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LyLo Mafia Tournament


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This was it, there was no time left. The three men left in the resistance were bunkered down in their control room, waiting for the command console to finish preparing their nukes. The rest of their comrades had been killed and their compound overrun so this was their last chance to finally end this war. They were sending those nukes right at the android control center so they could shut down all of the robot invaders. 

@Malfatron clasped his two friends on the shoulder, "This is it friends, we're doing it. We're ending this apocalypse."

A moment later the intercom comes on and a robotic voice fills the room, "Omega Ten Flower Golf. Sleeper activated."

@Glen jumped back, "What the **** was that supposed to mean?"

@JoshstraDaymus glared at the two men warily, "Is one of you a ******* bot?"

@Malfatron, @Glen@JoshstraDaymus, you have 48 hours from the time of this post to make your decisions. You have until 4:15 PM EST on Sunday, March 29th. All votes timestamped before 4:16 PM EST will count. All votes timestamped 4:16 PM EST or later will not count. No Lynch is not an option.

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As the three men were arguing over who the android was, the loud sound emitted from the command console. They looked over at the screen and it said that the nukes were ready for launch. Josh lunged at the machine and Glen grabbed him.

"You're not destroying this machine you damn bot scum!"

As Glen and Josh were wrestling on the ground, Malf walked over to the console and began typing away. 

"Nuclear missiles deactivated," came the voice from the command console. 

Josh and Glen looked up in surprise at Malf, who simply grinned back at them. Josh lunged at him but Malf slapped him into the wall with ease. He pushed Glen aside and went to the door, opening it and allowing his follow android soldier friends into the room.

@Malfatron has won, @Glen and @JoshstraDaymus have lost. We have our first double elimination as both Glen and Josh have been eliminated from the tournament. 

Next game soon.

Edited by rackcs
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