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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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Now that its over

Real talk 

I never once threatened anyone if they didn’t vote to save TLO

I never once **** on jfin 

I specifically told everyone that I “couldn’t take sides”

And yes in reality I was taking sides, but doing it in the nicest way possible so as to not hurt a friend, and only because it was my only option

And as usual jfin couldn’t see that and decided that anything other than throwing myself and TLO on the sword to save him wasn’t enough, and that was the end of mission and fin 

And tbh I dont appreciate the people who made up those lies, because yeah its just a game, but you’ve gotta realize jfin is a very delicate person, and hes done this before, and this all should have been completely foreseeable, you shouldn’t play around with the emotions of someone like jfin 

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Just now, FinneasGage said:

that you were campaigning against me and ****ting on me essentially. i didn't know outpost hammed it up until after i nom'd you. 

I was campaigning for TLO

I was not campaigning against you 

There is a difference, there was no negative campaigning, the only negative thing I may have said about you was “jfin wont be as good an ally for us going forward as TLO”

Tbh its sad that you chose to believe others over your long time friend and supporter, but thats life, we all make our choices and we have to live w them

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3 minutes ago, mission27 said:

I was campaigning for TLO

I was not campaigning against you 

There is a difference, there was no negative campaigning, the only negative thing I may have said about you was “jfin wont be as good an ally for us going forward as TLO”

Tbh its sad that you chose to believe others over your long time friend and supporter, but thats life, we all make our choices and we have to live w them

maybe don't operate snakily and be up front about what you're doing when i'm on the brink of being evicted instead of being like "yeah it's tough" and then trying to get me evicted. i know you had "no choice" and the tactics you utilized were exaggerated by people, but i probably would've done the same thing regardless 

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12 minutes ago, The Orca said:


Am I allowed to give my input about who should win...or not until votes are in?

If it's the later...tag me when votes are in cause I'd like to give my input

Have to make it past first out to comment here.  Sorry, you were one HOH cycle from making it.

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2 minutes ago, mission27 said:


Explain the appeal of ET in this game

Everyone knows he is a washed up old man who is no longer funny and whose days are behind him, meanwhile TLO and mission run this place 

So why didn’t everyone bow down to us?

ET was the first person to come to me about making an alliance. Obviously with ET being the person who rallied the troops to eliminate me first in BB7 - I was on board with him being on my side instead of calling in the hounds again. By the time I talked to yourself and TLO - I had communications with Dwight (obviously) ET, Touch, Outpost, Gopher, Fin, etc. Some talks were substantial and some were very very minor. Each HoH in the early game targeted the group that ran house last time - BDL. I wasn't a target of ET's side nor was I a target of yours. It wasn't a bad spot for me to be in. TLO reaches out and says there is interest with you two wanting to work with Dwight and I. Dwight's down after I tell him this.

And then Finn nominates myself and Dwight. It was random. It caught me off guard. I messaged TLO, calling him out about what JFin just did and what not. TLO was very good at explaining that Finn went rogue on this. That he thought it was going to be ET + a random. I was still wanting to work with you without Dwight and then ET wins the next HoH. I'm safe with him, and he wants to nominate you two. For the sake of not ruffling feathers I let it happen. You did approach me and ask if I would keep TLO and I -did- plan on doing so. But when I was aware of the numbers and realized that at best I was the tying vote (with ET breaking a tie), I chose to stay on the numbers and keep my alliance with ET.

I've said it a few times here - I was serious about jumping ship to your side. ET's comments to me made me very wary of my place with him. So I was 100% willing to join up. That HoH going to ET and him targeting the both of you kind of forced my hand. The game is about making the right moves at the right time. And despite me wanting to selfishly take that lunge - it wasn't the smart play to defy ET just yet. I had to wait.

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Because it doesn't matter now, I legitimately wanted to work with all of the people who did contact me this game. All of the information I gave you guys was true, even if it got back to somebody else and hurt my game. I wanted to play with Outpost, but also wanted to get him out because I know how dangerous he is at these games. He was the hardest one for me to peg because I know everything he does has a purposeful intention to get him further. That's a good ally if you can trust him.

Out of the two left? I don't want either to win. I want to keep my bragging rights over Naz and I went home on a Fin HoH. They should both kick rocks.

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2 minutes ago, FinneasGage said:

maybe don't operate snakily and be up front about what you're doing when i'm on the brink of being evicted instead of being like "yeah it's tough" and then trying to get me evicted. i know you had "no choice" and the tactics you utilized were exaggerated by people, but i probably would've done the same thing regardless 

Which tbh is exactly why I reacted the way I did and why I have no regrets about eviscerating you 

Your position is basically, unless I put you above all else and show you undying loyalty, I am the enemy.  And thats how you view every player in this game.  You dont have the maturity to realize that the game doesn’t revolve around you and that people have other allies to protect.  You dont have the maturity to realize TLO was on the block solely because of your actions and not having his back would have been incredibly disloyal on my part. 

What really puts it over the edge tho is that I held back.  I had a lot of ammo and bad stuff I could’ve said about you and ways I could’ve maneuvered things to keep TLO in this game.  I held back because I saw you as a friend and felt like that was a dirty way to treat you.  And instead of accepting that and moving on you stabbed me in the back.

