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QB Options 2024


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30 minutes ago, Jeremy408 said:

-On the topic of Russell Wilson still being able to play? The answer to that is simple: the whole world doesn't disagree with me. In this world people believe some things and other people believe in other things. It's actually why it's called an opinion. 

-Fun fact: I never actually said Tomlin is a better coach than Bill Belichick. Don't believe me? Go find me where I actually said that Tomlin is a better coach than Bill Belichick. The point I was simply making was in response to a question the NYRaider mentioned to me about belichick getting Cam Newton wrong despite being a decorated coach. It was then that I mentioned that there's a reason why he is unemployed. So that there's no mystery to what I was saying, the point I was making was that after Tom Brady Belichick has shown three times(with a Jarrett Stidham Mac Jones in Cam Newton) but he was unable to successfully identify a worthy successor and it obviously affected his ability to win games. One can make the point that after the consistently solid quarterback play of Tom Brady, he was unable to sustain a winner(he had one winning record after that). Mike Tomlin(who are the only reason why he's being mentioned is because I pointed out that he was interested in signing Russell Wilson or the 1.2M that no one thought he was going to sign for) have shown both when he had Ben Roethlisberger at the end of his career when he wasn't good anymore and after Ben Roethlisberger retired that he can still produce a winning record and go to the playoffs. I was mentioning that you don't end up having the most constiant winning records as a HC because you reliant on the QB. Why is that relevant to this conversation? Because the whole topic of conversation was how good does Russell Wilson need to be to make the Steelers who are getting him for 1.2 million a better team. It had nothing to do with who is the better coach. I don't even actually know how you guys turned it into that. But now that you're actually asking the question I can address it. 

-In terms of what? I started writing and then I realized I didn't even understand the question you're asking here

-No it wouldn't factor in because any coach who regresses every year (especially after a certain great quarterback leaves and goes to a different team and wins the Super Bowl), regardless of age. And if you could get the greatest coach of all time who obviously still wants to play do you really think age is going to be the reason why you don't go after him? Or is it because he hasn't had a winning season in three years(which just so happens to be after the quarterback he had for 20 years and six Super Bowls victories out of nine appearances). It's pretty clear the teams don't want him. 

1. Read this very carefully to understand

2. In the future, if you have a question, ask a question. You get a lot better results than if you accuse someone of not answering a question that you did not ask. :)

You missed the literal whole point of the argument. It was about you saying good franchises don’t make mistakes and using it to back up your position on Wilson. You use boxscore scouting to prop his play up when a team is paying him to just be away. There is valid concern to his locker room issues and there are now two franchises who want nothing to do with him. Plenty of great franchises make mistakes. Regarding Belichick and Tomlin, I think everyone knows why Tomlin would be the hotter candidate now, but that wasn’t the point. He’s significantly younger and still has a great track record. You’re using the excuse that Belichick hasn’t found a proper replacement for Brady but not doing the same for Tomlin and Ben. Also my first point was to your argument of Tomlin being a better coach than Belichick, which I suppose I misinterpreted. 

Edited by FloydFan
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15 minutes ago, Jeremy408 said:

The Assistant GM is the real mastermind of the operation. That's what I learned today. 

I think the assistant GM certainly ranks higher in the pecking order than the new OC. 

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33 minutes ago, BackinBlack said:

Not getting involved in this, but it’s also peak smoke screen season. 
haven’t we recently drafted players in the first we never even officially met with?

IMO pro day isn’t as important as tape anyways. 
wouldn’t put to much weight in who goes where to watch in person. 

No I mean I think I’ve seen the light. 

As @Jeremy408 said the fact that our new OC went to Rattler’s pro day is very telling. That obviously has to be the QB he wants and I think he’s in play at #13. 

I mean just throw on the film and look at the 37 TD / 20 INT he put up for a bad South Carolina team the last two years. If that’s not enough for you just look at the upside. I mean a 24 year old rookie that’s 6’0 with terrible athleticism, how could you pass on that?

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9 minutes ago, FloydFan said:

You missed the literal whole point of the argument. It was about you saying good franchises don’t make mistakes and using it to back up your position on Wilson. You use boxscore scouting to prop his play up when a team is paying him to just be away. There is valid concern to his locker room issues and there are now two franchises who want nothing to do with him. Plenty of great franchises make mistakes. Regarding Belichick and Tomlin, I think everyone knows why Tomlin would be the hotter candidate now, but that wasn’t the point. He’s significantly younger and still has a great track record. You’re using the excuse that Belichick hasn’t found a proper replacement for Brady but not doing the same for Tomlin and Ben. Also my first point was to your argument of Tomlin being a better coach than Belichick, which I suppose I misinterpreted. 

When did I say that good franchises don't make mistakes? 

Again, there is another misconception: I used Russell Wilson's stats in response to other stats from other quarterbacks that were seen as comparable. I also sent a 20 minute video showing what Russell Wilson looked like on the field which I'm sure it wasn't watched. When I asked why I thought Russell Wilson could still play and start for a team I gave my list of reasons including a list of attributes that he still had. But the whole box score scouting is a nice soundbite when you're trying to make a point that's not there. 

