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zombie survival mafia: Day three ends 3/10 6pm PST 8pm cst

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1 minute ago, Slappy Mc said:

Technically you can play it however you want, but usually the verifiable moves via write ups/claims trump emotions. If you think you have figured me out because I am a potato vender and apparently also a bad guy, you are inception level good.

No emotions here except for the votes from You and Raves 

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4 minutes ago, Raves said:

With that I'm actually going to bed now.  I probably won't read up well in the morning as I'm sure there will be more pages than I'm actually willing to read.

Still waiting on the claim. And a change of vote 

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Just now, Slappy Mc said:

Overly aggressive for the sake of "seeming" like you are game solving. Asking for full role claims when we haven't caught a single bad guy. Its just not a real good look.

You realize not finding a bad guy is a reason for asking for full claims and full info but sure thing my man 

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1 minute ago, Whicker said:

You realize not finding a bad guy is a reason for asking for full claims and full info but sure thing my man 

Normally full claims are used towards end game. But you do you bro. Use my info to the best of your abilities. Hopefully you successfully used your antidote last night.

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FTR, still no emotion here. Slappy claims his win condition is different from town’s yet is claiming town. In any mafia game I’m from that’s fishy af 

Raves doesn’t want to share info to help town after a fishy day 1 claim. All worthwhile pushes 

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1 minute ago, Whicker said:

“It’s just not a real good look” and then locks his vote 

Correct. Process of elimination says Malf is mafia infected. No real way around it at this point. Malf doesn't live to day 3 without either being cleared or scum.

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1 minute ago, Slappy Mc said:

Normally full claims are used towards end game. But you do you bro. Use my info to the best of your abilities. Hopefully you successfully used your antidote last night.

12 people left. This is the end of the game 

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Just now, Slappy Mc said:

Correct. Process of elimination says Malf is mafia infected. No real way around it at this point. Malf doesn't live to day 3 without either being cleared or scum.

Okay well how about our investigator dying after claiming Mwil is a zombie?

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1 minute ago, Whicker said:

FTR, still no emotion here. Slappy claims his win condition is different from town’s yet is claiming town. In any mafia game I’m from that’s fishy af 

Raves doesn’t want to share info to help town after a fishy day 1 claim. All worthwhile pushes 

An added piece makes it "different" to you. Again, everything I have said is confirmed in thread, through deaths, claims, and responses of claims. Its pretty obvious I am town and the potato vendor.

I'm done with your dog and pony show. Malf is who should be lynched and that is where my focus is.

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