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Mind Character

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Everything posted by Mind Character

  1. Golden.. lol... I laughed so hard when I read that.... You've been in your bag recently .. lol.
  2. Beyond the Myles Garrett stuff, What were people's thoughts, take-aways and analysis of our play and coaching?
  3. I think Myles is done for the rest of the season unfortunately. I thought 5 games because of the Albert Haynesworth thing but that was many years ago and the league has changed.
  4. hahah... The "Their Thugs" faithful are living that good life tonight ... LOL .. Dog whistles out in full force... A celebratory joining of hands for that cohort tonight after a after a few decades long celebrations of the "They're taking our jobs" and "We built it" rallying cry... Myles made an awful mistake tonight; one that I'm sure he's beyond remorseful for. Glad the outcome didn't turn out to be a tragedy for all involved. Will be interesting to see how he and the team and grow from this. I'd bet he'll turn it into a valuable lesson for himself and others to learn from given the type of character he's had his entire life.
  5. Truth. But discounting that a particular negative chance outcome could've occurred can be a swing too far in the opposite direction. Nah man. Disagree. True. Ultimately, can't worry about the virtue signaling sheeple. Sheeple are gonna do what Sheeple do. Illusion-ism is sheeple's favorite past time. From crocodile tears cheers for freedom-bombs to "your team is bad my team is good" the train of foolishness won't be stopped. It's best to just grab some Brown and Orange. grab some hippy dippy drippy sauce (whatever you millennials are into) aka feel-good lettuce.. and just ride the wave... ride the wave to victory...
  6. I think like a lot of us thought heading into the game, Mason Rudolph ineptness was going to mask a lot of our deficiencies. I'm trying to figure out what exactly happened to our offense after a hot start. QB-WRs weren't on the same page repeatedly and we went away from the quick rhythm throws to Kareem that kept us in short and manageable or kept us in the flow. We kept running off Wyatt Teller and Hubbard to the right despite their inability to get any push. Offensively, the thing that disappointed me is we stopped running the zone and stretch runs that Chubb and the OLine have success with and we started just counters, HB Delays, and off tackles from the shotgun on 1st and 2nd down. We can never seem to keep it going offensively. There's a lot of reasons for that.
  7. That's a lot focus on the outcome dictating how one should react to an observed action.. It was a potentially lethal action that "seemed" somewhat intentional (I have no doubt though that in the fog of emotion Myles never meant to really hurt Rudolph or even hit him in the head). If a person swings a bat at someone's head, but the bat just misses. It doesn't make much sense to say "relax, no one got hurt, no need to have a strong reaction, don't be a snowflake." There is in this country a hyperbolic reaction machine that gets in a fuss over every little thing and remains silent like sheeple when real issues are going on. I get seeing people's reaction-entertainment and grouping it in with that foolishness. That just means you have to tune those people out, but as you stated it doesn't mean any reaction negatively to what happened is unjustified or without merit.
  8. Our existence on this planet is a strange one... In moments like these, the nonsense is a gravity that attracts other nonsense to itself and spirals... The "the negative act of the players wasn't negative because he's on our team" takes or the " I think I'll go to another team's forum, find one take I disagree and generalize and sh*t on the entire forum/fanbase as if a few opinions are representative of all" takes are the minority and just sign of the confused times we live in...
  9. OG kind of cookin' a little bit... lol
  10. It's about self control and emotional discipline. Baker couldn't control his emotions and what he wanted to do to make him feel good by doing the " That's A DUB SET HUT." That's nowhere even remotely close to as egregious as the lack of self-control by Myles Garrett. But in order for Baker to take the next step in leadership he needs to control some of his own stuff as well and show some discipline. He was right to call out Myles, but some of his call outs fall on deaf ears when he has a hard time controlling his emotions as well.
  11. WHAT THE F ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT??? Stomping on the side of someone's head with a helmet on can of course be lethal, but Swinging a blunt force object like a helmet directly to the helmetless head of a person is ABSOLUTELY something that can be lethal.... Come on man...
  12. Sucks for Myles because this likely sticks with him for the rest of his career.
  13. WHAT??? Swinging a helmet with force to the head of a player without a helmet on is worse than stomping on a player with a helmet on? I don't know about that...
  14. He punked him enough by rippin his helmet off like Rudolph was a child... he had his revenge then... should've let it ride... now he'll be gone for probably 5 games a la Albert Haynesworth.. The league has to at least match that previous unprecedented suspension because swinging a helmet as a blunt force object to the head is one of the most dangerous things that can occur on the football field.
  15. Baker with the bush league "That's a Dub Set Hut" Then Myles and Larry O with the foolishness. Larry pushing a player without a helmet could be a serious fine but not a suspension. Myles might legit get 5 game suspension. Albert Haynesworth got 5 for stepping on a players head. ------- We don't know how to handle adversity or success... Sucks to see at the end of a win...
  16. Pouncey retaliating after his QB almost got his head bashed in will likely be considered as context in his fine...
  17. It was really really bad.. but doesn't mean Garret has to then swing the helmet...
  18. I'm just glad Mason Rudolph is okay... That could've been a real tragedy ... glad for Myles' sake as well.. I'm Sick...
  19. Ogunjobi and Garrett are in serious trouble with Garrett likely to get at least 3 games probably
  20. Garrrett just got himself suspended... My goodness.. where is the discipline... | WHHHYYYY >>>> WWHHHYYY
  21. Officially getting a Mason Rudolph tattoo soon....
  22. Hopefully the Mayfield worshipers feel stupid as well. Really anyone who was on either end of the spectrum. 2 weeks of improvement is something to see as a good positive. Still only time will tell. We still won't no for quite some time what we have for sure.
  23. I guarantee the Steelers defense will remember that "THAT'S A DUB HUT". Our fans love that type of stuff though...
  24. Baker clowning ... lol Did you hear that ?? Lol. "THAT"S A DUB HUT" hahahahaa
  25. That Mason Rudolph Jump Shot is a thing of beauty..
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