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  1. Landed in São Paulo yesterday morning and all the customs officials were talking about the number of people coming in for the game. Seems like there's gonna be a lot of Packers fans in the arena on Friday.
  2. Just turned 25, but his athletic profile is really impressive. I thought he was LDS when I read that he started at Southern Utah, but looks like he may have just started playing football a little later in life (he's from Canada). How's his blocking on tape?
  3. I think as a rookie he spent some time in camp playing RT, but yeah, definitely changes things a bit if he shows versatility beyond that.
  4. Douglas seemed to indicate in the post game presser that Sullivan messed up the assignment there and he was recovering to pick up the receiver Sullivan should have stayed with based on their assignments.
  5. I spent a lot of time over the summer with a basketball player who was at a similar point in ACL reconstruction rehab, and it was an adventure day to day. Random swelling is common, not to mention the fact that you basically have to relearn the associated muscle memory with all movements. Bakh could play next week or miss the rest of the season and neither would surprise me given the lack of available information to us.
  6. I remember Cobb was the holder on field goals at Kentucky and as a rookie was lobbying for the job. I wonder if they've given him a shot there in practice.
  7. You're just a few pages away from him trying to sell you some powerful natural supplements.
  8. Interesting note in there about how Leonhard was offered the Rams' DC position in 2018 and turned it down.
  9. Thanks! I've been lurking around. Fun team to watch so far. Bigger test next week.
  10. What's with all the bad McCarthyism spreading out of Wisconsin over the years?
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