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Mass Effect Mafia - GAME OVER! The Reapers are defeated!


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Just now, Blue said:

What part of "my ability targeted me N4" is beyond your little peanut brain

YOU TARGETED YOURSELF and THUS YOU TARGETED TK3... Any moves that targeted you were redirected to TK3...

You don't need to insult me, my reading comprehension is correct here.

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Ok. Blue, I may be wrong on this particular notion. I just got to the point where Jlash claimed to use singularity on Forge. So there is a possibility that TK3 targeted Forge and not you Blue.

Would be funny after the game is over to find out if TK3 targeted Forge or Blue N4.

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On 1/22/2022 at 4:13 AM, Jlash said:

I think he's counting my following him as a move.

Also, @Forge I used a lvl 1 singularity on you, meaning you can't give/receive shekels the following night.

Ok nevermind. Forge was not the kill target. Jlash used level 1 singularity which does not protect. @Blue sorry bro. Looks like your BFF tried to kill you N4.

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5 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:

YOU TARGETED YOURSELF and THUS YOU TARGETED TK3... Any moves that targeted you were redirected to TK3...

You don't need to insult me, my reading comprehension is correct here.

The end result of my move was that I targeted myself you ******* moron

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1 minute ago, Blue said:

The end result of my move was that I targeted myself you ******* moron

You might want to get the host to correct that mistake like TK3 got corrected for him...

Also your personal attacks are pretty funny at this point. Everyone else will see that this is the correct scenario and you will still be in denial. Gotta be able to look at things objectively instead of "hurr durr, Slappy is an wrong because he goes on crazy tin-foil hat tangents."

On 1/22/2022 at 7:38 PM, Blue said:

I'm expecting groveling unlike any the world has ever seen

I still expect this ^^^^^

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15 minutes ago, Slappy Mc said:
19 minutes ago, Blue said:

The end result of my move was that I targeted myself you ******* moron

You might want to get the host to correct that mistake like TK3 got corrected for him...

Also your personal attacks are pretty funny at this point. Everyone else will see that this is the correct scenario and you will still be in denial. Gotta be able to look at things objectively instead of "hurr durr, Slappy is wrong because he goes on crazy tin-foil hat tangents."

On 1/22/2022 at 7:38 PM, Blue said:

I'm expecting groveling unlike any the world has ever seen

I still expect this ^^^^^

Edit because I suck at sentences.

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On 1/20/2022 at 8:48 PM, Blue said:

Yeah, I got my wires crossed. It's late and I had a long day.

Nonetheless, Tk3 is obvious Town. Stop overthinking this.

On 1/20/2022 at 8:47 PM, The Orca said:
On 1/20/2022 at 7:28 PM, Tk3 said:

is that the reason I couldn't target mwil?

Ah, so you thought Jlash stopped you from targetring Mwil, no mention of being roleblocked all together. Convenient shift in what happened last night

Tk3 is on the run....get him!

On 1/20/2022 at 8:51 PM, Blue said:

Love that Orca's nonsensical vendetta is so aggressively bad that scum is now defending Tk3

On 1/20/2022 at 8:53 PM, Blue said:

cut the bull**** if you're Town, you know Tk3 isn't scum. Just because your panties are in a wad over hard defending your brother for an entire Day phase only for him to flip scum doesn't mean it's okay for you to derail the game with a push you know is ridiculous.

I'm honestly starting to feel bad for Blue. Orca got such a bad lashing for this take and it looks like its the correct theory. Blue probably never stopped giving TK3 tokens all game even after Tk3 tried to kill him.


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On 1/20/2022 at 9:16 PM, The Orca said:

Just so its out there since I'm out

Jlash was 100% forthcoming with his target being Nacho and being redirected to Mwil. My move worked as intended 

Tk3 did not target Mwil. He would have been redirected to Nacho. He didnt say this

He posted saying how he failed on Mwil was because of Jlash...not revealing anything about a 2nd move or being roleblocked.

Tk3 lied, is lying, period 

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On 1/20/2022 at 9:27 PM, The Orca said:
On 1/20/2022 at 9:20 PM, Blue said:

I mean I guess I could be wrong about how Whicker handles order of operations with abilities but that makes vastly more sense than Tk3 bussing two of his own teammates on Day 2 for no reason whatsoever


On 1/20/2022 at 1:23 PM, Tk3 said:

I buy this.. It's probably level 4 of the tree, but it feels plausible

The wolf giving you a token thing is the thing I'm more stuck on

Either way, I think there are much better votes than Pickle


On 1/20/2022 at 9:38 AM, Tk3 said:

Between Orca and Gopher, someone is blatantly lying about giving me a token

I don't necessarily feel great about Pickle.. but I feel like I want to resolve this


On 1/19/2022 at 6:15 PM, Tk3 said:

If I die tonight, and I think there's a legitimate chance that I die, here are my people of note

Forge and Gopher are highest on my list for their "too early" movement on Wolf after I signaled that I caught Wolf. I think that was a real tell for both

Nacho is high on my list for his everything

I actually lowkey am confused about Pickle.. I have a hard time believing he would put such a spotlight on himself as scum, so late in the day, but man it all looks bad

I have NO idea where Josh is or what he's doing, but its a problem


I trust all the people who I've been collaborating with in thread. Raves is probably my most trusted because he was the first to say what happens if you don't use the day move. He's def town.

