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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. tfw you wanna get the early release but already bought the standard edition.
  2. Nah you don't cut a potential all-pro WR you throw the book at him team wise and strengthen his support network. Let the law do it's thing and then go from there.
  3. She's the dragon queen can't exactly be doing much since it's her claim she's fighting for. Within reason of course, I feel like she should be 100% trying to find dragon riders with loyal houses to sure up her one advantage. BRING ON THE BASTARD VELAYARONS.
  4. You can be arrested for suspicion of DUI since they can't prove it if you refuse a breathalyzer which is why they usually do a blood raw. But depending on the jurisdiction it can require a court order or warrant. In minnesota you need a warrant. Smart move by addison since by the time they get the warrant it won't be relevant. Plead guilty, get the minimum sentence and if his lawyer is very smart he'll recommend a breathalyzer lock if not mandated by the courts. **** if I'm the vikings I bake that into my next contract, we'll pay you to have a breathalyzer lock enabled and if for some reason you don't feel comfortable driving have the mascot drive you, personal chauffer 24/7.
  5. Yeah homie's guilty and he's lucky he didn't kill someone.
  6. Yeah he throw him to the wolves er bears? If you turn the car on and sit in the parking lot but never move it that isn't drunk driving. You are very clearly sleeping it off if you're parked somewhere and haven't moved.
  7. If homie's on the express way he drove home drunk. Throw him to the wolves. I'm saying if he just left the bar, went to take a nap in his car but turned the A/C on and never drove he didn't drink and drive. He took a nap with A/C because of arizona's heat. Big difference between taking a nap somewhere and actually driving drunk. Also they killed that service but it depends on the team. https://www.reviewjournal.com/sports/raiders/nflpa-driver-program-no-longer-available-at-time-of-ruggs-crash-2472079/amp/ Even then they're rich just call someone when you're drunk. If he actually got drunk and drove somewhere throw him to the bears.
  8. Was he....parked napping while drunk? Or was he asleep while driving? Big difference lol. Understood if he's just asleep in a parking lot and didn't wanna get a ride home that's valid. (Yes legally that's drunk driving since you're operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated) Hope it's the first one for his sake.
  9. FTR I would've gotten away with it too if it hadn't been you for you meddling kids. Was gonna bring back scum to **** with town since they didn't believe me when I told them Malf throwing mafia under the bus was the ultimate scum move. Couldn't prove it but killing two mafia was as good as cleared. Rest in pinnochio. Also malf 10/10 play. Town was asleep at the wheel.
  10. I'm neither town or other. I am the darkness. Whicker found the crypto market I see.
  11. ftr there's two scum groups can confirm with forge on that one. There's the Disney villains and then there's Xehanort who is like 100% a cult leader. You can kill the villains but they don't matter lol.
  12. I'll give you a game drop instead. Forge isn't going to die tonight.
  13. Also forge before you die do me a solid dog. respond to my trade request in our fantasy league. lemme have Justin Jefferson for Jaylen Waddle and Tyreek.
  14. When a ship sinks, the rats flee to a new home. What kinda rat can't swim? Swimming. smh ya'll be thinking I'm good at mafia.
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