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Netflix - Dark

The Gnat

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Has anyone watched this show?

I just started it last night, and made it through most of one episode. I liked it a lot and I'm actually watching it with English subtitles and in German. I was watching it in English, but it was annoying, since it isn't animated, and the voices didn't line up all that well. I am really enjoying the aesthetic of it thus far. It is nice and creepy and supernatural feeling (though not like the goofy Supernatural show seasons). It blends itself so well into the aesthetic, it's really impressive.

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This show I would definitely NOT recommend to almost anybody.  Not because I didn't enjoy it, but because it was a giant tease for what happens next, and yet it didn't deliver.  It's the type of show that people are going to get sick of it really not progressing at all or giving the audience anything.  I'm not complaining that it's slow.  I love slow burners.  Love them.  The problem is that if you have a slow burner, you have to have that slow burn be worth it, and this show (at least the first season) did NOT have a worthy payoff.

To anybody on the fence about watching this show, I have three pieces of advice for you:

1. Prepare for a show that lives up to its name.  It is very dark.  It is disturbing.  There is no humor, it's just a dark, depressing, mind-bending story that gives you no happiness or success or characters to even really root for. 
2. It is slow.  Don't think people are exaggerating this.  I'm a fan of slow burners and I almost gave up on it 4 times. 
3. I highly suggest you wait until the second season releases at the very least.  Very unsatisfying ending to season 1 as far as resolution and answers or anything really. 

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Just watched it recently, really enjoyed it. I know @BroncosFan2010 has seen it, his review of it over in the "What tv show are you watching" thread was the reason I started watching. 

Ya, I was blown away by the show. Its not for all, certainly a slow burn. But unlike Horizonto, I believed that the ending was fantastic. It opened so many possibilities and if their budget gets increased, can lead to a really interesting second season. Its a show that I easily watched a second time a month later and found even more enjoyable.

But, you have to be able to deal with depressing, dark tones well. To me, that's fine. I don't really get down when watching anything this side of a sex trafficking documentary. I saw the tone they were going for and think they hit with perfect marks across the board.

The most underrated aspect was the music. It was phenomenal and should easily win best score for a miniseries, if that's even an awards category.

I probably will watch it a third time. The interwoven, complex, multi level character lines are reminiscent if not even more challenging than GOT. Its truly True Detective meets Donnie Darko with a smidgen of Stranger Things thrown into the pot.

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I can see how it would be too bleak for a lot of people.

I'm definitely very curious about it, because with the aesthetic, even if it is a very slow burn, it's a show that I can spend time in the aesthetic of, and appreciate the aesthetic. Hopefully without getting wrapped up into the bleakness.

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7 hours ago, BroncosFan2010 said:

Ya, I was blown away by the show. Its not for all, certainly a slow burn. But unlike Horizonto, I believed that the ending was fantastic.

I probably should have clarified.  I think the ending was very good.  However, I think the ending was EXTREMELY unsatisfying.  The show is very, very, very good and I certainly enjoy it a LOT, I just think it's a very niche show that the majority of people won't like.  I'd consider myself a fan of the show and I'm extremely anxious for the second season, it's just not a show that I positively adore like Stranger Things or something.

I hate television in general.  I didn't hate this.  That's glowing praise from me.  I just don't think too many other people will like it. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am loving the slow burn on this show. I'm liking the mystery that it is building up as to what is going on while showing you bits and pieces of things. And the music is still just amazing. I'm 4 episodes into it now and wish I could have just binged the rest of it last night. Even being a slow burn, you always feel on edge while watching it in a really good way.

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Wrapped up Dark last night. It was really good, the slow burn was worth it for me and I didn't feel like the ending was a letdown. They didn't wrap up much, that's true, but it felt more like the end of part one from a book and I want part two now and possibly a few more after that. I want to know the answers that they haven't gotten to yet and what happens to the people of Winden.

I'm tempted to watch it again in a few months to just do a better job of knowing who is who. It's a show that is trippy that way and that is great. I called a number of "surprise" this person is this person moments, but they were still very satisfying.

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