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TV Mafia: Signup and Game Thread-Day three Ends at 9 PM Eastern Saturay


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2 hours ago, theuntouchable said:

Wanna year more thoughts on what people are thinking in the swag/orca situation 


1 hour ago, Forge said:



1 hour ago, Forge said:

I think you are good enough to propose and come up with something like this to frame swag


1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:



1 hour ago, kingseanjohn said:

How about Forge?


1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

I’m good there too. Pretty interesting he lays a thought down about how I could be framing swag by asking for more thoughts on the two of them. 

Why just swag? 


1 hour ago, Forge said:

Because I'm town and your aversion to tackling the Orca and swag situation is either scummy, or debilitating if you are town


1 hour ago, Forge said:

I'm rubber you're glue defense. Strong


1 hour ago, Forge said:

You asked for a thought, I gave one. That was my thought. If you can't handle the responses, don't ask. It was a compliment to you at least


1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

I thought it was just the orca situation? 


1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

Can’t handle it? I’ve got a 3mm kidney stone close to passing and I’m getting ready to mow the lawn and fix the van. 

You posting about how I “could be framing swag” doesn’t affect me at all other than it’s the 2nd scummiest post of the game thus far. 


1 hour ago, Forge said:

Cool. Because it's not like framing swag hasn't come up at all in this discussion or I haven't pondered you as scum several times this game in thread lol


1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

Sure but you’re missing the point there bud.

I’m failing to see how me asking for more opinions on the orca/swag situation would lead towards a play to frame swag. 

Ive literally gone back and forth on the two of them since orcas post. I think I’ve actually given more theories on how orca could be lying to be honest. 

It seems like you’re trying awfully hard to defend swag. 


1 hour ago, Forge said:

I have never seen you this obtuse as town


1 hour ago, SwAg said:

Touch, you’re gaslighting.  

You went through a whole angle hedging and equivocating, then went for me when Malfatron was signaling, and now you’re trying to save Orca, while accusing Forge of trying to save me, when I really don’t need saved.


1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

Looks at VC ....

touch is currently not on dome or swag ..... 

yet, somehow I’m only “saving” orca .....



1 hour ago, SwAg said:

I didn’t see a switch?  But again, I hardly go by vote counts as gospel, when what you’re saying is indicative of other intentions.  And I don’t think you would either.


1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

So, please point this out to me. I’d love to hear it. 

You’re missing things. Whether it’s intentional or not, I’m not sure. But you’re definitely missing things. 


1 hour ago, SwAg said:


Here I said you equivocated and hedged and explained why I think you are with Orca.




You told me I don’t read good, then confirmed you went back and forth and cannot decide, which is not very unlike hedging, you’re just spinning it to avoid a negative connotation.

The continued shift away from both Orca and I, after I made a strong argument.

You ask for more thoughts.  Forge said he thinks you’re framing me, which is not tethered to this post like you assume or want it to be.  The post is merely the vessel drawing out the assertion.  He is not saying based on that post, you are framing me.  Hence why he said you’re being obtuse.

And I tend to agree.


49 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Or, I’m torn between the two of you because there is absolutely believable aspects to the both of your arguments and this is a last ditch effort to try and spread more **** across the field in hopes others hop along. 

And again, how is me shifting away from both of you saving orca? When I have actually presented more reasons as to why I think orca could be lying than I have for you. Funny that you leave that out .....

except, forge stated directly that it was tethered to that post .....

never said it was based on that post not even alluded to it. Forge had said a few times that he thinks I’m scum. 

The interesting part, and even more interesting considering your tactic for this argument, is that somehow I’m framing you whilst pulling away from both you and orca whilst posting more arguments as to how/why orca is lying. 

Your initial argument made sense and had logical connections. You’ve now reduced yourself to excluding pertinent facts that disrupt the basis of your current argument. 

No, I was definitely right in my initial assessment.  Forge did not say he thought you were framing me based on that post.  If anything, he said you concocted the plan to frame me.  And now you’re gaslighting me, telling me I’m missing such obvious things.  People can read.

