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Mind Character

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Everything posted by Mind Character

  1. @NudeTayne Lol.. out of all the people on the forum what do I have to do with this?? hahah.. I've never been a "blame Baker" guy putting the struggles primarily on Freddie secondarily on the lack of time on task Baker and the offensive skill players put in during the off-season. I'm always rooting for his success as heavily as anyone despite wanting Darnold over Baker and the fun times that was that pre-draft build up. I have though properly imo not glossed over his role in the offensive struggles and issues. On the other hand, I have celebrated his toughness playing through injury, positive moments of leadership, and improved play. I would mention though that while I'm thrilled at Baker's steady improvement, the post-bye week quality of performance is different from The Patriots game, Buffalo game, Broncos game, and Steelers game. The quality of defenses we've played have changed as well. All are different and the box-score stats don't really tell a person all that much about the missed reads or throws or oline play, etc. Baker's best game after the bye-week was the Steelers game, but he's still missing easy lay-ups and easy reads unfortunately. Hopefully he keeps progressing and gets to the next level during the last stretch of the season.
  2. Let's not allow all the Rudolph foolishness to draw our attention away from the fact that Mason Rudolph before the Browns game and after is complete trash as a QB... and so long as he remains the Steelers QB 15 points beats their team if their defense scores no points... I do like that this game has some juice now... the Steelers are going to fight... so that means it can be somewhat of a barometer for where our team is based on the extent to which we outperform and dominate them...
  3. The ending of The Conversation.. Hackman.. the Sax.. confirmed classic ... https://imgur.com/K4mmsHz
  4. I'm ancient. A pre-historic millennial. Centuries if not eons older than the likes of you "Let's take a Tweetie," "You do know there's an app for that," "Just google it," Millenials wastin away all your days smokin all your hippie dippy gluten-free vapes droppin locally-sourced micro-brewed mollies .... That reminds me: Read a book! And Get off my lawn!!
  5. You forgot the part about how: When it rains he rubs his bad knee and says, "if it wasn't for that injury I would've been in the league." "Bloviate".... oh looky here... we got ourselves a big shiny words Aristocrat... Yale, Harvard, Oxford, or Cambridge? LGB below confirmed...
  6. Lol. ... if by "you have great knowledge" you mean mostly trash takes and/or meh attempts at satire/comedy then I agree. I'm JAG man. I think a lot of us as Browns fans and on FF have become invested in the Draft process given that has been our Super Bowl for 2 decades. That includes a lot of wasted time watching college play cut-ups of players all across the college football landscape before they are officially drafted into the NFL. For me, I'm just a guy that happens to have been around the real football business my entire life; a lot of which has had to do with the football administrative and football scouting parts of the business. Some people have family and friends in the Car-business.. others in Law or the Medical fields.. mine just happened to be around the business of college and pro football. If I don't watch prospects and develop some sort of opinion based on watching game cut-ups (even if I'm way off base) then I become the guy at family/friend functions that just has to be silent and take sh** and can't participate in the scouting and football debates when all the fam and friends get together for anything. I don't have interesting hobbies like woodwork or blacksmithing...spelunking.. rock-skipping or whatever the good people do nowadays. and I don't watch any television outside of sports or a movie/series me and the Mrs. decide we want to watch. I'm a boring JAG with hobbies like history, reading, and occasionally trying my hand at amateur college-pro football prospect scouting a few months out of the year. All just to pass the time as a pleasant escape while the world burns in its own fantasy and inability to face the truths of our existence. All in all... I guess I'd just say Meh. That is all.
