Watson might be top five coming off of 4-12. Thats with neither scaring me, but who can be put above them?
  11. Ken Stabler Dan Fouts Warren Moon Eli Manning Philip Rivers Jim Kelly Troy Aikman Kurt Warner Joe Namath
  12. What evidence is there that Watson has the capacity or desire to weigh in on a GM hire. What insights does he have on cap management or scouting?
  13. If the team Watson goes to sucks because they give up big time draft picks and let go of talent to pick up Watson’s contract, will he try to leave?
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