Now I never said the great franchises cant make mistakes but you can't say that "plenty of great franchises make mistake" literally 1 sentence after saying that there were two franchises that want nothing to do with Russell Wilson if there is no possibility that a mistake couldn't have been made(especially by the Broncos who have not been successful franchise for some time). Simple logic

And it's not that belichick hasn't found a proper replacement for Brady it's that he hadn't found a proper replacement for Brady which eventually got him fired. The distinction is that it's not present tense it's past tense because it's a done deal. The reality is that regardless of the fact that he actually still wants to coach not only do the patriots the team that he won six championships with doesn't want him anymore but no one else does either. This happens after making the decision to go with Jarrett Stidham and then going with cam Newton and then drafting Mac Jones in the first round only for him to end up being a draft bust. And this is all just in response to the idea that it is comparable to say that Mike Tomlin getting Russell Wilson for 1.2 million is the same thing has Belichick getting Cam Newton because it is definitive that Belichick was unable to evaluate the quarterback position after Brady which cost him his job as opposed to Mike Tomlin who we can't say that definitively but what we do now is that he was able consistently enough to go to the playoffs last year while shuffling two quarterbacks. So it would be safe to say that it makes a lot of sense for someone like him to sign Russell Wilson for 1.2 million because he believes that it can help his team because he would be better than what they already have. That was the point

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9 minutes ago, NYRaider said:

No I mean I think I’ve seen the light. 

As @Jeremy408 said the fact that our new OC went to Rattler’s pro day is very telling. That obviously has to be the QB he wants and I think he’s in play at #13. 

I mean just throw on the film and look at the 37 TD / 20 INT he put up for a bad South Carolina team the last two years. If that’s not enough for you just look at the upside. I mean a 24 year old rookie that’s 6’0 with terrible athleticism, how could you pass on that?


41 minutes ago, Jeremy408 said:

The Assistant GM is the real mastermind of the operation. That's what I learned today. 


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Just now, NYRaider said:

I think we gave Getsy the green light to go get rattler and develop him just like he did with fields 


43 minutes ago, Jeremy408 said:

The Assistant GM is the real mastermind of the operation. That's what I learned today. 


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2 minutes ago, NYRaider said:

You geniunely in your heart believe that Getsy going to Rattlers pro day means anything 


51 minutes ago, Jeremy408 said:

The Assistant GM is the real mastermind of the operation. That's what I learned today. 


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2 minutes ago, Jeremy408 said:



Who said the assistant GM was the mastermind? All I said was that he’s higher in the pecking order and it means more that he attended Nix pro day then Getsy attending Rattlers pro day. 

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1 minute ago, NYRaider said:

Who said the assistant GM was the mastermind? All I said was that he’s higher in the pecking order and it means more that he attended Nix pro day then Getsy attending Rattlers pro day. 

What does the assistant GM do? lol


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30 minutes ago, Jeremy408 said:

When did I say that good franchises don't make mistakes? 

Again, there is another misconception: I used Russell Wilson's stats in response to other stats from other quarterbacks that were seen as comparable. I also sent a 20 minute video showing what Russell Wilson looked like on the field which I'm sure it wasn't watched. When I asked why I thought Russell Wilson could still play and start for a team I gave my list of reasons including a list of attributes that he still had. But the whole box score scouting is a nice soundbite when you're trying to make a point that's not there. 

Now I never said the great franchises cant make mistakes but you can't say that "plenty of great franchises make mistake" literally 1 sentence after saying that there were two franchises that want nothing to do with Russell Wilson if there is no possibility that a mistake couldn't have been made(especially by the Broncos who have not been successful franchise for some time). Simple logic

And it's not that belichick hasn't found a proper replacement for Brady it's that he hadn't found a proper replacement for Brady which eventually got him fired. The distinction is that it's not present tense it's past tense because it's a done deal. The reality is that regardless of the fact that he actually still wants to coach not only do the patriots the team that he won six championships with doesn't want him anymore but no one else does either. This happens after making the decision to go with Jarrett Stidham and then going with cam Newton and then drafting Mac Jones in the first round only for him to end up being a draft bust. And this is all just in response to the idea that it is comparable to say that Mike Tomlin getting Russell Wilson for 1.2 million is the same thing has Belichick getting Cam Newton because it is definitive that Belichick was unable to evaluate the quarterback position after Brady which cost him his job as opposed to Mike Tomlin who we can't say that definitively but what we do now is that he was able consistently enough to go to the playoffs last year while shuffling two quarterbacks. So it would be safe to say that it makes a lot of sense for someone like him to sign Russell Wilson for 1.2 million because he believes that it can help his team because he would be better than what they already have. That was the point

I’m sorry, are you unable to tell that someone can think great franchises can make mistakes, but also think two franchises made the right decision in letting Russel Wilson go because he most likely is a terrible locker room presence and has diminishing returns on the field?

I never at any point compared the Cam Newton acquisition to Wilson but go off if you need to. I merely stated that neither coach had or has found a proper replacement for losing their most likely once in a career QBs. 

Edited by FloydFan
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13 minutes ago, Jeremy408 said:

What does the assistant GM do? lol


Right hand man to the GM. Which is even more important in a bridge year like we're going through this off-season. Typically when a GM is hired they have to lean on the staff of the former front office because it's impossible to revamp the scouting department before you have to head into free agency and draft prep. Champ had obviously been working with those guys / Ziegler for the past year on an off-season plan and scouting players. So I'm sure he has been very helpful for Telesco. 

The reality is that we just saw Rattler and Nix throw a couple of weeks ago at the combine, I doubt anything that they saw today swayed their opinion one way or the other.

I also don't think there's any real significance in who attended what pro-day like you said earlier. But the fact that we're in the thick of free agency, to the point that no GM's attended either pro day, and Kelly was in Eugene, would point to the team being more interested in Nix than Rattler.

Either way I'd hope that they trust what they see on film, because if they do then there's zero chance that they'd view Rattler as a potential QB to build around.

Edited by NYRaider
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