  7. For real for real, I never saw him as a secured 53-man roster guy coming out. I always saw him as a fringe-roster guy who might flash in preseason a few times to only be relegated to collecting a practice squad check. Coming out of school, I thought he had really nice quickness around the corner and had really active and technically sound hands usage, but he lacked heavy hands, functional strength, next level hand counters/combos in combat, flexibility, and bend. What he lacked in bend his lower center of gravity and smaller size helped him often win the leverage game and get under the center of gravity of opponents for good wins. He's an energy and competitive fire guy but I just don't think he has enough juice, twitch, power, or even elite move counters/combos to be a factor for us or any NFL team even as a situational rusher. I hope I'm wrong and the signing turns out to be not as odd as initially thought it was when I heard the news. Seems like there are a lot of guys out there in free agency that could provide some impact value over Cox Jr but I guess only time will tell.
  8. Oh... my take on Carlson 9 days ago is the dumbest thing you've heard in a while huh?? Lol. Given your level of elite Derp with Derp Derp logic that probably means I'm on the right track with my assessment. My comments about Carlson were based in watching of each offensive snap up until the moment I posted them which was 10 days ago (the post you quoted was posted on the 12th of November). In Carlson's snaps, in 6 or so blocking snaps that particular week he did just what I posted about prior showing poor technique and fight in blocking. I didn't watch his blocking snaps closely during the most recent Steelers game to see if he improved. If he did improve due to personal commitment to improving or coaching, that's good and a positive he deserves credit for; however, that doesn't mean that he wasn't bad before. What it would prove is that you're elite at confirmation bias and needed to support your positive opinions of Carlson that probably sprung forth from his amazing catch against the Steelers. Therefore, any positive belief disconfirming information about Carlson must be rebuked so that opposing positive and negative information in your mind doesn't cause your discomfort and dissonance. Then you could go back to the freedom and bliss of your newfound Carlson worship. Indeed, you still are a true elite, legendary Derp.
  9. Mason Rudolph Revenge game... We're going to have our hands full when he levels up and elevates to the second coming of a poor man's version of Davis Webb ..
  10. Random rookie dropping 24 on the Cavs at half-time... Trade Kevin Love so Lamelo Ball can save us...
  11. On top of losing Reshad Jones to IR their other starting Safety, Bobby McCain, got placed on IR as well. No pass rush. No run stoppers. No Safeties. No CBs. Just Jerome Baker, a hobbled (knee) Raekwon McMillan, and meh rookie Christian Wilkins who had all the intangibles and effort but no real quality starter juice coming out of college (I thought he was an amazing locker room and all-star contributor as rotational lineman). No Joke at all: We should run through them like a hot knife to butter. Dominate from start to finish for a 34 to 38 points at least effort.
  12. One thing I hope above anything else in this situation is that the organization and Myles' teammates have properly supported and stood by him in ways that Myles feels had his back and were there for him. I'd hate for a few years down the line Myles to bring up being ostracized or alienated by teammates and blah blah as reasons one of the reasons why he'd feel like taking his talents elsewhere. Bitonio said it was emotional locker room and emotional things were being said. That's understandable and didn't really tell us much. Ultimately, I hope they weren't on the Draymond Green to Kevin Durant level or if they were that stronger or tighter relationships can be forged after coming to an understanding. Few of our guys besides Richardson have come out in support of Myles heavily so I'd hope many others have done so privately so Myles doesn't see this as the point in which he started to realize he wanted to get out of Cleveland.
  13. Two separate points in there (there's a lot of truth to what you say): 1.) A near divisional sweep or total divisional sweep is not the same as a near divisional sweep or total divisional sweep. It's only as difficult as that year's context of divisional team quality makes it. Sweeping the Steelers is not hard to do given their offense and our roster. Sweeping the Bengals is not hard to do given their entire team. Sweeping the Ravens given their team and our roster is hard to do. 2.) Sweeping against a division with 3 other quality teams is different than sweeping a division with 2 quality teams and 1 over-matched team ... is different from sweeping a division with 1 other quality team and 2 over-matched teams. Differentiating between "sweep quality" context that's missed in the sweep statistics; however, as a general rule sweeps impress us as sports fans because generally speaking it's hard to do for the reason that it's rare to be in a division with many bad/overmatched teams. 3.) The Patriots are one team where it has happened often as in the AFC East that have had the benefit of playing against overmatched franchises and teams to the tune of Buffalo, Jets, and Dolphins with rookie QB, coach, and bad QB on repeat. 4.) I've watched every Ravens game. They are a good and tough team with dynamic play-makers. But they have so many hidden holes and deficiencies. My point about us beating them is more about going down the starters man to man and giving us the talent advantage. Now, we all know coaching makes a difference and position synergy makes a difference but when I say "we should beat the ravens given our talent" I'm not saying it should be easy.
