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The Orca

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Everything posted by The Orca

  1. I want you to tell me what i have done wrong, why its wrong and how I can improve in that area specifically. Preferably with quotes because I'm a visual learner
  2. We are banned cause, still dont know why. I want to improve but no one will show me something. Apparently playing like a nice boy last game really set some people off
  3. I'd love to. Just need specifics on what was wrong, why it was wrong, and how I should correct it Also, never have and never will cheat. People continuing with that line of posts is a personal attack of me
  4. Also, I know, I wanted your input on the last game and how I played
  5. Not it wasnt, and sure as heck not by me. You agreed with me that your last thing to me was like over a year ago and involved no specifics
  6. I'm banned because of last game basically. You had more knowledge than anyone else and I assume read the thread and discord, what did I do wrong, what posts crossed the line, where can I improve?
  7. Ive deleted the list of games on the first page. If I'm not wanted here I'm not going to help @Dome What did i do last game that was bad/ban worthy?
  8. You can post the signups and just say the theme with be dependent upon the number of people
  9. What are your possible themes aside from Burn Notice?
  10. Check with Counselor or Josh, if they aren't ready or would rather you go you are up, if you want. If not, I can add it to the list of games
  11. Hope they become undisgruntled because I think everyone wants everyone to play
  12. Get @Whicker to cohost or @Malfatron if he has time and isnt playing
  13. I was bulletproof though It was bland and boring. If Dome wants to share it I'm fine. I didnt participate much and was an extremely good teammate and nice to all, I dont know what happened
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