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  1. I thought the same and I kind of went down a rabbit hole watching him a few nights ago. For as big as he is Butler is really ****ty vs press & tight coverage. Thinking that is why he fizzled out in Arizona and while I think he has potential, I also think the Packers have enough of those big bodies with as much if not more potential.
  2. If that triggers people then they need to get a grip
  3. Kind of nice not having to worry about Diggs anymore. Thanks Vikings
  4. Dont forget those filthy sewer cats that are stuck in Detroit. **** them too Edit: I'm sad I cant like my own post. This is one of my best tbh
  5. favorite hot sauce ftw: The green one by them is REALLY ******* tasty too
  6. I finished the first season about a month ago and tried watching the first episode of s2 after bar close Saturday night annnnnnnnnnd I passed out. #nospoilers
  7. Two things: 1) No rules in place so it would be bull**** if the commish did something after the fact. 2) I don't get the problem people have with tanking. It's a strategy and if they pay their dues then who cares.
  8. Seattle had soooo many picks but their collective AV was the 3rd lowest lol
  9. Moved two weeks ago into our (FIRST TIME ******* HOME BUYER!, so I can actually say "our") house and we recently bought furniture. Had a buddy help me move our old couches into the garage and I found a $100 bill in the bottom when I was taking off the feet. #profit
  10. Barnwell is a complete joke when it comes to anything football (or sports, really) related
  11. Dom went for the slow victory, getting his ring then dismantling the team that blew out his only good team as HC
  12. Save that for Saturday when Foles out guns Matty Ice
  13. text after that first down play: ******* freshman QB Text after 2nd down: ******* FRESHMAN QB
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