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Marvel Mafia - The game is over, the Sinister Six have conquered Earth!


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40 minutes ago, Tk3 said:

Matts literally flipped black

As someone md4l cleared, I’m vouching for matts alignment as of the time he rejoined

if you doubt him, you doubt me, and if that’s the case, then the ratio is at best 2-1-2 and at worst 1-2-2 and this is already over 

if a 3rd party converted matts, then it’s the same situation, it’s just that I’m the odd man out and final civ.. either way, if skrulls are still out there and still converting then civs have already lost


Short version.. if you lynch matts or I, the game is over..


36 minutes ago, squire12 said:

I agree with that line of thinking.  It goes similar for me as well.  Lynch me and the game is over.  

that is why lynching Dome today allows matts to get to a lie detect on each of us (that he has not done already).  

I agree. And I investigated Counselor, he came back clean. 

That just leaves Dome. 

I am seriously confused at this point. There is no logical explanation as to how this has played out. 

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If TK3 is scum and got invest-cleared, we are screwed and are going to lose.

If Squire legit killed off his teammates, he is LOLcleared, we are screwed and are going to lose.

I just lie detected Counselor. He came back civ. If that is wrong we are screwed and are going to lose.

If Dome cant be lynched for some godfather super power, we are screwed and are going to lose.


Thats the situation we are in. Might as well stick with lynching Dome. The only other possibility is Squire, but that is super far fetched. 

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Lynching me will tell us nothing. Matts will make up a report or claim to have blocked another hit and we’ll be exactly where we are again. 

Listen to me for once. We need to lynch counselor or matts.


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