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Pickle Rick

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Pickle Rick last won the day on May 7 2020

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  • NFL Team
    Tampa Bay Bucs
  • MLB Team
    Chicago White Sox
  • College Team
    FSU and Duke

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  1. Whats it gonna take? Name the price and I'll see if I can pay it
  2. For the duration of the 1st and 2nd rounds, I am offering my 1st in s29 for those that like a 1st over whatever is there
  3. I'm stupid but what the hell @TheKillerNacho I received 1 tag from @The Orca He receives my s28 7th round pick Use my final 2 tags to keep Derwin James
  4. 4th this draft for 2 tags. Offer available until the deadline passes.
  5. @TheKillerNacho Ill use the 3 tags i traded for and keep Rashawn Slater That should still leave me with 1 left
  6. @TheKillerNacho 🚨 Trade @rackcs receives my s28 2nd I receive 3 tags
  7. S29 1st for 2-3 tags No one is gonna offer a 1st it seems. So I'm your man
  8. A 1st should be about 4 tags so it feels a little over to me lol Like I said my s29 1st is available if people wanna be stingy lol
  9. Almost traded my s29 1st but that might be too much of an overpay. Not out of the question. But would like to move a 3rd for 2 tags
  10. @The Orca Anything to say? Are you writing these through malf lol?
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