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TMNT Mafia - Footclan and Friends wins

Slappy Mc

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1 minute ago, TheKillerNacho said:

Blue's positoin really just makes no sense.

if he's truly convinced the remaining scum is me, Deadpulse and Dome - a reasonable assumption from his perspective - he should also realize that

  1. he'd be in no worse position to get us lynched the next three days after Ragnarok's lynch
  2. keeping Ragnarok alive is the ONLY way town can still lose even if he 100% gets his way with getting all 3 of us lynched

This is a completely nonsensical position and I implore you to reconsider your position on him @Whicker


I've already proven that lynching Ragnarok gets us no closer to identifying Mafia and all Mafia needs to win is a single mislynch.

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Just now, Blue said:


I've already proven that lynching Ragnarok gets us no closer to identifying Mafia and all Mafia needs to win is a single mislynch.

You're intentionally ignoring the fact that:

1. All mafia needs is a single misslynched town regardless.


2. lynching Ragnarok is very much more to stop the bleeding and less about identifying Mafia, which we already seemed to have narrowed down to a handful of players, including yourself.

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Just now, TheKillerNacho said:

You're intentionally ignoring the fact that:

1. All mafia needs is a single misslynched town regardless.


2. lynching Ragnarok is very much more to stop the bleeding and less about identifying Mafia, which we already seemed to have narrowed down to a handful of players, including yourself.

I'm not ignoring that at all. I have already volunteered to be Ragnarok's kill tonight. If you were actually Town and actually thought I was scum, why would you have an issue with that and why wouldn't Ragnarok do that.

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1 minute ago, Blue said:

I'm not ignoring that at all. I have already volunteered to be Ragnarok's kill tonight. If you were actually Town and actually thought I was scum, why would you have an issue with that and why wouldn't Ragnarok do that.

I don't trust Ragnarok to do that. Why are you trusting Ragnarok to kill who we tell him to kill? What sane town player would do that considering who he's killed already?

You're putting a lot of faith in a player you know isn't town and almost certainly can't win with town.

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2 minutes ago, Blue said:

ah yes, the dreaded conversion mechanic in a game of 18 players and six confirmed non-Town at start

not a problem if they can only convert non-town like casey. i can't explain why else someone would interfere with the last lynch nor why two players who are almost certainly mafia would go through such lengths to defend him (and even trust him to night kill who they want)

also bcb's role just replaces someone so it doesn't really swing the game in either direction.

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Just now, TheKillerNacho said:

I don't trust Ragnarok to do that. Why are you trusting Ragnarok to kill who we tell him to kill? What sane town player would do that considering who he's killed already?

You're putting a lot of faith in a player you know isn't town and almost certainly can't win with town.

I know you have to throw a bunch of **** against the wall to have any chance here, but choosing to push the confirmed Indy in a LyLo situation was an embarrassingly bad play.

Ragnarok has no reason not to kill you or me this Night phase. It is a completely justified kill that will only serve to speed up the end of the game. It's not about trusting him, it's about realizing he has no reason not to do it.

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12 minutes ago, TheKillerNacho said:

It's conceivable he could kill mafia for us tonight, sure. But you're handing the game into the hands of an unknown player with an unknown motive for no reason (and that assuming he's still indie sk). Getting rid of Ragnarok puts the game back in town's hands.

Rag's clearly already hit his win condition. No mention of that in your invest claim? Why else would he brazenly not give an ISH about claiming his role? His posting clearly indicates he has already met his condition and can win with scum or town. You are hiding information and pushing a rag's claim because it is your only shot at stealing this for scum 

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5 minutes ago, Blue said:

I know you have to throw a bunch of **** against the wall to have any chance here, but choosing to push the confirmed Indy in a LyLo situation was an embarrassingly bad play.


it's not lylo today. you keep stating this, but that doesn't make it true.

your attempts to belittle me when you're so obviously incorrect are what's embarrising, tbh. honestly i had ksj and orca ahead of you as far as mafia reads go before today but you did an excellent job of making yourself apparant scum so thanks


Ragnarok has no reason not to kill you or me this Night phase. It is a completely justified kill that will only serve to speed up the end of the game. It's not about trusting him, it's about realizing he has no reason not to do it.

he has no reason to kill you or me either - LMAO!

you keep saying this like you know who ragnarok is going to kill like you know what his motives/winconditon are. reality check: most serial killers cannot win with town in any scenario! they're liabilities, straight and simple! Is that what you're missing in all this? Are you assuming he's survivor indy just because?

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5 minutes ago, Deadpulse said:

Rag's clearly already hit his win condition. No mention of that in your invest claim? Why else would he brazenly not give an ISH about claiming his role? His posting clearly indicates he has already met his condition and can win with scum or town. You are hiding information and pushing a rag's claim because it is your only shot at stealing this for scum 



1. how the **** would you know what Rag's win conditions are. i certainly don't

2. my invest gets his abilities, that's it. not alignment or win condition

3. his posts have literally been nothing but lies. he was definitely not the person who prevented the lynch

4. what information do you claim i'm hiding?


this is completely out of left field.

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Just now, TheKillerNacho said:



1. how the **** would you know what Rag's win conditions are. i certainly don't

2. my invest gets his abilities, that's it. not alignment or win condition

3. his posts have literally been nothing but lies. he was definitely not the person who prevented the lynch

4. what information do you claim i'm hiding?


this is completely out of left field.

You claim you got his full card. Even told us Slappy confirmed you had the full card to help your claim that he couldn't have saved himself, but you didn't get his win condition? Uhhh can't be both my guy 

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