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2024 offseason, a lot of work to do.

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21 minutes ago, Last Stand said:

Based on what? His disastrous first 2 playoff games and giving up a 10 point lead in the Super Bowl 



18 minutes ago, Last Stand said:

Didn’t AJ brown just get traded to us? By a team who was prospectively in the playoff hunt?

There’s disgruntled players across the nfl 

Do you watch football? Not sure I can take you seriously with those awful takes. 49ers defense didnt miss a beat after Ryans left and held GB (disastrous??) and KC in check. And thats without their all-pro safety and losing Greenlaw mid game. Top 5 defense in points allowed and DVOA. Players and fans for the Panthers wanted Wilks to be the HC after he took over midseason for Matt Rhule. Lets have Fangio based on what? His defense has been made into a laughing stock in the league as of late. I get he will probably come in and do a better job than what we have seen but if we're talking choosing Wilks or Fangio its not even close. Give me Wilks all day. 

What 30 year old player who wants a bigger contract did we give the Titans for AJ Brown? You just spouting nonsense just to speak. Context matters.

Edited by UndyTaker
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39 minutes ago, 4for4PhillyFan said:

Dumb take 

What’s your statistical backing for him as a great DC option? 

what’s the resume? Where’s the smart take? Instead of spewing generalities actually back yourself up and change my mind

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1 hour ago, UndyTaker said:


Do you watch football? Not sure I can take you seriously with those awful takes. 49ers defense didnt miss a beat after Ryans left and held GB (disastrous??) and KC in check. And thats without their all-pro safety and losing Greenlaw mid game. Top 5 defense in points allowed and DVOA. Players and fans for the Panthers wanted Wilks to be the HC after he took over midseason for Matt Rhule. Lets have Fangio based on what? His defense has been made into a laughing stock in the league as of late. I get he will probably come in and do a better job than what we have seen but if we're talking choosing Wilks or Fangio its not even close. Give me Wilks all day. 

What 30 year old player who wants a bigger contract did we give the Titans for AJ Brown? You just spouting nonsense just to speak. Context matters.

Players wanting a guy to be a head coach is a non factor. It neither confirms nor denies. Bring examples of interim guys that players clamored for that did and didn’t succeed.

he didn’t run his own scheme with the niners. The niners demanded he ran their scheme which is pretty widely reported. There’s a reason from saleh, to Ryan’s to wilks they don’t miss a beat. Ryan’s happens to be a good coach in his own right, but let’s not pretend wilks is the first to run a good defense in San Francisco under shanahan. He’s actually the 3rd. Their overwhelming talent may have something to do with that as well. 

and you say context matters yet offer none. You just yell and trash me on a personal level because apparently you can’t handle your emotions for some weird reason

i have no problem being wrong if someone actually has the maturity to discuss or prove a point. But going back and editing your initial infantile post offers nothing but more screaming and being an internet warrior

ill Wait for the

”blah blah blah your takes are too dumb to argue and waste my time” post

Edited by Last Stand
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2 hours ago, Last Stand said:

Didn’t AJ brown just get traded to us? By a team who was prospectively in the playoff hunt?

There’s disgruntled players across the nfl 

So, who is disgruntled?

All of those guys seem gruntled to me.

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23 minutes ago, babyatemydingo said:

So, who is disgruntled?

All of those guys seem gruntled to me.

I don’t know, typically the agents and GMs know that info. I’m sure they’re out there. They’re out there every offseason. Hopefully howie can land one of them. I’m sure there’s a LB, CB, defensive end, safety out there

roquan smith was nabbed for a 2nd and a 5th and AJ klein

theyre always out there


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1 hour ago, Last Stand said:

Players wanting a guy to be a head coach is a non factor. It neither confirms nor denies. Bring examples of interim guys that players clamored for that did and didn’t succeed.