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2 minutes ago, SwAg said:




















No, I was definitely right in my initial assessment.  Forge did not say he thought you were framing me based on that post.  If anything, he said you concocted the plan to frame me.  And now you’re gaslighting me, telling me I’m missing such obvious things.  People can read.

You do realize that not a single portion of this makes any sense, right? 

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2 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

I could have sworn borg did. 

Either way, it was a cult with a factional ability regardless. 


1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

We also laid witness to individuals who’s roles changed drastically after being recruited by you. 

This is pitiful.  Drawing on any type of recency bias to sway people who are still not decided.

You’re Mafia with Orca and you’re fearmonging an overpowered Cult because the writing is on the wall that Orca ****ed up, and now you need to try to salvage the vote on someone who isn’t with you.  You basically said you don’t care if it’s Dome or Forge, and seemingly don’t care if it’s me based on this conversation, but you care that it’s not Orca, despite you broadcasting how much you said he could be lying relative to me?

Give me a ******* break.

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2 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

You do realize that not a single portion of this makes any sense, right? 

You think that doesn’t make any sense?  Have you been reading what you’re writing to me?  Re-read what Forge said, I don’t agree with it, I think you’re salvaging an Orca freelance, but Forge was not saying you framed me based on you asking for more thoughts.  

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Just now, SwAg said:

You think that doesn’t make any sense?  Have you been reading what you’re writing to me?  Re-read what Forge said, I don’t agree with it, I think you’re salvaging an Orca freelance, but Forge was not saying you framed me based on you asking for more thoughts.  

This is correct. The post I responded to was merely the mechanism for eliciting my thought into the thread. It was not the basis for the content of the reply. 

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1 minute ago, SwAg said:


This is pitiful.  Drawing on any type of recency bias to sway people who are still not decided.

You’re Mafia with Orca and you’re fearmonging an overpowered Cult because the writing is on the wall that Orca ****ed up, and now you need to try to salvage the vote on someone who isn’t with you.  You basically said you don’t care if it’s Dome or Forge, and seemingly don’t care if it’s me based on this conversation, but you care that it’s not Orca, despite you broadcasting how much you said he could be lying relative to me?

Give me a ******* break.

What’s pitiful is this piss poor attempt to throw shade anywhere you possibly can by omitting facts. 

You literally had a cult role last game that also had a factional move. 

Now you’re telling me that a cult group with a factional move couldn’t exist in this game because it would be OP. 

I basically said, I don’t care if it’s dome, forge or Md4l. I just didn’t want it to be between you and orca. 

Yet, somehow you’re trying your absolute hardest to stretch it into I’m saving orca. 

You are omitting pertinent facts to further your argument. That’s not me “broadcasting” them, that’s me pointing out the very obvious and relevant things that I’ve said in regards to you and orca. 

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4 minutes ago, SwAg said:

You think that doesn’t make any sense?  Have you been reading what you’re writing to me?  Re-read what Forge said, I don’t agree with it, I think you’re salvaging an Orca freelance, but Forge was not saying you framed me based on you asking for more thoughts.  

The only one here that needs to re-read anything is you. 

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1 minute ago, theuntouchable said:

What’s pitiful is this piss poor attempt to throw shade anywhere you possibly can by omitting facts. 

You literally had a cult role last game that also had a factional move. 

Now you’re telling me that a cult group with a factional move couldn’t exist in this game because it would be OP. 

I basically said, I don’t care if it’s dome, forge or Md4l. I just didn’t want it to be between you and orca. 

Yet, somehow you’re trying your absolute hardest to stretch it into I’m saving orca. 

You are omitting pertinent facts to further your argument. That’s not me “broadcasting” them, that’s me pointing out the very obvious and relevant things that I’ve said in regards to you and orca. 

No, that’s literally not what I’m saying.

Re-read when you’re more “lucid” because right now this looks like you’re playing it up to have an excuse to be wrong.

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1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

never said it was based on that post not even alluded to it. Forge had said a few times that he thinks I’m scum. 