@FinneasGage who in this game do you think showed you more loyalty than I have over the years?  Answer me that


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4 minutes ago, Nazgul said:

ET was the first person to come to me about making an alliance. Obviously with ET being the person who rallied the troops to eliminate me first in BB7 - I was on board with him being on my side instead of calling in the hounds again. By the time I talked to yourself and TLO - I had communications with Dwight (obviously) ET, Touch, Outpost, Gopher, Fin, etc. Some talks were substantial and some were very very minor. Each HoH in the early game targeted the group that ran house last time - BDL. I wasn't a target of ET's side nor was I a target of yours. It wasn't a bad spot for me to be in. TLO reaches out and says there is interest with you two wanting to work with Dwight and I. Dwight's down after I tell him this.

And then Finn nominates myself and Dwight. It was random. It caught me off guard. I messaged TLO, calling him out about what JFin just did and what not. TLO was very good at explaining that Finn went rogue on this. That he thought it was going to be ET + a random. I was still wanting to work with you without Dwight and then ET wins the next HoH. I'm safe with him, and he wants to nominate you two. For the sake of not ruffling feathers I let it happen. You did approach me and ask if I would keep TLO and I -did- plan on doing so. But when I was aware of the numbers and realized that at best I was the tying vote (with ET breaking a tie), I chose to stay on the numbers and keep my alliance with ET.

I've said it a few times here - I was serious about jumping ship to your side. ET's comments to me made me very wary of my place with him. So I was 100% willing to join up. That HoH going to ET and him targeting the both of you kind of forced my hand. The game is about making the right moves at the right time. And despite me wanting to selfishly take that lunge - it wasn't the smart play to defy ET just yet. I had to wait.

Did you feel bad about it, given TLO and I went against the numbers in the house to help you and Dwight just a couple of weeks before?  Or are you really as cold and sociopathic as you appear from the outside? 

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2 minutes ago, FinneasGage said:

i mean i told you i was going to do it if you didn't nominate your brother 


On 8/30/2019 at 10:26 PM, Nazgul said:

***** just nominate me. I don't have anything to prove to anyone here.

I told you to nominate my *** instead. Granted, you did.
But I wasn't afraid of what you could do to me, Finn.

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13 minutes ago, mission27 said:

Did you feel bad about it, given TLO and I went against the numbers in the house to help you and Dwight just a couple of weeks before?  Or are you really as cold and sociopathic as you appear from the outside? 

Certainly. You two had proven capable in competitions where I was struggling early. Going to your side would have offered me some freedom from the burden I then felt being on ET's side (by him telling him he didn't prioritize my allegiance). I viewed you two as worthy allies who would very likely take that shot at ET for me. I wouldn't have to come out looking bad with his eviction and I wouldn't be the top threat in an alliance of yourself, TLO, Dwight and myself. I viewed it as a win-win. I don't know if those things would have happened, but we would have found out had anyone else won that HoH. At this point I felt like ET was being honest with me (too honest, probably), but I had a lot of faith in TLO since he was the one I was corresponding with mostly out of you two. I can be a piece of **** in these games for sure, but my intentions with teaming up with the MoL were pure.

Edited by Nazgul
wouldn't not would
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2 minutes ago, mission27 said:

Which tbh is exactly why I reacted the way I did and why I have no regrets about eviscerating you 

Your position is basically, unless I put you above all else and show you undying loyalty, I am the enemy.  And thats how you view every player in this game.  You dont have the maturity to realize that the game doesn’t revolve around you and that people have other allies to protect.  You dont have the maturity to realize TLO was on the block solely because of your actions and not having his back would have been incredibly disloyal on my part. 

What really puts it over the edge tho is that I held back.  I had a lot of ammo and bad stuff I could’ve said about you and ways I could’ve maneuvered things to keep TLO in this game.  I held back because I saw you as a friend and felt like that was a dirty way to treat you.  And instead of accepting that and moving on you stabbed me in the back.

@FinneasGage who in this game do you think showed you more loyalty than I have over the years?  Answer me that


yeah and your "evisceration" kinda confirmed you weren't a pal from the start. it's not about needing undying loyalty. you weren't up front about what you were doing. that's why i decided i no longer wanted to work with you in this game. you were the only one i didn't directly say it to. i insinuated it when you pm'd me about "snakes" and what not though. i don't think anything in this game requires "maturity" aside from having the self-restraint to not go on non-sarcastic tirades against people. this is a game that i'm playing in my free time for amusement. i never took anything personally though. but it made me feel like i made the right decision. 

yeah coming into the game i considered you the only person i could trust in the game. tyty, glen and BBF come to mind as being more loyal, but they don't typically play anymore. if you were more up-front about how you were handling things, i wouldn't have done what i did. i didn't come into this game with the intention of blindsiding you. it served me zero benefit. i didn't do it for anyone else. i knew i was losing two jury votes. without doing that, i think i win this game much more easily. i doubt i win it now, looking at the numbers. it was a move on principle.  

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