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Burn Notice (S1) Mafia: Game Over (UPDATED)


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28 minutes ago, squire12 said:

here are my speculations on players that would have made no move

counselor -- very well could be lying on the no alignment cop with daboyle being dead

matts - PGO, he does not go anywhere, no move to submit

squire - passive ability

touch - speculating he did not

malf - odd night

wolf - 1 shot lightning rod

slappy - claimed passive

orca - claimed passive

Counselor very much used a move but I did not 

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26 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

2 kills

and neither are vig targets

says to me that govt has a hit. or another 3rd party

lets not give them more info than whats needed



24 minutes ago, Malfatron said:

no more role claims.

Already have most of them figured out I imagine l, don’t ya malf? 

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5 minutes ago, The Orca said:

I know, bad look for you either way. Touch had claimed 3rd party with Counselor and Daboyle and you offed a cleared town. Doesnt make sense

I already said I put in my move pretty much right after night started. Then I came back later and saw heim's posts with all the claims and saw where I ****ed up. Then I kept reading and saw touch saying he wanted to merk me and I really regretted my move. By then it was too late to change.

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23 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

Remember who hunts 3rd party the most people. Go ahead and lynch me, that’s fine.

malf is not westen nor unlikely ally. He is local baddies aligned. 

I dont doubt it. Scum watcher and scum tracker would be a Swag thing to do lol, but Malf isnt lying left and right like your faction 

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