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Patrick Graham appreciation thread


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2 hours ago, NYRaider said:

It's hilarious that @ronjon1990 will tout Bo Hardigree as the next Sean McVay when he has been absolutely terrible but he refuses to give Graham any credit.

What I find interesting is that you and I agree on PG but are on totally opposite ends about AP.

Whereas it’s the inverse between @ronjon1990 and myself on PG and AP lol

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37 minutes ago, Justwinning said:

What I find interesting is that you and I agree on PG but are on totally opposite ends about AP.

Whereas it’s the inverse between @ronjon1990 and myself on PG and AP lol

Meh, I've gone on record with what I need from Graham to buy into this year not being a one time thing. 

It's been good this year, but it comes with a boatload of caveats. Easy schedule made easier by playing backups left and right amd evem the Chiefs having an already down year overall are real concerns I have about the improvement being a placebo. 

Koonce and Jones emerging definitely helps though, and there's no taking away other  guys playing hard, fast, and well in general. 

If 2022 should be a mulligan because of a new system, bad offense, etc, so too I say should 2023 due to the quality of opposition. 2024 can be defacto year 1 and if we're even top 1/2 in D, I have no problem giving Graham his due credit. 

That all being said, I think people are underselling Pierce as interim HC and the differences it has made. People can say all they want that the players talk up Graham, and over time if it's warranted, kudos to him. But people also said the players were totally bought into McDaniels too, and that was, as many of us thought, bs platitudes from the players.

Pierce took over and a lot changed. The correlation is clear- whatever he did and does has largely worked. Maybe he told Graham to stop f'ing around with Wilson and Peters, maybe he really did just "unleash" Graham. Who knows, who cares, it worked. 

Now, I will say that I would be concerned with keeping Graham at all if we didn't keep AP. If he truly was Mayock'd by McDaniels to the degree people are saying, what's to say he doesn't revert to letting another HC, probably an offense guy, go right back to dictating the defense to him? It's why I'm skeptical not jist of Graham, but ex Patriots assistants in general. Regardless of how talented they may indeed be, the Patriot Way hive mind of top-down dictation always gets in the way of that talent. Graham can spend this year putting on master classes, it's all for naught if some offensive guru comes in and screws with it and he just let's it happen. 

Keep AP, may as well keep Graham. If it ain't broke, as they say. They seem to gel and work well together. I'm not gonna crap on that just for the heck of it. But I do want coordinators that actually run rheir side of the ball, not just fill a role as a mouthpiece for the HC who doesn't even coach that side of the ball.

As it stands, though, the X factor in it all seems to decidedly be AP. And that's totally fine by me. If AP brought in Todd Downing as OC and the corpse of Monte Kiffin as DC, drafted some D3 QB in round 1 and ran a Wishbone offense with a 2-6-3 defense, I don't care as long as ot yields results. If Graham spends the next decade keeping the Raiders a top 10 unit, fantastic. But I'm just not willing to budge further than saying 2022 and 2023 cancel each other out and he gets a clean slate from me for 2024. 

Contrast that with NY who can't go any deeper than. TOUTING AP's time as a high school football coach as his reasons for trying to dunk on him.....two entirely different arguments. When I crapped on Ruggs, I sId why and what I wanted to see from him. He eventually did that and I acknowledged it. Ditto with Jacobs. Would've done the same for Josh McDaniels had he reached 9 wins this year, and hey I keep my word, I moved it down to 7 and would've stuck by that. I've certainly had my reservations about Pierce and some are things I still want to see from him. And I'll do the same if Graham does what he needs to win me over. NY? He'll forget whatever position he currently has because he has the attention span of a cracked out ferret and will go full on contrarian for the hell of it at some point (re: Jimmy is a dawg that just wins; Hurts sucks; etc.)

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3 hours ago, ronjon1990 said:

Why would I refer to anything? Another post doesn't negate that you can't correctly use the word "touting". 


3 hours ago, NYRaider said:

Bo's resume includes:

2015 Offensive Assistant (Bears) - One of Cutler's worst seasons before he was benched and his career was ultimately over. 

2016-2018 QB Coach (Dolphins) - Tannehill never lived up to the hype which led to Miami continually getting worse before Tannehill was traded and he was canned.

2018-2019 (Jets) - One of the worst offenses in the league in back to back seasons as Darnold regressed big time and led to him being shipped out of town. 

2021 (Patriots) - Their offensive staff did a solid job with rookie Mac Jones but then he ultimately became a bust.

2022-2023 (Raiders) - QB coach for Carr in one of his worst seasons that ultimately led to him getting cut. Then the QB coach for Jimmy G in his worst season which will ultimately lead to him getting cut.

So over the course of his career in 5 different teams where a QB has had one of the worst years of their career, regressed, and ultimately gotten shipped out under Bo's coaching. Like it happened with Cutler, Tannehill, Darnold, Carr, and Jimmy G. 

And that's the man you said could be the next McVay and is who you'd potentially trust to develop our young franchise QB. If it happened once I wouldn't really care but to do it 5 times is insane and makes it clear that he is a pretty terrible coach.



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