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FF Big Big Brother 8: Finn wins! Postgame show NOW


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Round 3: The dartboard has a max of 80. You may trade in your dart for 11 points, if you wish to do that instead. Otherwise, you get one dart.

touch = 80 fell off

gopher = 80 fell off

Finley = 65

Rack = 47

BCB = 39

Outpost = 36



Outpost = 72  (+36)

Fin =  44    (+18)

touch = 26  (+0)

Rack = 24   (+12)

BCB = 16 (+3)

Gopher = 8 (+0)



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The two nominees are in the lead!

Let see what happens when scores are tripled though!

Round 4: The dartboard has a max of 30, and all scores are tripled. You can throw either 1 or 2 darts, but if any of your darts gets knocked off the board(someone throws the same number as you), both of your darts will fall off of the board.

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Round 4: The dartboard has a max of 30, and all scores are tripled. You can throw either 1 or 2 darts, but if any of your darts gets knocked off the board(someone throws the same number as you), both of your darts will fall off of the board

gopher = 30

Fin = 29 - falls off because his other dart got knocked off

BCB = 26

Touch = 21

BCB = 19

Rack = 17

Fin = 12 - falls off

Outpost = 12 falls off

Rack = 8

Touch = 7



Outpost = 72  (+0)

Rack = 54   (+30)

touch = 53  (+27)

Fin =  44    (+0)

BCB = 37 (+21)

Gopher = 20 (+12)

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That hurt Outpost.

Rack and Touch shooting up behind Outpost.

Can outpost hang onto the lead?

Last round.


Round 5: The dartboard has a max of 175, and you may place 0, 1, 2 or 3 darts. Any dart that gets hit (someone throws the same number at you) stays on the board, but earns negative points (for that dart only).

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Round 5: The dartboard has a max of 175, and you may place 0, 1, 2 or 3 darts. Any dart that gets hit (someone throws the same number at you) stays on the board, but earns negative points (for that dart only).

gopher = 175

touch  = 175

Finn = 166 

Rack = 133

Finn =  128

BCB = 111

Rack = 106

Finn = 89

BCB = 80

Rack = 63

BCB = 39

Outpost = 36

Outpost = 12

Outpost = 6



Outpost = 108 (+36) 

Fin =  103    (+59)

Rack = 100   (+46)

BCB = 62 (+25)

touch = 44 (-9)

Gopher = 11  (-9)



This means @Outpost31 wins the Power of Veto.

Outpost, you may choose to remove yourself or Finn from the block (or keep noms the same)

Make your choice now.

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