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The Michigan/Sign Stealing & COVID Punishment Thread


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14 minutes ago, BigC421/ said:

Actually no they can’t 

They could easily suspend Harbaugh at minimum for earlier infractions and then the committee could withhold them because the team lacking a coach is not good for the playoffs.

There are work arounds.

If NCAA has any positive evidence they need to end this and keep MIchigan out.

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15 minutes ago, detfan782004 said:

There is time to have enough evidence to withhold them from the playoffs. Plenty of time.

All they have to do is have the evidence and send a letter to the committee and tell them Michigan is not allowed to be ranked.

Just have to deem them ineligible. Not hard 

Just to further explain then I’m done for the night unless any breaking news happens.  The ncaa always takes along time to investigate, they aren’t going to speed this one up just to appease a mob of blood thirsty rivals.  You also make the assertion that the findings of there investigation would result in a post season ban. This is something pulled from thin air. There is zero bases for this based on even the most egregious claims.  We have no idea what evidence the ncaa actually has at this point. It’s all hearsay at this point. People have made claims, nothing has been publicly produced. 

Now, all of that is actually irrelevant to the overall point.  Even if the ncaa finishes there investigation and informs Michigan of there findings in the next 5 minutes Michigan has 90 days to respond before any action can be taken. Thems the facts 

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16 minutes ago, BigC421/ said:

Just to further explain then I’m done for the night unless any breaking news happens.  The ncaa always takes along time to investigate, they aren’t going to speed this one up just to appease a mob of blood thirsty rivals.  You also make the assertion that the findings of there investigation would result in a post season ban. This is something pulled from thin air. There is zero bases for this based on even the most egregious claims.  We have no idea what evidence the ncaa actually has at this point. It’s all hearsay at this point. People have made claims, nothing has been publicly produced. 

Now, all of that is actually irrelevant to the overall point.  Even if the ncaa finishes there investigation and informs Michigan of there findings in the next 5 minutes Michigan has 90 days to respond before any action can be taken. Thems the facts 

I'm not a rival. I'm a Michigan fan that is embarrassed as this school. This coach. This entire thing. I want it done so a deserving school can have a shot at title vs stuff getting vacated after fact.

There are plenty of Michigan fans that want them punished too. So to frame this as just thirsty rivals is disingenuous and downright wrong 

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Maybe Penn St can do the NCAA, The Big Ten and even Michigan a favor and just beat them and knock them out.

1 loss team even if they beat OSU would be grounds for someone like Bama to leap up.

If Michigan isn't willing to own this then we just gotta hope PSU can beat them. I can't in my own heart can't hope OSU does it 

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2 minutes ago, detfan782004 said:

Maybe Penn St can do the NCAA, The Big Ten and even Michigan a favor and just beat them and knock them out.

1 loss team even if they beat OSU would be grounds for someone like Bama to leap up.

If Michigan isn't willing to own this then we just gotta hope PSU can beat them. I can't in my own heart can't hope OSU does it 

That really is the best case scenario for the governing bodies. You're not wrong. Pretty sure if all 3 teams have one loss, PSU gets the nod due to conference opponents record or something similar. Saw it a couple weeks ago but things could've changed. I'm not putting money on PSU to win, though. If it were a white out at night, yeah, I would. 

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2 minutes ago, detfan782004 said:

I'm not a rival. I'm a Michigan fan that is embarrassed as this school. This coach. This entire thing. I want it done so a deserving school can have a shot at title vs stuff getting vacated after fact.

There are plenty of Michigan fans that want them punished too. So to frame this as just thirsty rivals is disingenuous and downright wrong 

I’m only replying a last time because we’ve known each other three Lions fandom for a real long time and I respect your opinion. 

They point of my reply was that you are wrong in your assumptions that the ncaa can speed this thing up . I explained this, you can fact check it for yourself if you want. There’s a process that has to be followed. Bottom line 

You can be outraged if you want that’s fine. I don’t mean this as an insult but I think you seem to be pretty unaware of the majority of the details of this situation. That’s fine, there’s a lot to it and it’s time consuming.  I personally know 100’s of Michigan fans and I honestly have not come across a single one who does not support the university, coach Harbaugh, the players and President Ono on this. So these few random internet Michigan fans that claim outrage seems suspect to me.  

If Harbaugh didn’t know are you still outraged? 
If Michigans opponents had conspired to share Michigans signals are you still outraged? 
If no rules were technically broken are you still outraged?

Why do you want the school your a fan of to receive a punishment so far beyond what any rule book possible suggests or has ever been handed out ? 

Yes Conner Stallions appears to be a huge embarrassment to the University. That doesn’t call for massive sanctions 

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Just now, BigC421/ said:

I’m only replying a last time because we’ve known each other three Lions fandom for a real long time and I respect your opinion. 