After multiple times trying to use his civ cred to defend Pickle and move the vote elsewhere...you call that bussing lmao

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On 1/21/2022 at 10:01 AM, TheKillerNacho said:

I'm just going to out my useless information. Maybe it will help people piece **** together.

3 people visited Mwil 1.0 the night he died. Including me, but excluding upgrade points. Obviously one is who killed him, leaving exactly one more person.

5 people visited Tk3 last night, including me, but excluding upgrade points. A busy man; likely town.

If TK3 was converted it likely happened N3. 5 people visiting him in one night is A LOT. ET claimed one with his concussive shots. TKN is one. This was the same night that Raves died, so it's likely that TK3 wouldn't be the one that pulled the trigger in that situation. This was also the same night that Pickle died. Pickle said the effect of his tainted upgrade point would happen whether he was alive or not.

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On 1/22/2022 at 6:27 AM, Blue said:

We have voted out scum three straight Days out of 4 total and just prevented a kill last Night. You must live in a constant state of terror if this is what you think is Town self destructing looks like.

Tk3 is almost certainly Town based purely on last Night. Let’s take this from your perspective if you’re Town. Obviously, Tk3 is not going to kill himself. There are other roles in the game who can get # of Night moves, so he can’t afford to just not submit a move and he NEEDS to kill at Night to win. He’s already cleared Nacho, so he can’t force a mislynch on him. Why would Tk3 not just kill you or Nacho? He knows you can swap targets, and he knows a lot of the other players will follow him. It’s not like him targeting you is going to be suspicious given everything going on. Meanwhile, Nacho is cleared by Tk3 himself. Trying to kill me makes no sense from a scum Tk3. Then again, scum’s kill choices HAVE been terrible…

I had 4 points on N1, extra two were claimed by Mwil 1 and Nacho. Unless you think scum had 5 members, Nacho is 100% cleared as Town no matter how you slice things. I haven’t gotten any upgrade points since apart from my automatic one, which is fine because my abilities aren’t super useful relative to others’. I probably accidentally gifted Wolf his extra unaccounted for point D1, then Slappy/Tk3/Nacho for the past 3 Days.

After rereading and mulling things over, I’m backing off Orca and Forge…for now. Some things still aren’t quite adding up for me but there’s other stuff that makes Forge and Orca plausible as Town. Need more info, no point in Townies being coy or cagey with (probably) only one Mafia left.


On 1/22/2022 at 6:30 AM, Tk3 said:

I'm not following Blue's logic at all

Forge claimed the protect on me, which someone switched to you BEFORE Orca said he bussed you/I

I don't see how Forge or Orca are lying unless BOTH are lying

If you protected yourself, it sounds like you actually protected me

so assuming everyone is telling the truth, it was one out of 4 options

  1. scum tried to hit me (which actually meant they tried to hit you), but forge protected me (which actually meant he protected you)
  2. scum tried to hit you (which actually meant they tried to hit me), but you self protected (which actually means you protected me)
  3. scum didn't put in their hit at all (making all of this moot)
  4. some other roleblock/mechanic blocked the hit

I think 3 is unlikely, given the presumed ratio. If it really is 9:1 ratio, there is no way they are passing on a hit. I think 4 is unlikely, given somebody would be trying to claim they stopped the hit

The Forge/Orca thing is so lined up that it's either choreographed and they are both scum, or its just plain truth and they are both town

I think occam's razor says #1 is accurate and it's slightly possible that I was wrong about Forge :/

Just going to leave this here. @Blue

He essentially confirmed that you protected him. The exact scenario that I just depicted. He, as mafia, targeted you for death and Orca redirected it back at himself, but because your shield "targets" yourself, it protected TK3 instead.

These posts were 3 minutes apart and both were pretty lengthy. There wasn't a lot of thought process on how the moves could have played out from TK3's part, almost like he had already gone through the options and known the true answer.

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5 hours ago, Slappy Mc said:

@ET80 I am out of reasons it couldn't be TK3. It has to be him at this point.

Tk3, simply to kill off this little narrative.

The last few pages are a stark reminder why I don't play anymore. It gets so contentious towards end game, wow.

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