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TAET: This Ain't Eagles Talk | RIP Jlash


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5 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:

Also you said "how was your day" and she unmatched you lol.. what a terrible person. I hope a Coyote attacks her. 

For real haha when she knows she ain't paying for anything on her dates. Not worth IMO.

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35 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

I gotta find away to stream it. My buddy was talking to me about having everyone come over and share the cost to watch it at his house.... but I kinda think I got the boot and the ex got the invite. His son and my son are super close friends and the kids are with her this weekend. I aint mad at'm kids come first. 


Im not about to drop $150 to watch it alone. I guess I could find a bar or something to go watch it at.

Your angering me. Cause unlike that POS , i am your real buddy. Its your "buddy" why wouldn't you take your kid over the there to watch the fight? 

You need to stop being pushed around by these psychopaths. Or get really drunk and lose it around them, trash there house and threaten to fight every one and never talk to them again(if you never done this before, you need to pick up a copy of my  book." Going Full B60"   with a 10 part instructional series how to do this.)

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1 minute ago, Bednarik60 said:

Your angering me. Cause unlike that POS , i am your real buddy. Its your "buddy" why wouldn't you take your kid over the there to watch the fight? 

You need to stop being pushed around by these psychopaths. Or get really drunk and lose it around them, trash there house and threaten to fight every one and never talk to them again(if you never done this before, you need to pick up a copy of book." Going Full B60"  )

Nah its really not like that. I promise. His wife and my ex are buddies and our kids are buddies. He kinda off hand said "Hey I am thinking about having people over and splitting the tab like we did for the last Mayweather fight. If I do, do you and (My Son) want to come"? 

I told him my son was at the ex's. Been crickets since then. It wasnt really a firm plan and I can guarantee his wife had input and said "the one with the kid gets to come". Thats the real crappy thing about all this. All our friends were community property. they were other families that had kids the same ages.. wed do BBQs and Halloweens and stuff together. Its kinda awkward if its just me hanging out with their entire family. I mean, ive done it, its just strange. 

Ill be good, I just gotta meet new people who dont direct their entire social life through their children. I dont know if it makes sense, but its literally what happens when you have kids. 

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3 minutes ago, Phire said:

For real haha when she knows she ain't paying for anything on her dates. Not worth IMO.

Never paid a dime once. 

LOL Lives with her mom/aunt/or friends but demands you have a house. Has a POS 97 Honda Accord littered with dents on hub caps and uses her moms Jeep, but craps on your new Mazda 3 or Toyota Camry. Works part time for moms friend cleaning offices and is a part time dancer on the weekend,  expects you to have a well paying career. 

Classy girl. 

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7 minutes ago, Phire said:

Every bar should have the fight playing.

Thats true. I wonder how packed they will be though. We kinda have a hurricane that just wiped Houston off the map. All those dudes packed up and drove here (or Dallas). It might be more pain than its worth. 

Im pretty sure Reddit will have a link up. Ill stream it so I can watch the Cowboys game too. 

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3 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:

Never paid a dime once. 

LOL Lives with her mom/aunt/or friends but demands you have a house. Has a POS 97 Honda Accord littered with dents on hub caps and uses her moms Jeep, but craps on your new Mazda 3 or Toyota Camry. Works part time for moms friend cleaning offices and is a part time dancer on the weekend,  expects you to have a well paying career. 

Classy girl. 

I wouldnt stand for that ish either. Im not trying to be a sugar daddy for some snob. But if shes attractive, fun and willing to come to my place when she get the text... thats the ideal scenario. It might take a while, but I had a rotation in HS and a completely different rotation in college. You need 3 girls that you can take out on the regular and all your needs are covered. If one is snobby, thats the one you take to fancy dinners. If one is a B60-level green lover, thats you one you invite over for a weekend of naked video games and movies. Hopefully one is normal enough that you can do all the other ish with. The one that doesnt mind going dutch on football tickets. 

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8 minutes ago, Matts4313 said:

Ill be good, I just gotta meet new people who dont direct their entire social life through their children. I dont know if it makes sense, but its literally what happens when you have kids. 

Well i think we are the same age( i am 30) and i don't have kids and i am in this boat to my friend. You realize your friends like you said only direct there entire social life through there kids. You start to realize if your not in "little Johnny's" social network your out of the loop lol. You start realizing they don't care about your opinion anymore and care more about the parents at the schools opinion of them lol. Losers. 

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1 minute ago, Matts4313 said:

Did he say something racist? I hadnt heard that.

No lol hes Irish so he said "boy" a bunch. "ill take this boys head off" "hes a hardworking boy but i am harder working" .. Which is very common among Irish people. And people went reaching hard. 

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5 minutes ago, Bednarik60 said:

No lol hes Irish so he said "boy" a bunch. "ill take this boys head off" "hes a hardworking boy but i am harder working" .. Which is very common among Irish people. And people went reaching hard. 

I remember that. You should be thrown in jail if you accuse someone of being a racist without any evidence or any regard for consequences. 

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