  14. Still a week away. He's been designated for return, but there's the next step of actually activating the player. We'll see him Steelers game. Designated players most often come back the Wednesday prior so they can get some reps then the team can evaluate how they've responded to their return physically/mentally. Subsequently, they then have a full week of practice the following week to get ready for actual game and contact.
  15. With David Njoku returning, there isn't a team in the NFL with a better collection of offensive skill players even considering Njoku's inconsistency. Nick Chubb Kareem Hunt Odell Beckham Jr. Jarvis Landry David Njoku Truthfully, we absolutely should and need to win 7 straight total and should be dominant in wins against Bengals x2, Dolphins, Steelers, and Cardinals. And honestly we have the skill players and good enough QB to where we shouldn't even lose to the Ravens even if it's an outscoring duel where our defense struggles.
  16. I always knew one day Lamar Jackson would get to the point he's at now, but never ever did I think he'd do so by year 2. When everyone was he-he-ing and talking about how Lamar was going to be terrible because of his rookie year, I warned those people that Lamar's work ethic and competitiveness are elite and he's going to be a problem. The scariest thing about Lamar Jackson is that he's not even close to being as refined and improved of a passer as he's going to become. There are more levels for him to get to and there's no doubt that he's going to put in the work to do so. No matter what his play-style is unsustainable and at some point he's going to be injured and miss a lot of time, but by that time he may have already got an MVP and a super bowl so it won't really matter all that much. The Ravens have tons of hidden holes on defense and a few on offense. As they get better as a team, so will we have to in order to make sure we stay competitive. It's going to be the Browns and Ravens battling for the top spot for many years to come.
  17. You're absolutely right. Michael Pittman Jr. is definitely not a burner at all and it's most desirable to add a deep speed threat to maximize our offense. BUT... the way I look at it with Pittman is what would our offense look like with a more twitchy, better deep speed, less functional strength Michael Thomas on the opposite boundary of OBJ. That to me creates it's own gravity; it's own force that commands attention and creates more space for other offensive play-makers. Jarvis and Pittman could be flipped on the slot and boundary based on match-ups. Also, Pittman has surprising deep speed at least on film. A lot of people are expecting him to run 4.55 but he might legit be a 4,49 timed speed guy that plays at a 4.44 type level. Ultimately, the elite catch-radius, ball skills, spatial awareness, route running, and spatial awareness for Pittman makes him a true WR1. He'll fall because of his timed speed in comparison to the speed forces of Ruggs, Shenault, and Smith. But having a WR1 of the Michael Thomas variety paired with Beckham could be a potent offense. I'd rather see what becomes of our offense and OBJ with an elite burner on the opposite boundary that prevents the Safety from doubling OBJ. It would be so fun to watch.
  18. When a majority rookie and inexperienced starters team is leading the league in critical situation penalties it is often expected. Historically young rosters always lead the league in penalties. When a majority veteran starter filled team leads the league in 3rd down penalties, pre-snap penalties, post-snap penalties, and personal conduct penalties it's a discipline attention to detail issue, as well as an issue with how coaching (assistant coaches included) is able (or unable) to effect change. Many of us have discussed before how winning is the opiate of the masses. To me, while i expect it many will, it would be unwise to whitewash our leading the league in penalties and rationalize it as not mattering because we happened to beat mostly bad teams in the 2nd half of the season. A team can go 8-8 and still have serious issues regarding sustainability of success. One thing to remember is that for most organizations that are well-adjusted to losing, an 8-8 record (or therabouts) is not a sign of success or something to celebrate and be excited about but instead a sign that the team could have some fatal flaws that need to be addressed going forward. Hopefully, our discipline issues being in the public eye can redirect the focus on of our players even if the coaching program can't.
