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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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White Mage: DEAD

Black Mage: HP: 10 MP: 0

Rogue: DEAD

Warrior: HP: 16



White Mage: DEAD

Black Mage: HP: 8 MP:0

Rogue: DEAD

Warrior: HP: 17



White Mage: DEAD

Black Mage: HP: 6 MP: 0

Rogue: HP 6  MP:5

Warrior: HP: 6



White Mage: HP: 15  MP:0

Black Mage: HP: 6 MP: 2

Rogue: HP 3  MP: 0  

Warrior: HP: 13.5 









Refresher on moves is below:


You control which moves they make. Submit 10 moves for each of your 4 players. The order of attacks will be White Mage, Black mage, Rogue, Warrior.


For each barrage, you can choose to attack Warrior 1, Black Mage 1, White Mage 1, Rogue 1, Warrior 2, Black Mage 2, White Mage 2, Rogue 2, Warrior 3, Black Mage 3, White Mage 3, Rogue 3.

I will randomly assign players from 1-4 in chatty at the beginning of each barrage, and your attack will correspond to the player in that specific order.  Obviously, you won't attack your own team. If your selected opponent is dead, you will move to the next one in the same class. If everyone in that class is dead, your attack will be randomized.

if you use a support/heal spell on your ally, but that ally is dead, it will go to a random ally.

This is so you can't hone in on specific players.

HP/MP cannot go above original amount

also note: spells cant stack. i.e. if you are hit with freeze, getting hit again before your turn does nothing.

1) Class: Warrior

HP: 25

Available Moves:

Normal Attack: attacks normally. 3 HP damage. 75% to hit.

Charge: Waits a turn, and can strong attack on the next turn. While charging, takes 1.5X damage.

Strong Attack: Attacks with a strong attack. 6 damage. 90% to hit.


Class 2: Black Mage

HP: 15

MP: 10

If you use a spell you don't have enough MP for, you channel instead


non-magic option:

Channel: Gain 1 MP


Magic Options:(MP cost is noted in brackets)

[1]Fireball: 2 damage. 75% to hit
[1]Flame Wall: Cast on any teammate. 2 damage to your opponent if a player damages them with their next attack. 

[2]Inferno: 3 damage. 65% to hit
[2]Surge: Can use on teammate. Target deals +2 damage to anyone they damage on their next attack. If your ally misses, this is wasted.

[3] Steam Blast: 2 unstoppable damage. Cannot be blocked, cancelled, or redirected, resolves before healing, and cannot be reduced below 1.

[4] Tremors: Deal 2 damage to every opponent. 1 damage is dealt to all of your party

[5]Tornado: Target any player. The next player to target you (the black mage) is instead redirected to that player. Wears off after the end of next round




Class: White Mage

HP: 15

MP: 10


non-magic option:

Channel: Gain 1 MP


Magic Options: (MP cost is noted in brackets)

[1] Heal: Heal 2 on teammate or self.

[1]Water Wall: Take 1 less damage the next time they are attacked. Can cast on yourself or teammate. wears off after end of next round

[3]Hurricane: Choose 2 targets. Their next actions are redirected to each other

 [5] Freeze: Target cannot damage anyone on their next move. 

[5] Greater Heal: Heal 4 to any player (self or teammate)


Class: Rogue

HP: 20

MP: 5


Channel: Gain 1 MP

Dagger Attack: 2 damage. 85 percent chance to hit

Invisibility cloak: Takes 3 MP. Invisible for the next round. Cannot be hit. Attack  goes up to 100.

Bow Attack: 4 damage. 75 percent to hit.

Edited by Malfatron
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White Mage: DEAD

Black Mage: DEAD

Rogue: DEAD

Warrior: DEAD



White Mage: DEAD

Black Mage: DEAD

Rogue: DEAD

Warrior: HP: DEAD



White Mage: DEAD

Black Mage: DEAD

Rogue: DEAD

Warrior: HP: 2



White Mage: HP: 6  MP:0

Black Mage: HP: 6 MP: 0

Rogue: DEAD

Warrior: DEAD

Edited by Malfatron
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round 1

White mage

outpost channels

black mage

finn channels

flux channels

naz channels

outpost channels



outpost attacks naz rogue MISS

naz goes invisible. will be invisible r2



finn attacks flux warrior. hit -3hp

flux attacks fin warrior hit -3hp

naz attacks flux warrior hit -3hp

outpost charges


round 2.


outpost heals rogue


b mage

finn fireball on outpost white mage. hit -2

flux fireball on finn warrior hit -2

naz fireball on outpost rogue hit -2

outpost, unstoppable hit on naz rogue. -2hp -3mp (hits naz even though hes invisible bc unstoppable)


outpost misses nazgul because naz is invisible

naz hits white mage -4hp




fin attacks white mage hit -3

flux attacks fin warrior missed

naz warrior attack flux warrior hit 3hp

outpost super attacks naz. naz is invisible


round 3

outpost charges w mage

black mage:

all charge



outpost attacks naz . hits. naz rogue is dead



fin attacks white mage hit -3

flux attacks fin warrior hit -3

naz attack flux warrior hit-3

outpost charges


round 4

outpist heals w mage

black m

finn fireball white mage misses

flux fireball fin warrior. hit -2

naz fireball rouge hit -2

outpost charge



outpost misses hit



fin attacks white mage hit -3

flux attacks fin W hit -3

naz attacks flux W missed

outpost strong attacks naz black mage. naz black mage is dead


round 5:

outpost charges w mage

black mage

all charge



outpost hits fins black mage -4


finn hits outpost rogue. rouge is dead

flux attack fin warrior hit -3

naz attacks flux warrior missed

outpost charges


round 6:

outpost heals white mage

black mage

finley attacks naz warrior. hits -2

flux fireball fin warrior. hit. finns warrior is dead

outpost steamblast finns black mage -2



flux attack outpost warrior. hits 4.5 damage (outpost was charging)

naz attacks flux warrior. missed

outpost super attacks flux black mage hit -6


round 7:

all mages charge


flux attack outpost warrior. missed

naz attack flux warrior missed

outpost charges 


round 8

outpost w mage heals self

black mages

finn fireball flux black mage hit -2

flux fireball outpost warrior missed

outpost channel



fin attacks flux black mage. hit. flux black mage is dead

flux attacks outpost warrior. hit 4.5 damage (outpost is charging)

naz attacks flux warrior hit -3

outpost super attacks finns black mage. finn is dead


round 9:

all mages charge

warrior: flux attacks outpost warrior hit -3

naz attacks flux warrior. hit.flux is dead

outpost charges

round 10:

outpost heals warrior

outpost black mage steamblast naz -2

naz attacks outpost hit for 4.5 damage (outpost was charging)outposts warrior is dead

Edited by Malfatron
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