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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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I'm not going to waste anyone's time.  @Adrenaline_Flux, my biggest weakness in this game is my desire to win. 

I hope you see, as I've explained, that I will auto-lose in the final two if it is me and you.  Deep down, you know that.  That's why you promised me the final two.  I have zero chance at winning if I'm up against you. 

I know I don't have your vote if I make it there, and that's a sacrifice I have to make.  But what you can't acknowledge, but deep down you know to be true, I won't have Nazgul's vote in the final two if I vote to evict him, either. 

This is the move in the game that guarantees a vote against you in the next round. 

I have to evict you here.  You know the reasons why.  And you're right, it has nothing to do with you being a former winner.  I was just trying to give you a fond memory of a previous game where you were crowned the victor. 

@Malfatron Julie, I vote to evict Flux.

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@Adrenaline_Flux its official. You have been evicted from the Big Brother house and will join the jury.

Congrats on making the final 3:




The Final HOH will be a 3-part comp.

part 1: all 3 compete. Winner moves into the HOH Finals

part 2: The losers of part 1 compete. The winner moves into the HOH Finals.

part 3: The winners of part 1 and part 2 compete. The winner is the HOH and will evict one houseguest.


The HOH part 1 will be posted later tonight 

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@Outpost31 No hard feelings. You did what you felt was best for your game. I'm out so no more spinning the truth. Of course my offers were not genuine. However, your best bet 100% was taking me to F2 and then playing to the jury that they shouldn't give me another Big Brother win.

Congrats @FinneasGage and @Nazgul. If this jury has any sort of sense or respect for this game, one of you just won. Outpost will flaunt his competition wins, his superior RNG manifestation, and that he continuously saved himself. However, we all know the truth is that he socially ostracized himself from every remaining ally by time the Final 5 hit, and would follow up every strategic victory with two strategic blunders that would immediately negate all the work he had put in. Truly one of the worst, if not the worst, strategic and social games to have ever made the Final Three and the fact that he evicted me makes me want to go to the bathroom here at work, vomit, and then sign out of this website forever.

Good luck to all three of you.

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I really hate when people pout and try to effect the game after they get sent home.

That is some beta level whining.  Especially from someone who admits I made the right choice and that they were lying to me. 

Then trying to campaign for a winner before the final two is even announced.  Then discussing a social game and strategy when they don't even know WTF they're talking about or even understand half the motivations behind my actions since they're too stupid to realize what was going on behind the scenes.  Really easy for someone who skirts under the radar the entire game and then stabs in the back the two people he otherwise could have trusted because he's too stupid to realize what just happened. 

@FinneasGage, and @Nazgul, don't you hate that, too? 

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3 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

I really hate when people pout and try to effect the game after they get sent home.

That is some beta level whining.  Especially from someone who admits I made the right choice and that they were lying to me. 

Then trying to campaign for a winner before the final two is even announced.  Then discussing a social game and strategy when they don't even know WTF they're talking about or even understand half the motivations behind my actions since they're too stupid to realize what was going on behind the scenes.  Really easy for someone who skirts under the radar the entire game and then stabs in the back the two people he otherwise could have trusted because he's too stupid to realize what just happened. 

@FinneasGage, and @Nazgul, don't you hate that, too? 

I had these same complaints in BB6. You know I hate that.

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8 minutes ago, Outpost31 said:

I really hate when people pout and try to effect the game after they get sent home.

That is some beta level whining.  Especially from someone who admits I made the right choice and that they were lying to me. 

Then trying to campaign for a winner before the final two is even announced.  Then discussing a social game and strategy when they don't even know WTF they're talking about or even understand half the motivations behind my actions since they're too stupid to realize what was going on behind the scenes.  Really easy for someone who skirts under the radar the entire game and then stabs in the back the two people he otherwise could have trusted because he's too stupid to realize what just happened. 

@FinneasGage, and @Nazgul, don't you hate that, too? 

Just giving my words out the door. Nothing I've said should impact the game. I also never said you made the right move. I said the opposite.

I won't comment on everything else until the jury questioning. But there are numerous things you did even out in the open that made no sense for your game (that you've even admitted messed you up) and the fact that you think I didn't have a handle on most of what was going on just tells me that I'm correct in my comments.

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1 minute ago, Outpost31 said:

To be fair, I didn’t make those comments until it was the final two.  I feel like final two is the time to do that.

True. My complaints weren't really with you though. You were openly anti-Naz during the questioning (which is fair) and not before. 

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1 minute ago, Outpost31 said:

I forget, but I think I’m bad at it.

It's the one where it's a random place / thing / person / etc. and we take turns asking questions to narrow it down until one of us correctly guesses it.

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