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2023 Week # 5 Steelers Vs. Ravens GDT Thread

Steeler Hitman

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  1. 1. Can the Steelers Bounce Back Against the Ravens?

    • Yes. They will somehow get it right and win a close one.
    • No. They have to many internal problems to beat a slid Ravens Team.
    • I Have no clue? This team is so up and down. who knows?

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Kenny #2 in PA results....bottom third in usage. 

Why? Because we are a dumb people. 

I am a broken record on it, but there needs to be someone on staff with a heightened analytical acceptance and the voice to suggest it. This should be a pretty easy paper to slide across a table and say "Hey, uh, Matt? Call more Play action". 

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On 10/9/2023 at 2:49 PM, warfelg said:

Listening/watching the Pickens TD again:

- Pickett called "Randy" for slide protection to the right.  This is nothing new for us as R words are for the right, L words to the left.  Carry over from the Ben years.

- He made a hand signal to Pickens.  Something changed.  Maybe a back shoulder that he turned into a go?

While it might not be a full audible, it kinda reminds me of the ol Ben-Brown connection where Ben would slide protection, give a little hand signal to Brown, and they were locked in on a little 2 man game on the outside because of what the defense showed presnap.  They knew no matter what, even if it was a guise, that the defense would not react in time to stop their change.




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34 minutes ago, Dcash4 said:

Kenny #2 in PA results....bottom third in usage. 

Why? Because we are a dumb people. 

I am a broken record on it, but there needs to be someone on staff with a heightened analytical acceptance and the voice to suggest it. This should be a pretty easy paper to slide across a table and say "Hey, uh, Matt? Call more Play action". 

I saw this and my thought was how dumb are defenses for falling for it because of how bad out run game is. 

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2 hours ago, rlon said:

Just going to give an opinion…I’ve been watching film…the two main problems, that have an impact on the offense directly, and, indirectly, on a tired defense….the center and right tackle positions. 

exactly, so put Herbig or Daniels at C and someone else at RT . Still like the idea of trading for Surtain, may as well get that over with too. 

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The Right Outside Linebackers are killing me and our run defense with their lack of contain discipline.  3 big runs in the 1st quarter all because these guys are overcommitting to crashing down so hard and not having any discipline in regards to contain on the outside gap. 

Alex was 100% the reason for Lamars big run in the 1st quarter. That was on a 3rd and 2 and he crashed down soo hard on the fake to RB dive, this was deep in the backfield it wasn't like he was caught in no mans land. He made it super easy for them. Had he broken down even just a little he likely slows up and blows up this play for a loss in the backfield as everybody else get to them with his contain. On all of these plays it looked like the defensive front (DT's) did their jobs very well. 

Herbig was even more perplexing a little later on a 2nd &4 where he dove hard inside.  I think this was his first play as well. There was a pulling tackle and guard coming his way but I have no idea what he saw or intended but it was almost as if he was just trying to avoid them entirely, i dunno it was baffling, but really he was just diving at something inside it was the ball carrier. Roberts dove hard too so nobody had contain. Edwards got the ball and followed the fullback outside. That play gained 11 yards. It should not have been anywhere as easy. 

Then on 2nd &10 from the 14, Holcomb was lined up as a ROLB sort of like a run blitz but he came up so hard and out of control that Hill just side stepped him and then guess what, no contain, nobody with outside responsibility behind that. Desmond King had just come in on this play it was his first snap. You could see he was a little confused as Minkah was telling him to shift over and then he followed the motion man over to the center of the field on the fringe of SS/FS depth. Then he came up so hard initially that his angle could not adjust to Hill's quickness in time...to make for what looked like an easy 14 YD TD run. 

Point of my story, the ROLB's are not breaking down nor having any kind of discipline in these run situations. Its reckless. Alex got burned by it multiple times vs Houston. Maybe it sounds funny calling out the ROLB's (as in just one side) but it seems to me that as an offense you cant kind of count on executing the play a certain way especially with Alex. Kind of like pulling open the door on somebody just as you know they are going to ram or run into it and making them fall on their face. 


Edited by JustPlainNasty
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22 hours ago, warfelg said:

IIRC it was Chris Long who said yesterday that were that team you don’t want to let hang around because we’re not better than you but we’ll find a way to beat you. 

something like that.

Even former players see this, but it shows the team doesn't quit.  They don't show up ready to play their best right away either, but at least they don't quit

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15 hours ago, warfelg said:

I saw this and my thought was how dumb are defenses for falling for it because of how bad out run game is. 

That's been the beauty of play action and why we should be using it more. Studies show that success in rushing or amount of running has no correlation between the success of the PA pass. Canada is awful when left to his own devices on trying to hold defenders and put them into conflict, at least PA demands people respect that the plays could be either or. 

Which segways funnily enough into words on a podcast I am just now listening to regarding our run game:

"How many times are we going to watch a concept with an unblocked defender by design be this close to the playside concept and make the play? The guy that they leave unblocked by design makes the play against this run game an incredible percentage of the time."

"...they are not unblocked players because someone misses an assignment, they are unblocked because of the actual construction of the play". 

"...there are multiple times when they motion a guy away from the playside of the run game and then that is the guy (defender) making the play"

I am not watching as many games back as I used to, but this stuff pops. Being on the wrong side of simple box counts, motioning guys away from play side where the defender stays in lock or no one shifts down, etc. I gave Canada props at the end of last year because I thought he was able to scheme a fairly decent run game, but this stuff is astonishingly bad. Not even the Eagles O-Line can win 6 on 8 with no play for the surplus defenders. 

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3 minutes ago, Dcash4 said:

That's been the beauty of play action and why we should be using it more. Studies show that success in rushing or amount of running has no correlation between the success of the PA pass. Canada is awful when left to his own devices on trying to hold defenders and put them into conflict, at least PA demands people respect that the plays could be either or. 

Which segways funnily enough into words on a podcast I am just now listening to regarding our run game:

"How many times are we going to watch a concept with an unblocked defender by design be this close to the playside concept and make the play? The guy that they leave unblocked by design makes the play against this run game an incredible percentage of the time."

"...they are not unblocked players because someone misses an assignment, they are unblocked because of the actual construction of the play". 

"...there are multiple times when they motion a guy away from the playside of the run game and then that is the guy (defender) making the play"

I am not watching as many games back as I used to, but this stuff pops. Being on the wrong side of simple box counts, motioning guys away from play side where the defender stays in lock or no one shifts down, etc. I gave Canada props at the end of last year because I thought he was able to scheme a fairly decent run game, but this stuff is astonishingly bad. Not even the Eagles O-Line can win 6 on 8 with no play for the surplus defenders. 

So what you posted is why I think that stuff is funny with being so good at PA for years - our run plays have big tells that we don’t do on PA downs. 

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