I said it was tethered to it, absolutely. 

1 hour ago, Forge said:

You asked for a thought, I gave one. That was my thought. If you can't handle the responses, don't ask. It was a compliment to you at least

Tethered does not equal based on. 

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“Anywhere you possibly can” —> I’m literally only talking to Orca and Touch.

“You had a factional move as Cult last game” —> You proposed a Cult with a factional kill.  That’s a dual mechanic, and extraordinarily overpowered.  And, you’re claiming you think I was Aang, but not only was I converted, I was changed from Aang to a malicious piece of paper.

“I don’t care if it’s between these three.” —> Yeah, I know, and seemingly me since you’re throwing all this unfounded shade based on mere conjecture.  This is consistent with what I said about you.

”you’re stretching it to make it seem like I’m saving Orca!” —> gee, wonder how anyone could reach that conclusion based on the current state of the thread!  “im not doing it explicitly so it’s not happening!  It’s just a happy consequence of my actions!”

“I’m not broadcasting!” —> yeah, you are.

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3 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

I said it was tethered to it, absolutely. 

Tethered does not equal based on. 

Revising and word games again.

You can just say you’re trying to save Orca and I’ll move on.

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7 minutes ago, SwAg said:

“Anywhere you possibly can” —> I’m literally only talking to Orca and Touch.

“You had a factional move as Cult last game” —> You proposed a Cult with a factional kill.  That’s a dual mechanic, and extraordinarily overpowered.  And, you’re claiming you think I was Aang, but not only was I converted, I was changed from Aang to a malicious piece of paper.

“I don’t care if it’s between these three.” —> Yeah, I know, and seemingly me since you’re throwing all this unfounded shade based on mere conjecture.  This is consistent with what I said about you.

”you’re stretching it to make it seem like I’m saving Orca!” —> gee, wonder how anyone could reach that conclusion based on the current state of the thread!  “im not doing it explicitly so it’s not happening!  It’s just a happy consequence of my actions!”

“I’m not broadcasting!” —> yeah, you are.

“Anywhere you possibly can”  -> you are literally manipulating every portion of the argument towards lambasting it that I am somehow moving towards “saving orca”.

”you had factional move as cult” you absolutely did. I don’t think it’s a stretch that a cult possibly had some form of a kill. I also pointed out the fallacy contained within the “aang is morphed into a piece of paper” somehow being my argument. I literally never said that. We also watched malf turn into a more powerful recruiter than you in that game. 

“I don’t care if it’s between these three” you literally posted that I didn’t care if it was between dome or forge. Excuse me, for correcting you. 

“You’re stretching it to make it seem like I’m saving orca” -> I literally just proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that you have continuously missed facts about it. Your response? I’m “broadcasting what I did to point at it” I have literally been correcting you on what you factually missed. 

The current state of the thread? You made erroneous statements and then went after me for correcting you. You literally started this argument. Malf posted thoughts on the scenarios of what could and could not be with you. I commented on them. I’ve also commented towards thoughts on orca. If orca went after me like you have, I absolutely would be calling his *** out too. You done ****ed up s-swaggy. 

When you posted your initial thoughts, was it an argument with me? No, it didn’t turn into this state until you started missing facts. 

“I’m not broadcasting” 

tell (something) to many people; make widely known.
"we don't want to broadcast our unhappiness to the world"
synonyms: reportannouncepublicizepublish, make public, make known, advertiseproclaimdeclareMore
spreadcirculateair, pass round, disseminatepromulgateblazontrumpet;
informalshout from the rooftops
"the result of the match was broadcast far and wide"


put right (an error or fault).
"the Council issued a statement correcting some points in the press reports"

rectify, put right, set right, rightamendemendremedyredresscuresquare, make good, improvebetteramelioraterepairrevisealtereditrewriteredraftrescriptrewordreworkMore


one of these is more true than the other. I’ve proven that you have clearly missed facts contained within the confines of this current argument. That is correcting, not broadcasting as you’re tryijg to paint it to be. 

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