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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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51 minutes ago, Nazgul said:

If this happened to Outpost he would be screaming bloody murder, saying Jeff is better, and calling CBS about another Moonves scandal. 

Julie has not once screwed me in this game.  You know why?  Because I pretend I got screwed in everything so that it won’t happen for real.


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no working together


Deadline to submit moves: Wednesday 5 PM CST

In this game, you will each control 4 characters with different classes.

You control which moves they make. Submit 20 moves for each of your 4 players. The order of attacks will be Rogues, White Mage, Black mage, Warrior.


For each barrage, you can choose to attack Warrior 1, Black Mage 1, White Mage 1, Rogue 1, Warrior 2, Black Mage 2, White Mage 2, Rogue 2, Warrior 3, Black Mage 3, White Mage 3, Rogue 3.

I will randomly assign players from 1-4 in chatty at the beginning of each barrage, and your attack will correspond to the player in that specific order.  Obviously, you won't attack your own team. If your selected opponent is dead, you will move to the next one in the same class. If everyone in that class is dead, your attack will be randomized.

if you use a support/heal spell on your ally, but that ally is dead, it will go to a random ally.

This is so you can't hone in on specific players.

HP/MP cannot go above original amount

1) Class: Warrior

HP: 30

Available Moves:

Normal Attack: attacks normally. 2 HP damage. 70% to hit.

Defend: Defends an ally of your choice, and only take half the damage your teammate otherwise would have.

Charge: Waits a turn, and can strong attack on the next turn. While charging, takes 1.5X damage.

Strong Attack: Attacks with a strong attack. 5 damage. 60% to hit.


Class 2: Black Mage

HP: 20

MP: 10

If you use a spell you don't have enough MP for, you channel instead

non-magic options:

Channel: Gain 1 MP

Arcane Focus: On your next turn, you can use a focus spell.  If attacked while focusing, take double damage.


Magic Options:(MP cost is noted in brackets)

Fire Spells

[1]Fireball: 1 damage. 70% to hit
[1]Flame Wall: 2 damage to your opponent if the target targets you with their next attack. If they don't target you, you lose 0.5 HP
[2]Inferno: 3 damage. 50% to hit

Air Spells:

[1] Lightning Bolt: 2 damage if the target used 'Channel' or 'charge' on their next move.
[2]Surge: Can use on teammate. Target deals +2 damage to anyone they damage on their next attack. If your ally misses, this is wasted.
[5]Tornado: Target any player. The next player to target you is instead redirected to that player.


Focus Spells: (cannot use unless you focused the round before)


[3] Retribution: Deal 1 damage. If the target targets you on their next move, deal 5 damage instead.
[3] Corrosive Blast: Target takes 1 extra damage on each player's next move.
[4] Enchant: Target your ally. Your ally deals  +4 damage on their next attack. If your ally misses, this is wasted.



[2] Tremors: Deal 3 damage.  80% chance to hit

[2] Steam Blast: 2 unstoppable damage. Cannot be blocked, cancelled, or redirected, resolves before healing, and cannot be reduced below 1.
 [3]Curse: 1 damage. The target cannot be healed for the rest of the game.


Class: White Mage

HP: 15

MP: 15


non-magic options:

Channel: Gain 1 MP

Arcane Focus: On your next turn, you can use a focus spell.  If attacked while focusing, take 1.5X damage.


Magic Options: (MP cost is noted in brackets)

Water Spells:

 [2] Freeze: Target cannot damage a specific teammate on their next move. Can only use on teammate (not self)
 [2]Water Wall: Take 1 less damage the next time they are attacked. Can cast on yourself or teammate

[2]Sooth: Use on teammate. Cures Curse


Earth Spells:

[1] Heal: Heal 1 on teammate or self.

 [3]Hurricane: Choose 2 targets. Their actions are redirected to each other.
[4] Stone Wall: Can cast on teammate. They take no damage the next time they are attacked, and take 1 less damage the subsequent time.


