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Reservoir Dogs Reboot Mafia: Criminals Win!!!


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mr. cyan (bcb) was gunned down without mercy.

the crew searched in his pocket and just found a radio.

"oh no! not a cop"

they three players looked at each other warily 

soon they had to go to bed.

they woke up and they were all still there.


players left:

Dome - Mr. Beige

theuntouchable - Mr. Yellow

Whicker - Mr. Purple


you now have the option to lock your vote.

to do this bold the players name and bold lock in the same post

day 6 will end Friday 6 pm or when a player gets 2 votes locked against them.


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Just now, theuntouchable said:


I can’t protect myself, I’ve protected you every night. 

So I know that nobody tried to hit me or whicker 


I had a crazy theory that maybe me visiting you blocks tour hit, but looking back at night moves, I don’t think that’s possible cause you would have been the only scum left when PR got hit.

so it’s whicker

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