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Criminal Minds Mafia - Town Wins


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Just now, theuntouchable said:

@The Orca i thought you had a move at one point? 

Nope. I have hinted at it a little, but no, I have no move, never had a move, and at this point I'm a distraction. 

I told you all to save Pickle over me

I said stuff like I'm on call, but dont think I can do anything about it and I think other similar stuff. Was hoping the threat of a firefighter like Swag is a bomb defuser would draw the hit...that's also why I think Swag is lying. If the SKs were working together in some manner I should have been killed imo


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14 minutes ago, The Orca said:

I laid out my view of the game, posts, and events how I see it....from someone with no move and nothing more than a vote. I tunneled on Nacho and was right. If it wasnt for Tk3 and his BS BW on D1, Nacho would have been the lynch then instead of Dingo 1.0

I get tunneling can be bad and I try to limit it...but when something really stands out I dont know any other way to get my point across. I did so with Whicker and the narccisst info...I did so with Nacho for a crap load of things I saw

Then why would a town member need to defuse....think about the set up lmao

Rip dingo 1.0, he had some useful invests. You have been right but you're not always going to be right, take for instance where I redlettered you a couple of games ago. If I was wrong....that entire game changes as I get lynched and don't survive to screw over town. 

Make your points and let others try and pick it apart, if people find flaws in it then try and see it from their POV. 

I was joking because i'm pretty sure every member of the team has had a bomb defussal episode at some point. 2 bomb defusers makes sense for this game. 

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1 minute ago, DingoLadd said:

Rip dingo 1.0, he had some useful invests. You have been right but you're not always going to be right, take for instance where I redlettered you a couple of games ago. If I was wrong....that entire game changes as I get lynched and don't survive to screw over town. 

Make your points and let others try and pick it apart, if people find flaws in it then try and see it from their POV. 

I was joking because i'm pretty sure every member of the team has had a bomb defussal episode at some point. 2 bomb defusers makes sense for this game. 

It just seems off from my view to have a townie have that powerful of a move, on top of the team moves is overpowered imo. Touch has self watches as well and Gopher has/had a vig hit. Maybe I got entirely unlucky and am the only person with no move...just seems way off imo. Also the sherrif I think had no move. Everything that I know points to Townies having no move..which puts Swag, Gopher, and touch in a very bad light from my view. Swag has claimed we are dumb for letting Meil live fornclaiming something not in the OP...well so did he. He claimed a townie with a move...with is opposite from what I have. And added to the thread play and basicially just trolling and going MIA with Swag...I put together my theory based on how I see things and the posts that lead me there.

I basicially got...your a SK, lol, SK for sure...stuff like that. If people actually gave me their thoughts on what's wrong with the theory and why having 2 bomb defusers (ignore Whicker at the moment) things maybe I could see it from their view...but no one has responded. Then others just say ignore the Orca/Swag arguement. Everyone is tunneled on Mwil (for good reason) yet wont even answer me based on the questions I have about him

If Raves is the JOAT, would his moves mirror the civ moves. So his 1-shot quick search, one of the team members probably has that actual move, not a 1-shot. So the gender interview which is basically what Mwil is claiming...is that a possibility. So Mwil would be civ? Or is it more likely it's a scum invest mirroring the gender interview. Also, why in the crazy non coherent claim of Mwil could he get a detail in a post that is consistent with his claim...something so minute that I dont think he would be able to post it if it isnt true...he said "I assume my wincon is the same as town" this was like on Wednesday before claiming the undercover part of his role. Could he be that consistent in a comment that is so minute that suggest a bit that he is a a team member kind of. He has read up the first page a lot so I assume based on the stuff he has posted, so I assume he would know the townie wincon there so it came off as he was a team member...none of these questions have even been consided or answered by others whe I proposed them. I'd love to hear why it's wrong and Swag called a tneorybstupid but refused for pages to tell me which one and why

You get the frustration right...

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@The Orca  I get the general framework of your theory.  I can see it being a plausible option at some point.  I am not sure that is today.  

I for one really don't think the "hey people, here is my 7 step theory why this person is scum, you should vote for him" process is very beneficial to your cause.  

You are expecting for others to see what you are thinking through the same lenses and viewpoint.....which is always impossible as you have different information than I do (or anyone else does).

I think you need to collect your posts, state your theory/case and open the floor for others to weigh in on it.  Let others ask you questions without jumping in and adding more layers to an already involved theory.  

As others have said, focused attention (tunneling) on a player can lead you (or anyone) to become so myopic and not even consider other evidence and players.  

you have spend the last Day on Swag.  What have you considered on the other players?  KOTN, Touch, Finn/Dingo, squire, bcb?   There are a lot of other players that should also get the same level of look that you have given swag. 

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1 minute ago, squire12 said:

@The Orca  I get the general framework of your theory.  I can see it being a plausible option at some point.  I am not sure that is today.  

I for one really don't think the "hey people, here is my 7 step theory why this person is scum, you should vote for him" process is very beneficial to your cause.  

You are expecting for others to see what you are thinking through the same lenses and viewpoint.....which is always impossible as you have different information than I do (or anyone else does).

I think you need to collect your posts, state your theory/case and open the floor for others to weigh in on it.  Let others ask you questions without jumping in and adding more layers to an already involved theory.  

As others have said, focused attention (tunneling) on a player can lead you (or anyone) to become so myopic and not even consider other evidence and players.  

you have spend the last Day on Swag.  What have you considered on the other players?  KOTN, Touch, Finn/Dingo, squire, bcb?   There are a lot of other players that should also get the same level of look that you have given swag. 

Please provide your insight to my theories if possible. The long post a page back about Swag and the questions I have about Mwil

 I welcome questioning, criticism, complaints etc...but no one is providing them other than lol you a SK


Kotn: Done almost nothing...skated by like I would expect from a SK

Touch: Claims townie, dont like the Swag posts painting him as gonna murder us all over and over. Has come in and out in spurts. Dont like how he claimed self watch as a townie

Finn/Dingo: Never like Finn and Dingo 2.0 has been sketchy but his posting style and structure doesnt stand out as SK this game imo

Squire: You have been very helpful with game mechanics and the like, havent really put yourself out there to lynch someone, but that imo is how you play

Bcb: scum game honestly. Lying low and pops in to make a comment or two and then gone. Totally counter to the last couple games imo. Especially the game he had all the mafia names

Swag: horrible thread play and laid out my case for him based on how I see things

Gopher: don't like how he started the game and the gun...but if Forge is right and the gun couldn't fire...could he really be a SK. Seems like his claim is plausible

Flacco: civ

Raves: civ

Mwil: still some what on the fence but leaning SK based on him mixing up the N1 invest and that his first invest contained more info than gender and the rest only contained gender


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28 minutes ago, DingoLadd said:

Even as town I have a decent move, as a member of the team (dingo 1.0) I had a pretty OP set of powers. 

I find it hard to believe you don't at least have a watch role or something. 

Nothing. Not a damn thing. It literally is like the sheriff. Name, only ability is my vote and elimate all threats to Farmerville. Gives me a  background and that's it. Why do you think I'm so tunneled on a bomb defuser being a townie 

My theory is outlandish and crazy on this, but makes sense to me...but I'm hesitant to provide it 


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7 minutes ago, The Orca said:

Nothing. Not a damn thing. It literally is like the sheriff. Name, only ability is my vote and elimate all threats to Farmerville. Gives me a  background and that's it. Why do you think I'm so tunneled on a bomb defuser being a townie 

My theory is outlandish and crazy on this, but makes sense to me...but I'm hesitant to provide it 


The more outlandish the theory the more likely I am to read it. 

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