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Old Devils Thread (Lock 'er up please)


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Just now, Forge said:

We are going to need them given how bad Mikey is on offense lol 

I mean, that was really bad. Just completely ruined a 2 on 1

It's Mikey McLeod, I don't expect much other than a high energy checking line guy. He just fights the puck too much for my liking. Plus, the opportunity was him and Studenic...it could've been 2 on 0 and they wouldn't have finished lmao.

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I love that immediately following the Dougie goal, people are trying to prop up Nico getting a point there and throw it back in the face of the ones who have been hammering Nico only to have a poster finally say, "He made a pass back to the point, let's not act like he made an incredible play" lol 

That place makes me laugh so much. 

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9 minutes ago, beekay414 said:

Depends on what he wants. If he wants anything over $6 Million than I'm out. You can probably find someone for half that price that does what he does.

I think he's going to get over 7. Upwards of 8 if he hits free agency. 

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Just now, beekay414 said:

Yeah, he can go for that price. That contract would be instant regret the moment the pen hits the paper.

I'm trying to think of comparable guys who have signed lately, and I just don't think that there are many. Its hard to gauge his price range. seeing what the flyers gave up for Risto makes me think that teams will pay him (Sevs) 

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