They point of my reply was that you are wrong in your assumptions that the ncaa can speed this thing up . I explained this, you can fact check it for yourself if you want. There’s a process that has to be followed. Bottom line 

You can be outraged if you want that’s fine. I don’t mean this as an insult but I think you seem to be pretty unaware of the majority of the details of this situation. That’s fine, there’s a lot to it and it’s time consuming.  I personally know 100’s of Michigan fans and I honestly have not come across a single one who does not support the university, coach Harbaugh, the players and President Ono on this. So these few random internet Michigan fans that claim outrage seems suspect to me.  

If Harbaugh didn’t know are you still outraged? 
If Michigans opponents had conspired to share Michigans signals are you still outraged? 
If no rules were technically broken are you still outraged?

Why do you want the school your a fan of to receive a punishment so far beyond what any rule book possible suggests or has ever been handed out ? 

Yes Conner Stallions appears to be a huge embarrassment to the University. That doesn’t call for massive sanctions 

Yes even if Harbaugh didn't know. He's the HC and if he didn't know he's the dumbest man on planet earth. If he's not smart enough to pick up on that going on right in front of him I don't want him. That's a chicken response by him to claim dumb.

This isn't about other schools. If my son stole from someone I wouldn't be less mad because others steal. That's another weak argument just to feel better about it. 

Rules were broken. It doesn't take a genius to see it. This isn't just hearsay. This isn't one school saying another did this, this isn't even just rival schools.

TCU was made aware and then embarrassed Michigan for much of that game. Until Jim Harbaugh who had no idea about sign stealing decided to change things up. He's such a genius to decide to change things up but not smart enough to know it was happening.

Why do I want them punished? It's called integrity. Class. Respect. All traits of great men. Something Harbaugh clearly seems to lack 

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2 hours ago, BigC421/ said:

What does the source matter if the intel is correct. This an honest to goodness question. You just dismiss anything that goes against what u want to believe.  It’s actually an independent professional lawyer posting his legal opinion on the matter given his research that he takes the time to show.  You guys had no problem excepting and posting everything Pete “missing in action” Thamel printed. I get that you just prefer to jerk around and make jokes more than have real conversations and all but , ah whatever. 

On 11/3/2023 at 10:55 AM, BigC421/ said:

Lol anonymous poll of coaches right ? No one that’s willing to put there name on it ? No idea who any of them are or what school or bias they may have?  Quotes and polls from sources that are to big of cowards to put there name behind it mean nothing .  Scouting your opponents and stealing there signals isn’t cheating. You can debate the ethics of the lengths Stallions went to but it’s not cheating. As Wetzel said You should not expect any level of privacy when your holding up giant cards in a stadium with 80,000+ people in attendance on live tv. Everyone steals signs, everyone knows everyone steals signs. Don’t be so stupid that your signs can be easily decoded.  Everyone in college football openly admits they steal signs.  Why do u think they have multiple guys holding up cards?  It’s not cheating, minor infraction at best. Clemson was great at sign stealing no one cared. Baylor got caught in person scouting no one cared. This is a strategic PR hit job 

You seemed very adamant before that anonymous sources "mean nothing". 

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21 minutes ago, detfan782004 said:

Yes even if Harbaugh didn't know. He's the HC and if he didn't know he's the dumbest man on planet earth. If he's not smart enough to pick up on that going on right in front of him I don't want him. That's a chicken response by him to claim dumb.

This isn't about other schools. If my son stole from someone I wouldn't be less mad because others steal. That's another weak argument just to feel better about it. 

Rules were broken. It doesn't take a genius to see it. This isn't just hearsay. This isn't one school saying another did this, this isn't even just rival schools.

TCU was made aware and then embarrassed Michigan for much of that game. Until Jim Harbaugh who had no idea about sign stealing decided to change things up. He's such a genius to decide to change things up but not smart enough to know it was happening.

Why do I want them punished? It's called integrity. Class. Respect. All traits of great men. Something Harbaugh clearly seems to lack 

Keep sucking me back in. Your entitled to your opinions and appreciate the canter. 

The 1st one I kind of get but at the same time it’s pretty impossible for a head coach to know what everyone on his staff and his players are up too at all times.  The ncaa has found no evidence he did know and when coaches have gotten in trouble for the actions of there staff in the past it’s typically been because they were caught not just knowing but covering for them. 

The my son comparison holds zero weight and again makes me question even if you are in fact a Wolverine fan I’m willing to bet you get your information on this matter from those rabbit rival bases.  Have you taking the time to be open minded and research the entire story. Do you listen to a lot of talk radio?  Back to the son thing. Ridiculous comparison, nothing was stolen, it’s a play on words or figure of speech. There is no actual theft involved.  Teams are holding there signs out in public for all the world to see.  Opponents attempt to decode what they signs mean, not steal them.  If your son was playing on a team in a big game , with his athletic future and earning potentially on the line and the other team knew his teams signs you would be against your sons team attempting to figure out there’s? 

