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Everything posted by Xmad

  1. You said "yep" to the offer. Now that I'm double checking, it's edited 10 minutes after you sent it and it's just a dot there now. At least edit it to say I've changed my mind or something in the future.....
  2. dig through the transactions thread, if it's not there decent chance you traded it on the old forum and that thread is well..probably gone by now.
  3. Yep but that's usually not wise since you probably won't get the return on your investment.
  4. Just finished watching Torchwood....Can't believe I put it off for so long. My doctor who itch has been scratched.
  5. There will be when RFA rolls around in March or April. Don't remember when BDL does it but you'll be able to tag any RFA.
  6. It's a fine line between details you need and reading a novel. I'll trade you Tyrod for a pair of 1sts.
  7. So Long Beach's season is over. Congrats on winning the division Lukic.
  8. Another one bites the dust? Shame I really liked counselor too.
  9. I get the trade but Dingo if you wanted a medicore C I have like 5 of them.... C Ben Jones C Spencer Pulley C JC Tretter C Russell Bodine C Ryan Jensen All of them are better than Cody Whitehair too...Except Bodine because he's sucked for like 4 years in a row.
  10. Don't google scrambled eggs. All you get is weird easter stuff.
  11. The Portland Horned Owls would officially like to welcome DomePatrol as a co-owner.
  12. Still there's a very real chance Brees doesn't play like a top 5 QB next season or doesn't play at all. Durable or not every QB declines at some point. But I could be totally wrong and he signs a new 2 year deal with the saints and shows no signs of decline.
  13. Short term value is excellent at least for this season, Brees instantly makes Rome a contender. After this season though, Brees is more than likely going to retire or leave NOLA. Plus Brees is 38 going on 39 and QBs often decline past that so it's basically throwing a 2nd away for a 1-2 year shot at the BizzBowl. Then again I traded Tom Brady for a 5th so what do I know. God that was stupid.
  14. Thanks I'll definitely watch at least a few of these over the weekend.
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