Focus Spells: (cannot use unless you focused the round before)


[1]Sacrifice: Deal 1 damage to yourself and gain 5 MP

[2] Serenity: Restores 2 MP to your ally (not self)

[2] Sanctuary: Heal 2 to any player (self or teammate)



Earth Spells:

[2] Iron Skin: Cast on teammate. They take 1 less damage each turn until you yourself take damage.

[2] Quake: Target loses 2 MP. 
[3] Greater Heal: Heal 3 to any player (self or teammate)


Class: Rogue

HP: 25

MP: 5

Number of Arrows: 5


Channel: Gain 1 MP

Make Arrow: +1 to Arrow Stock

Dagger Attack: 1 damage. 90 percent chance to hit

Dodge: 60% chance to avoid any damage

Invisibility cloak: Takes 3 MP. Invisible for the next round. Cannot be hit. Attack and Steal % goes up to 100.

Steal Arrow: 75% chance to steal an arrow from opponent

Bow Attack (if you don't have arrows, this changes to a  dagger attack): 3 damage. 70 percent to hit.



Submit 20 moves for each of your classes.

If players are still alive, we will do 20 more moves and so on until only 1 team's players are alive.

For each barrage, you can choose to attack Warrior 1, Black Mage 1, White Mage 1, Rogue 1, Warrior 2, Black Mage 2, White Mage 2, Rogue 2, Warrior 3, Black Mage 3, White Mage 3, Rogue 3.



Edited by Malfatron
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Now I see why the deadline is forever away.  I’m gonna need to go to the local game store and consult with the nerdiest looking people I can find.  Then also find a mathematician.  Maybe play some Elder Scrolls: Oblivion.  But most importantly, I’m going to have to figure out how this game works.  

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Just now, Malfatron said:

what specific questions do ppl have

I'm mostly just joking and I think I get it, but I'm just a little confused on how this works. 

I pick 20 moves for each of my four characters. 

Order is Rogue, White Mage, Black Mage, Warrior. 

So in Chatty, it would go:

Finn's Rogue makes his move, Nazgul's Rogue makes his move, Flux's Rogue makes his move, My Rogue makes his move. 


Finn's White Mage makes his move, Nazgul's White Mage makes his move, Flux's White Mage makes his move, My White Mage makes his move. 


Black mage, black mage, black mage, black mage


Everybody's Warrior. 

Is that right? 

Does the order of who (Me, Nazgul, Flux, Finn) change, or is it always the same player going first? 


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4 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

I'm mostly just joking and I think I get it, but I'm just a little confused on how this works. 

I pick 20 moves for each of my four characters. 

Order is Rogue, White Mage, Black Mage, Warrior. 

So in Chatty, it would go:

Finn's Rogue makes his move, Nazgul's Rogue makes his move, Flux's Rogue makes his move, My Rogue makes his move. 


Finn's White Mage makes his move, Nazgul's White Mage makes his move, Flux's White Mage makes his move, My White Mage makes his move. 


Black mage, black mage, black mage, black mage


Everybody's Warrior. 

Is that right? 

Does the order of who (Me, Nazgul, Flux, Finn) change, or is it always the same player going first? 


correction: Each round will be like a snake draft based on initial randomization 

for instance Round 1: for  each class, the following order will occur: Outpost, naz, flux, fin

round 2: it would be fin,flux,naz,outpost


repeat for the 20 rds


Edited by Malfatron
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@Malfatron Julie, would it be:

Outpost: Rogue, White Mage, Black Mage, Warrior
Finn: Rogue, White Mage, Black Mage, Warrior
Naz :Rogue, White Mage, Black Mage, Warrior
Flux: Rogue, White Mage, Black Mage, Warrior


Outpost Rogue, Finn Rogue, Naz Rogue, Flux Rogue
Then everybody's white mage
Then everybody's black mage
Then everybody's warrior


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