Outside of the CMU incident this is a very grey area of the rule book and people are constantly blending to separate sections into one.  Either way, rules are broken in sports all the time and there’s punishments for them.  For some reason the rabbit rival section of the public has demanded punishments that far exceed both the crime (if in fact broken) and precedent.  The ncaa has admitted as much that it does not consider in person scouting to be a major violation and sign “stealing” isn’t against the rules at all.  It considers the advantage if any, minimal. 

So where are people getting this idea that this is some major crime that deserves a major punishment ? I won’t even say the media because there divided. It’s really more of the talking head, ult rage talk radio hosts and click baiters.  The vast majority of former players in the media have a much milder take. 

Did Michigan “ get there *** kicked” by TCU?  They had a calamity of errors no doubt. 2 pick 6’s and a terrible play call on a 4th down inside the 5.  Jim Harbaugh did what he has always done best which make half time adjustment. In of itself is contradictory to having a teams signs ahead of time.  They came back and lost by 6 point. They also had the refs take a TD off the board that even the most Michigan hating people I know admit was a clear TD.  They lost non the less. 

Harbaugh rubs some people the wrong way. Mostly because he’s not a yes man. He isn’t here to get along with everyone. He doesn’t play the little games entitled people with a sense of authority want him to play.  His players love him, he speaks his mind, he stands up for social issues (agree or disagree with them) perhaps most importantly he is the single biggest voice for player rights and employment.  I’m sorry you feel the way you do. It’s disappointing but is your right non the less.  

Good night and Go Blue 

(Michigan fans don’t root against the team. They don’t hope for the kids that put on that uniform and winged helmet and bust there tails everyday to achieve there goals to lose just because they don’t like the coach. You should think about that on Saturday) 

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4 minutes ago, BigC421/ said:

Keep sucking me back in. Your entitled to your opinions and appreciate the canter. 

The 1st one I kind of get but at the same time it’s pretty impossible for a head coach to know what everyone on his staff and his players are up too at all times.  The ncaa has found no evidence he did know and when coaches have gotten in trouble for the actions of there staff in the past it’s typically been because they were caught not just knowing but covering for them. 

The my son comparison holds zero weight and again makes me question even if you are in fact a Wolverine fan I’m willing to bet you get your information on this matter from those rabbit rival bases.  Have you taking the time to be open minded and research the entire story. Do you listen to a lot of talk radio?  Back to the son thing. Ridiculous comparison, nothing was stolen, it’s a play on words or figure of speech. There is no actual theft involved.  Teams are holding there signs out in public for all the world to see.  Opponents attempt to decode what they signs mean, not steal them.  If your son was playing on a team in a big game , with his athletic future and earning potentially on the line and the other team knew his teams signs you would be against your sons team attempting to figure out there’s? 

Outside of the CMU incident this is a very grey area of the rule book and people are constantly blending to separate sections into one.  Either way, rules are broken in sports all the time and there’s punishments for them.  For some reason the rabbit rival section of the public has demanded punishments that far exceed both the crime (if in fact broken) and precedent.  The ncaa has admitted as much that it does not consider in person scouting to be a major violation and sign “stealing” isn’t against the rules at all.  It considers the advantage if any, minimal. 

So where are people getting this idea that this is some major crime that deserves a major punishment ? I won’t even say the media because there divided. It’s really more of the talking head, ult rage talk radio hosts and click baiters.  The vast majority of former players in the media have a much milder take. 

Did Michigan “ get there *** kicked” by TCU?  They had a calamity of errors no doubt. 2 pick 6’s and a terrible play call on a 4th down inside the 5.  Jim Harbaugh did what he has always done best which make half time adjustment. In of itself is contradictory to having a teams signs ahead of time.  They came back and lost by 6 point. They also had the refs take a TD off the board that even the most Michigan hating people I know admit was a clear TD.  They lost non the less. 

Harbaugh rubs some people the wrong way. Mostly because he’s not a yes man. He isn’t here to get along with everyone. He doesn’t play the little games entitled people with a sense of authority want him to play.  His players love him, he speaks his mind, he stands up for social issues (agree or disagree with them) perhaps most importantly he is the single biggest voice for player rights and employment.  I’m sorry you feel the way you do. It’s disappointing but is your right non the less.  

Good night and Go Blue 

(Michigan fans don’t root against the team. They don’t hope for the kids that put on that uniform and winged helmet and bust there tails everyday to achieve there goals to lose just because they don’t like the coach. You should think about that on Saturday) 

So now I'm not a Michigan fan because I don't endorse their cheating. Right on 

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5 minutes ago, rackcs said:

So you know who gave Portnoy his info? Do share.

Dude I already addressed this and that has nothing to with the “source” conversation we were having was about a lawyer on mgoblog 

I posted Dave’s tweet because it involves the topic and is interesting. I didn’t talk about it or say it was true. If you had read further you have seen that I claimed he is in fact not a great source.  

So yes, try again 

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