  19. That's why if the Tackles are gone I think trading down has to be the primary option. Indeed, I'd only take a guard in the 1st if that guard is elite. I think there are around 4 elite Guards with the guy I had us taking (Shane Lemieux, OG Oregon) being one of them). I'm only taking a player at 17 that I think can be elite or a high quality starter. ehh... feels like quality at that position in rounds 2 or 3 but this year's Guard class isn't as deep. If the elite tackles are gone, we should trade down. If we stay put, the most elite prospects at a position that could benefit us will be at WR and possibly Guard imo so I'd take the Best Player Available.
  20. I absolutely, unequivocally don't want to spend our 1st round pick on a WR or a Guard when we have more pressing needs imo. A lot of people will celebrate no matter what as long as we draft a Tackle "Nice that's a big need and we got a guy." I won't be... if that Tackle isn't a real guy. I'd rather draft a player at another position that has elite impact ability rather than drafting a much lesser player to satisfy need, and I honestly don't think any of the elite or even quality starter Tackle prospects will make it to around where we're likely to be picking if when we keep winning. So then the option is do we take an elite pro-bowl quality player at another position or do we take the lesser player at Tackle which is a serious need? You can't just draft for need if there are elite prospects at other positions available, especially at positions that can our roster can stand to upgrade and or fill. Also, my mock took into account other teams needs and the prospects available and a lot of them have Tackle needs. @MWil23 I'm right there with you in thinking that we have more pressing needs than Guard (I say LT and RT), but I guess I'm just puzzled with your belief that our OG situation isn't awful. We switched players mid-season because our starter Eric Kush was struggling mightily giving up pressure and getting pushed back. The guy who replaced him (Wyatt Teller) has been a degree worse unfortunately. I mean it man though I wish it wasn't the case go back and look at Teller's play since he's been starting. It's really bad man. It just is. Add to the fact that all QBs but especially Baker and some of his game deficiencies needs to feel secure against inside pressure. It all points to the fact that we need a RG and that need should be pretty high on the list. I have our needs priority at: 1.) RT // 2.) LT, // 3.) RG, // 4.) SS, // 5.) DE, // 6.) Blocking-Receiving TE, // 7.) WR, // 8.) DT I love Tyler Biadasz, but it would be a shame to move him to guard where he has all-pro play traits. Let him be great at his position where his elite anchor and instincts/feel for the game in the Center phone booth shine. He doesn't play with length nor does he have the blocking play traits to really shine at Guard imo. I have no clue how we don't have a need at WR at all. Higgins is a UFA and possession WR who's going to walk after this year. After that it's Khadarel Hodge who looked good in a few snaps but bad in others. Even with Higgins returning and all the good things he brings, a personnel grouping of Jarvis, Higgins, TE, and OBJ will always be a cluttered route space as defenders sit on Higgins and Jarvis and devote extra resources to Odell over the top and underneath. That means at best that leave your TE or Higgins with a potential favorable match-up. An actual threat at the WR2 boundary, would free up OBJ, Jarvis, and others to have favorable match-ups more often than not. Right now, it is so easy to scheme for our WR group because of Jarvis' speed threat deficiencies as a boundary WR. It allows the defense to devote resources to take away Beckham as we don't have a countervailing force to really make them pay nor do we have a deep ball or speed short game threat to open up space for our TEs and others to work. I've said it multiple times that another viable WR option with the gravity to take some of the defenses focus and resources would be a game changer success multiplier that would have trickle down effects on Jarvis Landry, OBJ, our TEs, our pass catching RB (Kareem Hunt), Baker, and our rushing back (Nick Chubb). A playmaker at WR makes this offense an explosive juggernaut. Now, I don't see WR as one of our top needs but it's a need.
