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Jameis Winston Under NFL Investigation


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Whatever happened, Winston already skated one incident, I’d really hate to see him skate another. 

Amazing how so many famous athletes walk around without these accusations but somehow Winston manages to find himself at the end of 3. No real punishments to date (his college incidents are an afterthought in the eyes of most). Lucky guy.

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2 hours ago, Yin-Yang said:

Whatever happened, Winston already skated one incident, I’d really hate to see him skate another. 

Amazing how so many famous athletes walk around without these accusations but somehow Winston manages to find himself at the end of 3. No real punishments to date (his college incidents are an afterthought in the eyes of most). Lucky guy.

What was the 2nd one?

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11 minutes ago, seminoles1 said:

What was the 2nd one?

He was named as the assailant in a report just prior to the big one at FSU. The victim chose to remain unnamed and ultimately did not press charges, although her case was investigated. Both cases were ultimately dropped by FSU though, because of dozens of reasons that don’t really need to be discussed here. 

I doubt this will be the dart that ends up nailing Winston, but it’d be nice to see some level of seriousness in the investigations this time around.

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8 hours ago, Yin-Yang said:

Whatever happened, Winston already skated one incident, I’d really hate to see him skate another. 

Amazing how so many famous athletes walk around without these accusations but somehow Winston manages to find himself at the end of 3. No real punishments to date (his college incidents are an afterthought in the eyes of most). Lucky guy.

Sounds like you’ve already decided he’s absolutely guilty in both incidents.

What research have you done on the incident at FSU?

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7 hours ago, Buc Ball said:

Sounds like you’ve already decided he’s absolutely guilty in both incidents.

What research have you done on the incident at FSU?

I’ve written dissertations regarding sexual assault, one specifically regarding the incidents on college campuses/title IX where Winston’s case was a crux of the report.

Obviously I wasn’t a part of the official investigation or anything, but I’ve done about as much research as anyone can do who wasn’t. 

I haven’t factually decided his guilt because I don’t have the means of doing so. My comment had mich to do with fans’ inconsistent tendencies (dislike Ray Rice and Greg Hardy, but like Tyreek Hill). If nothing comes out of this most recent incident, he will have successfully skated 3 - which would garner him lucky, especially since the first two were dropped for ridiculous reasons (this one I would say there is more likely than not, insufficient evidence to really determine his guilt). 

 In a league where Brady is suspended for a quarter of a season for allegedly deflating footballs, Zeke is suspended for just under half a season for unproven accusations, and other players are released upon charges even being made public, I would continue to say that Winston is lucky that throughout his transgressions, nobody really seems to care - the NFL or the public.

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2 minutes ago, cddolphin said:

blame the courts, not the NFL, not the public opinion

Yes, because I’m assigning “blame” to the public or NFL for the lack of investigation(s). 

i.) Terrelle Pryor has a set a standard that college players can be suspended in the NFL for something they did before officially entering the NFL. 

ii.) I can in some form blame the public if I choose to. The backlash is one of the reasons why one victim chose not to pursue the case criminally (and likely a contributing factor as to why the first did not pursue her’s). Public outcry seems to be directly connected to NFL suspensions too (Brady 4 games, Rice/Hardy unemployed, Zeke 6 games, but Josh Brown received one until the story got bigger). 

iii.) “The courts” didn’t investigate a thing. FSU primarily ran the investigations and subsequently, dropped them. If I were to assign blame for any lack of due process, it’d largely be with FSU’s desire to bury the story. Whether or not colleges ought to be investigating anything in the first place instead of law enforcement...that’s a separate topic.

iv.) I didn’t blame anyone, I was stating that he’s lucky that neither the NFL or the fan bases seem to begrudge him very much for anything other than being a so-so QB. 

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