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bit of a surprise in the main event. Santos was so much more patient than I expected, and it ended up being Jan who lost his cool and ran in. You do that against Thiago you're getting slept. The announcers kept talking about Marreta's kicking game, and how Jan's gameplan may have been to neutralize that, but his hands are just as dangerous.

Anyway time to get my boy in a title shot. I'm going to erupt when he sleeps Jon Jones

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1 minute ago, Buckrock101 said:

bit of a surprise in the main event. Santos was so much more patient than I expected, and it ended up being Jan who lost his cool and ran in. You do that against Thiago you're getting slept. The announcers kept talking about Marreta's kicking game, and how Jan's gameplan may have been to neutralize that, but his hands are just as dangerous.

Anyway time to get my boy in a title shot. I'm going to erupt when he sleeps Jon Jones

Jon puts him on his *** in 30 seconds.

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1 minute ago, beekay414 said:

That's not his excuse for getting caught though, right? Cuz he gets caught frequently. 

I like El Cucuy but I also don't care for him, if that makes any sense.

probably not, I mean he almost got finished by Lando too. It's not a Tony fight without Tony getting rocked

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I loved Herb Dean taking a point just 20 seconds into the fight between Teymur and Fishgold. we all hate constant warnings with no actual repercussions, so it was great to see such a blatant fence grab getting punished. It's a shame the ref in Dodson-Yan didn't do the same. Dodson did almost exactly the same thing. Dodson even had the nerve to keep complaining to the ref after doing a clear and impactful foul himself.

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3 minutes ago, beekay414 said:

Here's a question @Buckrock101

How do you see the Pettis-Wonderboy fight going down?

Pettis's strength is moving forward while Wonderboy is a counter striker. I've tried to be as partial as possible but, am I wrong for thinking Pettis has a legit shot to beat him? 

It should be a fun fight, and Pettis should have a shot, since Wonderboy's not going to be trying to wrestle him or overwhelm him with pressure. I just worry that the fight is going to be taking place exactly how Wonderboy wants it to, so in that sense Pettis may just be a step behind the whole way.

It's a karate vs taekwondo matchup, which is cool. Winner is legit, loser has to admit they're a bs martial art.

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1 minute ago, Buckrock101 said:

It should be a fun fight, and Pettis should have a shot, since Wonderboy's not going to be trying to wrestle him or overwhelm him with pressure. I just worry that the fight is going to be taking place exactly how Wonderboy wants it to, so in that sense Pettis may just be a step behind the whole way.

It's a karate vs taekwondo matchup, which is cool. Winner is legit, loser has to admit they're a bs martial art.

I'm looking forward to those lethal body kicks. You don't see them coming. For as quick as Wonderboy is, some of those will land. 

Pettis did say that 170 isn't permanent because he knew he'd get clowned by guys like Usman, Woodley, Maia and Askren. Just said that Wonderboy provided an excellent stylistic matchup for him and that he'll be back at 155 afterwards.

He's never going to fight for a title again but he's going to be one of those "you can't cut him" types for the UFC because he's so fun.

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15 hours ago, beekay414 said:

Huge win for Petr Yan. Didn't get to see the fight but he's now 4-0 in the UFC with wins over Dodson and Douglas Silva de Andrade. He just turned 26 too. Bantamweight may have found their newest contender.

I feel like Dodson has fallen so hard so fast almost like Barao. He is 3-4 his last 7 fights and at 1 point not too long ago he was considered the #2 FW in the UFC and gave MM his toughest test in a while

Edited by JaguarCrazy2832
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