he didn’t run his own scheme with the niners. The niners demanded he ran their scheme which is pretty widely reported. There’s a reason from saleh, to Ryan’s to wilks they don’t miss a beat. Ryan’s happens to be a good coach in his own right, but let’s not pretend wilks is the first to run a good defense in San Francisco under shanahan. He’s actually the 3rd. Their overwhelming talent may have something to do with that as well. 

and you say context matters yet offer none. You just yell and trash me on a personal level because apparently you can’t handle your emotions for some weird reason

i have no problem being wrong if someone actually has the maturity to discuss or prove a point. But going back and editing your initial infantile post offers nothing but more screaming and being an internet warrior

ill Wait for the

”blah blah blah your takes are too dumb to argue and waste my time” post

Lets go step by step

1. Id rather have a coach that players clamored for to be their HC than a coach that the players didnt like and were glad he left...like Fangio. Especially coming to a team that literally quit on their coaching staff. Its not to say the Eagles players wont like Fangio but its something to keep an eye on.

2. Glad you can admit he ran a good defense in San Fran. 

3. This one is the most surprising because I literally told you the context in which you were missing. This whole thing started talking about trading Reddick for a younger, talented player. The point I was making is that there are only a handful of teams that would be willing to trade for Reddick because of his age and wanting of a new contract. It only makes sense for a team that believes they are superbowl contenders and in need of a player like Reddick to put them over the edge. With that said, a superbowl contending team will not trade away one of their best, young players on defense for a player like Reddick who is turning 30 and in need of a new contract. They might trade picks for him but it wont be a player for player swap, and I highly doubt the Eagles would send Reddick + significant draft picks for a certain star player in the back 7 of a defense (All of those players that were listed). YOU then brought up AJ Brown as an example of a young, talented player who was traded by a playoff caliber team as if that fit the same scenario as          what was being discussed. AJ Brown never would have been traded here if we tried to offer Reddick. Period. Thats the context that matters....and this leads me to my next point...

4. When you or anyone on here says foolish or ridiculous takes then dont be surprised or get upset at the response you get. Its like getting mad because you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar. I too have no problem being wrong and I know theres a line of people on these forums just waiting for that moment so I can eat crow, but until then you're just going to have to join me and Nabby at the bar. That is if Nabby lets you join our cool kids group.

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54 minutes ago, Last Stand said:

I don’t know, typically the agents and GMs know that info. I’m sure they’re out there. They’re out there every offseason. Hopefully howie can land one of them. I’m sure there’s a LB, CB, defensive end, safety out there

roquan smith was nabbed for a 2nd and a 5th and AJ klein

theyre always out there


But, it is known.


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Wilks is not a good DC. Not sure what the discussion is here.

The only good defenses that he has coached were immensely talented. He failed in AZ. Failed in Cleveland. His defense at Mizzou wasn't good. His defense in his return to Carolina wasn't good. There are a ton of coaches that players like that aren't good coaches. 

I said when he got hired by the Niners this past offseason that I didn't like the hire and it is very obvious why they are moving on from him. He did get a bit shafted as they asked him to come in and essentially run someone else's scheme, but he lost Kyle's trust after the Vikings loss and it was apparent. Their defense statistically looked nice, but was in practice not nearly as good as it should be on paper. Their offense hid a ton of the flaws that their defense had by putting up points in bunches and making teams one dimensional. 

Wilks style of defense would probably be more fun to watch. He likes going Cover 0 and blitzes a lot more than a Fangio(obviously). Fangio is a better defensive mind. His scheme isn't perfect and the Eagles will need to get more talented at spots to run it efficiently, but I do trust him to come in and right the ship to an extent. He has coached and developed many more successful defenses than Wilks has and it isn't even remotely close. That doesn't mean the Eagles will have a top 5 defense this year, but they shouldn't need that. Just getting us back to middle of the pack would help immensely.

If Wilks wants to come over and help with our DB's I am all for it though. 

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18 minutes ago, AZ_Eaglesfan said:

Wilks is not a good DC. Not sure what the discussion is here.

