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BDL Discussion Thread 2019


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People put a lot of effort into game plans. When you dont read them and then make a vote with what is supposed to sound like an intelligent reason, it comes across bias af. Honestly, if there were ppl interested in doing it, I'd almost say make up a 5 person 'panel' of ppl unaffiliated with a BDL team to read and vote on games.

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4 minutes ago, Hockey5djh said:

Nope, I'm gonna institute a word count vote and vote on principle. Similar to BCB's late submission vote.

You expect people to use like 500 words to cover everything then penalize them because you voluntarily point out a way to exploit an offense or defense that might have been covered with a more thorough, longer writeup.

You cant have it both ways. Basically it sounds more like you want there to be enough protection over bias voting so you dont have to take responsibility for voting against realistic logic

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Look, Portland and I, i think put a lot of effort into our gameplans.. the number of TL DR was disappointing to say the least.

For me it was an opportunity to learn and improve. Still shocked I didnt get a single vote but it is what it is. Having said that, it was clear in their explanation who did and who did not read the writeups.

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14 minutes ago, Counselor said:

So if I write too much you’ll vote against me automatically?

Yep that's what I heard. You could have a flawless gameplan and your opponent could be starting 22 ppl on IR and if you have too long of a gameplan, you automatically get voted against.

That puts.more merit to finding 3-5 ppl that dont own teams to do all the reading and voting

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35 minutes ago, wwhickok said:

Look, Portland and I, i think put a lot of effort into our gameplans.. the number of TL DR was disappointing to say the least.

For me it was an opportunity to learn and improve. Still shocked I didnt get a single vote but it is what it is. Having said that, it was clear in their explanation who did and who did not read the writeups.

Portland and I....You wrote 383 words last week. Portland wrote 858 words. Both were fine, I read and voted.

xmad is now threatening over 2 times as many words (as of now, could be more!) despite a 16-1 win.

Listen, it's mostly an empty promise but there's got to be a point in BDL (as in life) where you have to shut up after you made the sale and if you keep talking you're going to lose it. I'm just trying to gauge what that point is.

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