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Criminal Minds Mafia - Town Wins


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I’ve said since I got my gun takin away to ask me anything about my role. Why do you question me now and vote for me? 

Is there a real reason other than me having a gun that didn’t work. Why would Scum have a gun that doesn’t work?

are you just voting me because you gave up on pretending to scum hunt because you’re the last scum, so you push the easy vote with me?

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1 minute ago, gopherwrestler said:

Because I wasn’t 100% sold on him. Why haven’t you been voting him?

He has been under the radar imo. D1 I was tunneled on Nacho, D2 I tunneled on Whicker, D3 tunneled back again on Nacho, D4 I went off my thought process and pushed Tk3 wrongly (locked my vote as well), D5/now I am tunneled on Swag, but until I'm lynched or killed my theory probably holds little weight 

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1 minute ago, The Orca said:

How do use it in thread? Any stipulations?

Nope just had to tag dome and the player I wanted to shoot. Thought about using it on Whicker, but I wanted to make sure Dome was online and he didn’t respond back to me in time where I could do it and we would have had time to regroup and vote again for who we thought was the next scum and enough time for me to explain my role without just getting lynched. 

And according to forge, my gun didn’t even work, so idk what would have happened, I have nothing explaining that.

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1 hour ago, theuntouchable said:

So what if the bomber put the fake bomb on themselves? 

That's certainly one theory, and with his "radical" post history it could lend to that theory but it's not concrete.

1 hour ago, gopherwrestler said:


you can lynch me if you want. 

I’ll flip town. I’m Ray Riley if that helps anyone whose watched the show.

i have nothing anymore since we took my gun away that didn’t even work, and my stolen keys that had no use whatsoever, along with being homeless. Send me to prison, probably would be nicer than a tent.

outside of that, KOTN is the only one I actually question a little bit.

Gopher, did someone give you the gun or did you have it all along? Do you know why you had the bag of keys? What's your entire history.

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4 minutes ago, AFlaccoSeagulls said:

That's certainly one theory, and with his "radical" post history it could lend to that theory but it's not concrete.

Gopher, did someone give you the gun or did you have it all along? Do you know why you had the bag of keys? What's your entire history.

What if he was a townie but then after interacting with whicker he turned? 

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