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34 minutes ago, drfrey13 said:

I like Bryant but he has averaged 3.5 RPG and 53 YPG.  Plenty of talent but not production.  If he plays well enough to earn a comp pick we can not afford him and if we can afford him he did not play well enough to justify a third round pick.  As I stated earlier if we had just traded the third for a second rounder next year the difference in value is a late second rounder even if we get a third round comp pick.  Get use to Gruden not valuing rookies and draft picks.  We will draft the high motor guys instead of the high potential guys. Gruden gets his star players thru FA and role players in the draft.  He is not good at evaluating talent or developing it.   I love Gruden on game day but he needs to be on vacation during FA agency and the draft.

There is not just two options here, this is on a spectrum. He could bust hard, he could ball out, but there is a whole range of options in the middle that allow us to resign him at a reasonable price. These are the only two options I've seen posted about. 

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Hopefully we can use the plethora of 5ths we have to move up tonight. After picking up an OT and WR we should concentrate on defense. Guys I like. 

DT- Hurst

DE - Ejifor, Sweat

LB - Jewell, Baker

CB - Oliver, Meeks,

S - Cruickshank


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