  21. Updated Mock Draft (Browns Pick 17th Scenario): ** I've said it for a while. The 2nd half of the season easy schedule is going to lead to many wins and cause our draft position to plummet. IMO, we'll have to trade up into the top 12 at least for a chance at the elite OTs (Thomas, Wills, Wilson) or good OT (Leatherwood). The remaining tackle prospects aren't worthy of our first round selection, especially relative to other actual elite prospects available at other positions so we shouldn't just reach for need. 1st Round: 1.) Bengals -- Joe Burrow, QB LSU 2.) Washington -- Andrew Thomas, LT Georgia 3.) Dolphins -- Justin Herbert, QB Oregon 4.) Atlanta -- Chase Young, DE Ohio State 5.) Giants -- Jedrick Wills, OT Alabama 6.) Broncos -- Alex Leatherwood, LT Alabama 7.) Lions -- Jeff Okudah, CB Ohio State 8.) Cardinals -- CeeDee Lamb, WR Oklahoma 9.) Jets -- Jerry Jeudy, WR Alabama 10.) Chargers -- Kristian Fulton, CB LSU 11.) Titans -- Derrick Brown, NT Auburn 12.) Broncos -- Isaiah Wilson, RT Georgia 13.) Bears -- Tristan Wirfs, OG Iowa 14.) Tampa Bay -- AJ Epenesa, DE Iowa 15.) Carolina Panthers -- C.J. Henderson, CB/NCB/FS Florida 16.) Jacksonville Jaguars -- Bryce Hall, CB Virginia 17.) Browns -- Shane Lemieux, OG Oregon. At this point in the draft, the most elite prospects available will be at Wide Receiver. Guys like Michael Pittman Jr., WR USC; Laviska Shenault, WR Colorado; Henry Ruggs III., WR Alabama, DeVonta Smith, WR Alabama can all make a tremendous impact as boundary WRs playmakers that provide speed threat (Pittman Jr. not as much). Other elite prospects at their positions will likely also be available such as Kenneth Murray, LB Oklahoma. For me, the "fools=gold" prospects available here that fans will want because mostly their name has buzz in the pre draft process are Grant Delpit, S LSU and Isaiah Simmons, LB/S Clemson. To me, Delpit the whiff-master with bad instincts/eyes is one of the more overrated prospects in the entire draft and should go in the mid/late 2nd to early 3rd. Simmons is a player I loved early in the evaluation process,, and he can do it all; however, with more film watched I just don't see him ever being more than an slightly above average contributor as he doesn't play with force, great instincts, or athletic explosiveness. I'd take him if there weren't other elite prospects available at other positions but their will be. At 17, we should trade down as our primary option. Beyond that, it would come down to an elite Guard prospect, an elite LB prospects, a near-elite WR prospect. or average safeties. In that case I'm going for Shane Lemieux, OG Oregon. I know everyone thinks Drew Forbes will be the guy, but Lemieux has all the qualities and tools to be an elite immediate pro-bowl Guard. Like all prospects he has his own deficiencies but his primary issues with functional strength aren't bad and can improve.. Baker's the type of QB whereby inside pressure can be devastating. Draft Lemieux in the 1st and hope that a WR falls to us in the 2nd as a way to make lemonade out of lemons. 2nd Round: 2(49) Trade Up and do anything we have to do to get Michael Pittman Jr., WR USC
  22. Why not? I think it's more likely than not that we do. The only question is the Ravens game, and we match up well with them personnel-wise and at some point we have to show up against a good team (they're different then they were earlier this season much like we are). Look what's standing in our way: Mason Rudolph The win-less Bengals The win-less Bengals The bottom tier Dolphins The Talent deficient Cardinals with holes everywhere and a rookie QB Good but not great Ravens team. --- It was easy to predict our ability to beat Buffalo and Mason Rudolph before; a lot of us predicted us winning 7 of 8 to close out the season given the schedule. It's happening with or without Myles Garrett. And it's all because "He Gets Us" and has nothing to do with the schedule.
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