The only good defenses that he has coached were immensely talented. He failed in AZ. Failed in Cleveland. His defense at Mizzou wasn't good. His defense in his return to Carolina wasn't good. There are a ton of coaches that players like that aren't good coaches. 

I said when he got hired by the Niners this past offseason that I didn't like the hire and it is very obvious why they are moving on from him. He did get a bit shafted as they asked him to come in and essentially run someone else's scheme, but he lost Kyle's trust after the Vikings loss and it was apparent. Their defense statistically looked nice, but was in practice not nearly as good as it should be on paper. Their offense hid a ton of the flaws that their defense had by putting up points in bunches and making teams one dimensional. 

Wilks style of defense would probably be more fun to watch. He likes going Cover 0 and blitzes a lot more than a Fangio(obviously). Fangio is a better defensive mind. His scheme isn't perfect and the Eagles will need to get more talented at spots to run it efficiently, but I do trust him to come in and right the ship to an extent. He has coached and developed many more successful defenses than Wilks has and it isn't even remotely close. That doesn't mean the Eagles will have a top 5 defense this year, but they shouldn't need that. Just getting us back to middle of the pack would help immensely.

If Wilks wants to come over and help with our DB's I am all for it though. 

Wilks was better in Carolina than people remember and it was that defense that kept them in games when they had Sam Darnold at QB. That team almost made the playoffs after Rhule had them start 1-5. Can see why the players wanted him is because he is a good DC.

Wilks has become a better coach over time and Fangio's defense has been figured out. That much is clear. This is a what have you done for me lately league and Fangio isnt on the Bears anymore. We'll see what happens but Fangio is closer to a recipe for disaster than Wilks, and thats why I would rather have Wilks. Eagles had a chance to schematically change and instead they doubled down.

49ers "flaws" are the only thing that kept them in the game I guess. Kyle is the reason they lost that SB, not Wilks. Not sure what the discussion is here.

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1 hour ago, UndyTaker said:

Lets go step by step

1. Id rather have a coach that players clamored for to be their HC than a coach that the players didnt like and were glad he left...like Fangio. Especially coming to a team that literally quit on their coaching staff. Its not to say the Eagles players wont like Fangio but its something to keep an eye on.

2. Glad you can admit he ran a good defense in San Fran. 

3. This one is the most surprising because I literally told you the context in which you were missing. This whole thing started talking about trading Reddick for a younger, talented player. The point I was making is that there are only a handful of teams that would be willing to trade for Reddick because of his age and wanting of a new contract. It only makes sense for a team that believes they are superbowl contenders and in need of a player like Reddick to put them over the edge. With that said, a superbowl contending team will not trade away one of their best, young players on defense for a player like Reddick who is turning 30 and in need of a new contract. They might trade picks for him but it wont be a player for player swap, and I highly doubt the Eagles would send Reddick + significant draft picks for a certain star player in the back 7 of a defense (All of those players that were listed). YOU then brought up AJ Brown as an example of a young, talented player who was traded by a playoff caliber team as if that fit the same scenario as          what was being discussed. AJ Brown never would have been traded here if we tried to offer Reddick. Period. Thats the context that matters....and this leads me to my next point...

4. When you or anyone on here says foolish or ridiculous takes then dont be surprised or get upset at the response you get. Its like getting mad because you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar. I too have no problem being wrong and I know theres a line of people on these forums just waiting for that moment so I can eat crow, but until then you're just going to have to join me and Nabby at the bar. That is if Nabby lets you join our cool kids group.

except you weren’t arguing my take? You didn’t come in here and wipe the floor with my takes and pull up stats, examples, explanations

you basically just came in here and said “your takes stupid you know nothing about football” and did nothing to prove that. All you did was yell louder. you didn’t even attempt a conversation.

im not mad. I’m honestly laughing at how immature you are. What’re you the take police? lol 

you’re not in here dropping knowledge you’re yelling on a street corner about how the devil is amongst us. 


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