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Cold Winter Nights Mafia CIVS WIN


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On 12/29/2017 at 11:23 PM, domepatrol91 said:

@MathMan was out snooping around, as he does, and found the body of @LetTheBallFly He hadn't been mutilated, or turned to a pile of ash. No bite marks on his neck either. This was no Werewolf or Vampire or Alien. This was probably serious. He decided he needed to call this one in. He headed up the hill to see if he could get some reception.

So the night you put in a hit on LTBF, yours didn’t work but his death is unclear but marked as serious?

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16 hours ago, theuntouchable said:
On 12/29/2017 at 11:36 PM, kingseanjohn said:

Not sure I believe this. But unless there's a counter, there's no way I can vote you.

So that leaves ted, touch, fj, raves, and pats.

Right now I think FJ is mafia. I don't feel like he's really scum hunted.

Plus, night one, he voted Pats into the tie with Bucs.

Night two he was 4th on the bucs train.

Nights three and four he was third to jump on the Rags, ET lynch.


But. I'm voting Pats right now. His voting and posting has been just as unhelpful. Plus this is pretty convenient thing to post after a night when there was three deaths plus the lynch...


I’m guessing he investigated pats n3. He never voted for him again after that and when I brought up pats yesterday he avoided it. Then when I asked if he. Possibly saved two werewolves d1, his response makes me think he knew he didn’t but left it open to try and not show his hand. 

Raves has tunneled on malf nearly the whole game, I don’t think he’d do that as mafia. That and I don’t think malf has voted for him so it wouldn’t surprise me that he investigated him due to the tunneling. 

i felt confident that whicker was civ before and now believe it nearly entirely. We know a civ picked up the shotgun. 

I think you’re on to something with fj though


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3 minutes ago, Pats#1 said:

I forget who brought it up, but someone said they think Malf investigated me N3, I'll go back and try to find the post. If that's the case, then obviously Malf would have immediately started going after me, be never did.

That was me and it was a hunch based on him not voting you again after that.

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2 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

So the night you put in a hit on LTBF, yours didn’t work but his death is unclear but marked as serious?

Dome's PM: You hiding behind a tree, ready to take out LTBF, when suddenly you see him and another figure struggling. You retreat back to safety.

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3 minutes ago, theuntouchable said:

That was me and it was a hunch based on him not voting you again after that.

Yea, i just pulled it up. Couldn't remember if it was more than just a hunch or if you were going off of something more

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

In every rendition of van helsing I’ve ever read or seen he was not a *****. 

But I can only kill one person per attempt I am guessing, so how would that work out me going into the middle an already ongoing killing?

I'm thinking it was just a quick/easy excuse for Dome to write up.

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1 minute ago, Pats#1 said:

But I can only kill one person per attempt I am guessing, so how would that work out me going into the middle an already ongoing killing?

I'm thinking it was just a quick/easy excuse for Dome to write up.

So on some nights you had to ask if your hit went through and other nights he just straight up told you?

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Just now, theuntouchable said:

So on some nights you had to ask if your hit went through and other nights he just straight up told you?

No, the first night he had the explanation write up about the lights being on and someone awake in the house or something so I had to hold off, and he directly said, you can go again tomorrow.


The next night, N3, is when I asked to hit MD4L, but that was also when I wasn't able to sign onto the site until right after night started. When I saw that MD4L was killed, I asked if it was me or if my move didn't go through because of me not signing in on time.

He said it was because normal civ moves go ahead of my moves at night. That's when I asked him, remembering the Ragnarok thing about not being able to go, if this means my hit transfers to the next night now, and he said yes.


Since that point I've figured that my hits will keep transferring until they go through.

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1 minute ago, Pats#1 said:

No, the first night he had the explanation write up about the lights being on and someone awake in the house or something so I had to hold off, and he directly said, you can go again tomorrow.


The next night, N3, is when I asked to hit MD4L, but that was also when I wasn't able to sign onto the site until right after night started. When I saw that MD4L was killed, I asked if it was me or if my move didn't go through because of me not signing in on time.

He said it was because normal civ moves go ahead of my moves at night. That's when I asked him, remembering the Ragnarok thing about not being able to go, if this means my hit transfers to the next night now, and he said yes.


Since that point I've figured that my hits will keep transferring until they go through.

And the night that our cop visited ltbf, he found his body and it was proclaimed “serious” and wanted to call it in, is the same night you tried to hit ltbf? 

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2 minutes ago, Pats#1 said:

No, the first night he had the explanation write up about the lights being on and someone awake in the house or something so I had to hold off, and he directly said, you can go again tomorrow.


The next night, N3, is when I asked to hit MD4L, but that was also when I wasn't able to sign onto the site until right after night started. When I saw that MD4L was killed, I asked if it was me or if my move didn't go through because of me not signing in on time.

He said it was because normal civ moves go ahead of my moves at night. That's when I asked him, remembering the Ragnarok thing about not being able to go, if this means my hit transfers to the next night now, and he said yes.


Since that point I've figured that my hits will keep transferring until they go through.

Also, you’ve figured that they would keep transferring but mentioned earlier that you would ask if you get another hit tonight?

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